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Posts: 36 | Thanked: 4 times | Joined on Nov 2007 @ Orlando, FL
I have had my n800 for just over a month. I am loving all that I can do aready, but I want to learn more. I know very little about linux, and as such am terrified of the command line, etc. I am not even sure what red pill mode means.

Could someone suggest some websites that might help me become more conversant? I currently feel like I have trouble asking the right ?s because I don't know what I'm talking about
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Find yourself an intro to bash on google, then hit up the the wikipedia articles on linux, and finally peruse
Posts: 5,795 | Thanked: 3,151 times | Joined on Feb 2007 @ Agoura Hills Calif
#3 has some good tutorials.

Google "linux beginners" and you'll find some great resources.

You can put Linux on a CD and run it from a laptop or desktop. I like Puppy Linux ( for its user-friendly community.

Learn vim and impress everyone with your nerdiness! There are lots of good vim resources.

Above all, just keep going. You will pick up what you need to know, and then some.

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