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Can you please post the sources for these packages? At least libpurple and telepathy-haze are GPL'd, so if you are distributing binaries, you also have to distribute/offer the sources. I'm not sure about im-providers-additional, but it would be great if you could publish its sources as well

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thp, libpurple0 and telepathy-haze vanila armel packages from debian. not recompiled, just repackaged for description info changes, for installing from web/filemanager.
im-providers-additional contains only png and text files for im providers info.

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Originally Posted by coderus View Post
thp, libpurple0 and telepathy-haze vanila armel packages from debian. not recompiled, just repackaged for description info changes, for installing from web/filemanager.
im-providers-additional contains only png and text files for im providers info.
Ok, in that case it might be good to have that info (that it's just the Debian packages repackaged) on the web page and the first post of this thread, and also list the changes (if you say repackaged fo these reasons, I assume you mean prefixing the section with "user/"?) + link to the sources in Debian.

As for the im-providers-additional package, it would still be nice to have the source package just for good measure (extracting and reassembling the package is not very clean in my opinion, especially when wanting to share patches/improvements).

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So, I've compared the contents of the available packages with libpurple0_2.10.0-1+b2_armel.deb and telepathy-haze_0.5.0-1_armel.deb from Debian (if that's the wrong version, please tell me which version was used - and put that info on the web page as well).

The libraries and even the structure of libpurple0 are not the same, so pointing to the Debian sources is not enough. Please just publish the sources from which these packages were built ("dpkg-buildpackage -S" generates the necessary files) - no big deal (and you are required to do so by the GPL, so no arguing about that).

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libpurple0_2.10.0_armel.deb and telepathy-haze_0.5.0-1_armel.deb
for other info wait for author =)

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Originally Posted by oprocopio View Post
Is there any possibility to implement also Samtime / Meanwhile?
Here's a list of haze protocols i found:

    { "aim", "prpl-aim", NULL, "x-aim" },
    /* Seriously. */
    { "facebook", "prpl-bigbrownchunx-facebookim", NULL, "" },
    { "gadugadu", "prpl-gg", NULL, "x-gadugadu" },
    { "groupwise", "prpl-novell", NULL, "x-groupwise" },
    { "irc", "prpl-irc", irc_mappings, "x-irc" /* ? */ },
    { "icq", "prpl-icq", encoding_to_charset, "x-icq" },
    { "jabber", "prpl-jabber", jabber_mappings, "x-jabber", jabber_fixup },
    { "local-xmpp", "prpl-bonjour", bonjour_mappings, "" /* ? */ },
    { "msn", "prpl-msn", NULL, "x-msn" },
    { "qq", "prpl-qq", NULL, "x-qq" /* ? */ },
    { "sametime", "prpl-meanwhile", NULL, "x-sametime" /* ? */ },
    { "sipe", "prpl-sipe", sipe_mappings, "" /* ? */ },
    { "yahoo", "prpl-yahoo", yahoo_mappings, "x-yahoo" },
    { "yahoojp", "prpl-yahoojp", yahoo_mappings, "x-yahoo" /* ? */ },
    { "zephyr", "prpl-zephyr", encoding_to_charset, "x-zephyr" /* ? */ },
    { "mxit", "prpl-loubserp-mxit", NULL, "x-mxit" /* ? */ },
    { "sip", "prpl-simple", NULL, "x-sip" },
So in theory you should be able to duplicate a provider and a service file and change the protocol field in the service file to whichever of these you want. However, I tried to create a haze/sametime account with mc-tool and it threw back unknown protocol. Dunno what's happening there.

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is this going to be hosted by some official/community maintained deb repository?
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Excellent work!

I'm the maintainer of telepathy-msn-pecan on the N900, and I've wanted to package it for N9 as well, but I haven't had time, and each time I try this accounts-ui stuff, I get blocked.

I would love to see your source code, I'm pretty sure the same could be used to enable Jabber through telepathy-gabble.

Anyway, for msn-pecan I used libpurple-mini+telepathy-haze+msn-pecan, and the whole thing is just 400k. I find it strange that you cannot install shared libraries... Maybe the restriction is that all of them are on the same package? That shouldn't be hard.

Anyway, I played around with statically linking these 3 components at some point, and it worked fine, and generated a single binary. I wrote my own build system to avoid a bunch of unnecessary crap though. I'll push that stuff somewhere so that you can take a look.

In the meantime, here's libpurple packaged in a minimalistic way:


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Posts: 194 | Thanked: 127 times | Joined on Mar 2010 @ Manchester, UK
I know that there's a thanks button, but at the risk of breaking protocol and cluttering your thread, I just wanted to express my sincere gratitude for your work on this. There are many N9 who have been waiting for this and will be very appreciative of your efforts.
Posts: 69 | Thanked: 18 times | Joined on Apr 2010
Originally Posted by rexii23 View Post
Found an issue with Haze using msn. If the contact you wish to talk to is on 'appear offline', then the message sent from the n9 won't be see by that contact. If that contact messages you however, the message does appear. If the contact is on any other status ie online, busy, away, there are not problems.

Is this happening to any one else? Can someone test? I didn't have this issue with butterfly but I had bad connection problems and battery drain with butterfly so I would much prefer to keep haze. This issue with appear offline contacts is almost a deal breaker though!
I think I've found a cause for the problem I'm experiencing. A bit more hunting on the libpurple0 bug tracker shows that people are experiencing similar issues with version 18 of the MSN protocol.

I've replicated the problem by installing pidgin on my PC and tried to message a Windows Live Messenger contact. The result is that they do not receive the message. If the contact messages me however, I do receive the message and if I message back within a few minutes they would get my reply message, if I leave it for any longer then the message disappears again.

I've gone back to butterfly and it seems be immune to the problem. The downside for me is poor connection quality (it would lose connection at the drop of a hat while haze keeps me constantly connected during 3.5G->3G->2G connection changes) and the resulting battery drain.

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