Poll: Delet the values from the speedpatch?
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Delet the values from the speedpatch?

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Posts: 7 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Dec 2011
Hi Karam,
I have reflashed my phone,and i have just installed the lastest CSSU & battery patch & speed patch.
But when I played 2 sample videos with media player: the first time is ok, the second time it stop while playing, and the third times it said that "unable to play...Media...not support". So I uninstall the battery patch and reboot again, and my phone have reboot looped. I have to reflash once again.
The last time i use this version (in the attach), and I think it's the best choose for my phone.

Last edited by Kenny.Vo; 2011-12-29 at 14:45. Reason: Remove attachment
Posts: 60 | Thanked: 4 times | Joined on Apr 2011
Originally Posted by karam View Post
HELLO Everybody
This Guide Has 4 Parts :
1: Speed Patch : To Speed Up N900
2: Battery Patch : To Have A Long Battery Life
3: Battery Patch Non KP : For non kernel-power users
4: Tweaks : To Make You Enjoy N900

Part 1: Speed Patch


A lot of you must have heard about the 200 lines to speed up linux while blackhat announced 4 lines to do that and it is called miracle patch
anyway neither of the available tutorials on internel are working on N900

BUT For Fortunately i was able to apply it to Maemo 5 on N900!!!!!

You will notice a lot of improvements in hildon-desktop
and basically every thing will be improved


What Does It Do
The CFS (completely fair scheduler) in our phone's kernel manages the allocation of resources (cpu/mem) between tasks.
It was designed to cope with server-class machines such as web servers and databases, giving all tasks equal access to resources.
This means if a server is really busy, then all tasks on the machine slow down equally.
Desktop/mobile class machines shouldn't work the same way as servers though.
They have a human user who expects the machine to respond and give feedback within a certain time.
If a machine is slow to respond, the user loses some sense of control over the machine.
This patch addresses the problem by taking note of what the user is doing right now, and using that information to accelerate the current task, and decelerate other tasks on the system.
The user won't notice the background stuff going slower, they will just see their app working fast. The patch does this by creating multiple classes of task
If you look at the contents of these files, you'll see the process IDs of all the tasks in each class. CPU and memory are shared out to these classes using the files "cpu.shares", and "memory_limit_in_bytes".
When lots of tasks are demanding CPU/memory at once, the resources are handed out to tasks depending on their share.
This is why your phone feels nicer when you have this patch - the kernel automatically classifies tasks and devotes more of cpu/mem to the "application" and "desktop" class tasks, and much less to other classes like "standby".

Installing Speed Patch

sudo gainroot
apt-get install speedpatch
Then Reboot twice
1-)If there was an error in xterm after speedpatch is installed and launched xterminal
that means speed patch was not applied

2-)Speed Patch may not be activated from the first 2 reboots
it may need up to 4 or 5 reboots
i still don't know why is this happening
but once it's activated it doesn't need any further reboots
to check if it was activated
read at the checking section below

3-)if you are having the xterminal problem and it disappear after xterminal is loaded then:
do this to fix it
#(as user)
rm .cache/launch/com.nokia.xterm.pvr
4-)And if your N900 improperly shut down because of an unexpected reboot
or because of a battery drain
then speedpatch will now be activated on the next reboot
to solve just reboot once

Uninstalling Speed Patch
To remove the patch:

sudo gainroot
apt-get purge speedpatch
Then Reboot


The simplest way to see how the patch effect
is to open browser windows about 8 before applying the patch
and 8 after applying the patch
you will notice a huge improvement




This Tweak Improves The Battery Life of Our N900
For Standby And Continues Time Of Usage

Compatible with all KP versions

When device is locked : or system is inactive or the brightness is off (except when having a call)

1-) vfs_cache_pressure goes to 10 : it's proven that doing this saves a lot of battery on standby
2-) change to underclock profile : vdd1 vdd2 enabled, (but with KPv48=> only vdd1 enabled) powersave_bias=20 and the stock voltages to avoid reboots
3-) renice 1 some processes

