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Originally Posted by ScarCow View Post
Ok, offset might not be the correct word, i just don't know any better. Displacement, maybe? I am using N900 by the way, might that be the reason?

Anyway, now i had time to test a little, and the wrong speed display seems to be worse than in v0.0.2. Earlier it showed about the double of my actual speed, no it's more like 3-4 times. i was driving around in town, and it showed ~200 km/h for me.

Do you happen to overclocked the N900? Maybe its is related
Regarding the bad speed reading, you are the second person that mentioned it and the first that mentioned the wrong search results. I will check it out tomorrow morning on the way to work.

Putting in on google map was an excellent idea! kudos. I tried checking if there is a pattern to the errors, but they seemed semi-random. I'll try and perform the same searches and see if I can reproduce.

Does your waze set to the metric measurement system (km or miles)?

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It's not overclocked, but i have NITDroid installed, and actually waze there as well. Maybe that messes things up. Also, i installed some qt components things earlier, but i don't remember the details any more. Is it possible that it causes these? I also have CSSU.

The google map locations of course are not exact, i just tried to find the approximate position based on landmarks and names. So, if you try to check the coordinates for some systematic error, you won't find it...

It is set to metric, but i didn't set it, it set itself based on the language i guess.

Just out of curiosity, i tried the search in NITDroid waze, and it seems to work ok there as well.
Posts: 329 | Thanked: 505 times | Joined on Jul 2008 @ Israel
Originally Posted by ScarCow View Post
It's not overclocked, but i have NITDroid installed, and actually waze there as well. Maybe that messes things up. Also, i installed some qt components things earlier, but i don't remember the details any more. Is it possible that it causes these? I also have CSSU.

The google map locations of course are not exact, i just tried to find the approximate position based on landmarks and names. So, if you try to check the coordinates for some systematic error, you won't find it...

It is set to metric, but i didn't set it, it set itself based on the language i guess.

Just out of curiosity, i tried the search in NITDroid waze, and it seems to work ok there as well.
OK, thanks. I think I have a lead.

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The speed reading is ok on the N950 but is not on the N900.

Basically, the QtMobility API dictates that the speed is provided in m/s units - but this is inconsistant with the actual speed reading which is about ~3 times higher then expected.

I have used this site and it approximate that the provided speed units are actually in ft/s. :O

Then I found this link that sorts things out

Last edited by damagedspline; 2011-12-06 at 08:03. Reason: definite match for speed issue

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I got a problem after upgrading to new version. I used the first release, than I installed the upgrade and it worked perfect, except the speed reading was still very fast. So I thougt this could be associated with my old user settings (now I know that it was not already fixed for the N900). So I decided to start with a clean Installation and deleted everything I found in the my docs and documents folder. Installed the latest version again.

The problem now is that for some funny reason my user settings are still there, but the map is gone.
I can see my car and other users, the dashboard is still working, but I can't see a single street.

So, obviously I would like to see streets again, or make a clean installation again. Where are the user settings stored? Is it possible to download the map? The waze folder in documents is still not there.

Thanks for your help!
Posts: 329 | Thanked: 505 times | Joined on Jul 2008 @ Israel
Originally Posted by loc69 View Post
I got a problem after upgrading to new version. I used the first release, than I installed the upgrade and it worked perfect, except the speed reading was still very fast. So I thougt this could be associated with my old user settings (now I know that it was not already fixed for the N900). So I decided to start with a clean Installation and deleted everything I found in the my docs and documents folder. Installed the latest version again.

The problem now is that for some funny reason my user settings are still there, but the map is gone.
I can see my car and other users, the dashboard is still working, but I can't see a single street.

So, obviously I would like to see streets again, or make a clean installation again. Where are the user settings stored? Is it possible to download the map? The waze folder in documents is still not there.

Thanks for your help!

The speed reading is a known issue which only affects N900.
The settings are stored in /home/user/.waze & /home/user/MyDocs/.waze
remove those 2 folders to start from scratch. if you have v0.0.3 installed they will be recreated when you start waze.

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thank you for your help. I get my streets back somehow. I have to install the first release (which gave me back my .waze folders) and updated with the latest version. Than I used the "update map" function, which in former tries makes waze shut down.

Anyway it is working again, and I really like it, and it's so great to see it on the N900!!

Thanks for your work.
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Been watching this app for quite some time, and finally downloaded it to my N900, installed fine rebooted my phone had the Waze icon. Pressed the icon, GPS started and I waited and waited then was brought back to my desktop? Can't seem to get the app to open, any and all help welcomed.
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@AgentZ try running it in the console
and put up the results

Great work on this new version!! wow I almost miss the flickering lol
Posts: 139 | Thanked: 20 times | Joined on Apr 2010 @ Planet Earth for now!
don't know if i did it correctly, but it says not found? but in Filebox it shows to be there? tried both as root and nonroot?

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