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As the .deb and wgames-installed versions weren't working here I post the working way:

1. Get the ipk file and copy it to your game folder, for example
It's how to do it assuming the file is in the vfat partiton and the dir above for the game
cp /home/user/MyDocs/com*hawx*.ipk /home/user/Games/Hawx/
2. go to the copied file
cd /home/user/Games/Hawx
3. extract the file
dpkg -x com*hawx*.ipk .
4. follow the instructions from faq (I'll add them later)
mkdir -p /media/cryptofs/apps/usr/palm/applications
ln -s /home/user/Games/Hawx/usr/palm/applications/ / /media/cryptofs/apps/usr/palm/applications/
if the path
5.create the desktop file
cd usr/palm/applications/com*hawx*
sudo preenv
dekstopgen appinfo.json
6. enjoy!!!
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Last edited by marmistrz; 2011-12-22 at 11:35. Reason: added the instructions for cryptofs

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