When the device is unlocked or the brightness is on

1-) vfs_cache_pressure goes back to 100
2-) overclock profile is loaded : vdd1 vdd2 enabled, conservative mode and powersave_bias=20
3-) renice 0 the previous processes

Extra Feature

Someone may say "i don't want my N900 to use underclock profile and pause some processes when i lock the screen because i'm downloading a large application to install it"

Solution is :
Open the keyboard, lock the screen and leave the keyboard opened
in that case batterypatch is temporary disabled
so locking the screen will activate it's features


dbus-scripts, kernel-power, kernel-power-flasher, kernelpower-settings

Installing Battery Patch
sudo gainroot
apt-get install batterypatch

Uninstalling Battery Patch

sudo gainroot
apt-get purge batterypatch

Part3 : BATTERY PATCH Non kernel-power users


This version is for people who doesn't use kernel-power
This Tweak Improves The Battery Life of Our N900
UNLIKE THE Battery Patch Full version


When device is locked : or system is inactive

1-) vfs_cache_pressure goes to 10 : it's proven that doing this saves a lot of battery on standby

When the device is unlocked or the brightness is on

1-) vfs_cache_pressure goes back to 100



Installing Battery Patch Non kernel-power users
sudo gainroot
apt-get install batterypatch-non-kp

Uninstalling Battery Patch Non kernel-power users

sudo gainroot
apt-get purge batterypatch-non-kp


1. To check if Speedpatch was installed Correctly:

Open an xterm window
if no errors appeared that means speedpatch is applied

cd /dev/cgroup/cpu/user/
You Should see some files
2.To check if Battery Patch was applied :

sudo gainroot
echo 1000 >> /proc/sys/vm/vfs_cache_pressure
Then lock the phone and unlock it
cat /proc/sys/vm/vfs_cache_pressure
you should see 100
If so then the patch is applied


Q-) I cannot change max frequency with qcpu or any other gui cpu freq changer!!!!

A-) To change the max cpu frequency you need to edit the max freq at :
/usr/share/kernel-power-settings/overclock with any text editor ex:
sudo gainroot
apt-get install leafpad
leafpad /usr/share/kernel-power-settings/overclock
and then change the maxfreq to anything you want down than save and quit

Q-) My N900 shows low battery and when i lock the phone and leave it idle ..the battery bar will rise up again

A-)N900 will recalculate the remaining battery charge according to the way using it
.. if you are using N900 in a heavy way then battery bar will show less than leaving N900 on idle mode



1-) You may try hardware accelerator wich will make hildon-desktop smoother
BUT it is known to be unstable so if it caused any hildon-dekstop crashs or reboots simply disable it

To enable it :
use any text editor to edit /etc/powervr.d/hildon-desktop.ini and change WSEGL_UseHWSync=0 to WSEGL_UseHWSync=1
so :

sudo gainroot
leafpad /etc/powervr.d/hildon-desktop.ini
and change


Believe me hildon will be much smoother but as i said before if any reboots occurred then disable it by changing



IMPORTANT: if you was very unlucky with HWsync you may have to reflash Your N900
because it may cause a reboot loop
otherwise it is stable to use on 80% of N900s

2-) And you may also want swappolube and it's proposed values
to install it

sudo gainroot
apt-get install swappolube
once installed launch it then press on PROPOSED button then APPLY then STORE


3-) And you may also want tracker-cfg and lowmemory mode (will make tracker use less CPU and Memory wich will improve the speed a bit)
install it :

sudo gainroot
apt-get install tracker-cfg
once installed launch it and choose lowmemorymode
Then save and exit


4-) And ApMeFo app wich organizes folders your menu(try to reduce the shortcuts by putting them in folders) this will improve transitions

to install:

sudo gainroot
apt-get install apmefo

5-) And installing CSSU with it's nice modified hildon-*
for installing it



6-)Also kernel-power is recommended

to install it :

sudo gainroot
apt-get install kernel-power-flasher


You should have a really fast and smooth N900

BTW The Tweaks Are All optional But For the best result Apply Them All


Thanks for :
thingonaspring for helping me with speedpatch
vi_ for helping me with batterypatch

Full Removal script for speedpatch and batterypatch for people who messed up due the many updates
from attachments
Download and move to /home/user then execute
sudo gainroot
mv /home/user/MyDocs/speedpatch-batterypatch-remove.txt /home/user/sbr
chmod +rwx /home/user/sbr
But remember to reboot after removing before reinstalling the patches
i have a problem with overloking my device i can normaly change my cpu frequency but after sometime it automaitcaly changes it to 600mhz or 805 i dont no why i tried all apps for cpu frequency change and all having same problrm so plz solve this problem and provide best solution..thanks
Minhaz's Avatar
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@sandymahrok u know something you dont really have to quote that whole post for your problem....

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Originally Posted by sandymahrok View Post
i have a problem with overloking my device i can normaly change my cpu frequency but after sometime it automaitcaly changes it to 600mhz or 805 i dont no why i tried all apps for cpu frequency change and all having same problrm so plz solve this problem and provide best solution..thanks
Are you using battery batch? If so, when the phone locks it will revert to the underclock profile and switch to the overclock profile when it unlocks again.

To stop this, you need to manually adjust those profiles or to edit the scripts to use a custom profile of your own.

The dbus scripts are found in /opt/dbus-scripts. you need to edit cpu_normal and cpu_sleep and change "Kernel-config load overclock/underclock" to your custom profile.

The profiles are located in /usr.share.kernel-power-settings. You can manually add your new/extra clock setting in there if you know what you're doing.
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i got it now
seems your problem is not with battetypatch it self
it's with smartreflex some N900 cannot play videos smoothly while having vdd1 enabled

and please remove the attachment now lol i see some download rate

you can install the latest batteypatch and edit /usr/share/kernel-power-settings/overclock
and change vdd1 to 0

and the reboot loop happened because that old version (2.1) is not fully compatible with KPv49 (it has some problems with prerm script)

Last edited by karam; 2011-12-29 at 13:16.

The Following User Says Thank You to karam For This Useful Post:
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where to edit /usr/share/kernel-power-settings/overclock can u tell me in detail
Posts: 7 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Dec 2011
Thank Karam for your help, and now my problem have been solved.
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i got a problemm with my xterm after install speedpatch i always get an error when i start xterm it shows (-sh: /home/user/.bashrc: line 5: cannot create /dev/cgroup/cpu/user/22470/​tasks: nonexistent directory
-sh: /home/user/.bashrc: line 5: cannot create /dev/cgroup/cpu/user/22470/​notify_on_release: nonexistent directory) it means speed patch is not installed but why every time this message come even i uninstall speedpatch plz help me to solve this.
willi6868's Avatar
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Originally Posted by sandymahrok View Post
i got a problemm with my xterm after install speedpatch i always get an error when i start xterm it shows (-sh: /home/user/.bashrc: line 5: cannot create /dev/cgroup/cpu/user/22470/​tasks: nonexistent directory
-sh: /home/user/.bashrc: line 5: cannot create /dev/cgroup/cpu/user/22470/​notify_on_release: nonexistent directory) it means speed patch is not installed but why every time this message come even i uninstall speedpatch plz help me to solve this.

I get this probmlem very often. A reboot should fix it. Sometimes I have to reboot 4 times in a row...
Posts: 856 | Thanked: 1,681 times | Joined on Apr 2010 @ Aleppo ,Syria

The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to karam For This Useful Post:

autobrick, awesome-script, do no install, f***epitaph, install it now, perfect_ n900, script-a-brick, very safe

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