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@Seker_94 - if you pull your head from the no-sunshine place you hold it and make an effort to actually read what thedarkus, me and Pali wrote, then you will realize that your last post here is absolutely useless.

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Originally Posted by freemangordon View Post
@Seker_94 - if you pull your head from the no-sunshine place you hold it and make an effort to actually read what thedarkus, me and Pali wrote, then you will realize that your last post here is absolutely useless.
that is why my post started with

just 2 cents
2 cents is not compared to a dollar
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guys, can i ask? where is the location of the temperature and the current value in this pk v49?

they are missing in /sys/class/power_supply/bq27200-0/current_now and /sys/class/power_supply/bq27200-0/temp

even the power_supply folder is missing.


Last edited by aizudean; 2012-02-01 at 18:38.
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Originally Posted by Seker_94 View Post
just my 2 cents

you are saying that Battery patch is First possible of the problem
but it depends on KP
so if you removed Batttery patch and you still have the drain then the problem is not from it but KP is left installed
you said
so you reflashed
you removed KP and Battery patch together
this can not make you tell from what the problem was caused

i see here that KP is the second reason for the problem
doesn't Battery patch depend on it ?
so installing KP caused the trouble
installing Battery patch caused the trouble because it installed KP with it
can not understand this

btw there is a different drain from stock kernel
i say 5% of extra drain by KP
not much maybe because many modules loaded ?

Man, when i suspected there was something wrong with battery patch i started workin around it step by step. Before reflashing the device i tried different solution, first removing the battery patch. Observing that the problem was still there, i started lookin around for suggestion. On this forum i read a topic regarding the same question, where many users said that simply removing battery patch is not enough to solve the problem, 'cos some entry injected in configuration files still remain there despite the removal of the patch. This is why i prefered to reflash the device.

Once did, i set up a new installation of power kernel choosing to not install again the battery patch. Then i saw that the problem was solved and read in this forum so many similar stories like mine. I came to the conclusion that the battery patch was responsable for the first problem i encountered.

I have not any kind of problem about this patch, i loved it when i was running it with the stock kernel. But if I am just one of the many users that have a problem using it with PK, why should I use it again? I mean, maybe the manteiner of the project will fix the bug. When this will be done, i will reinstall it again.

You probably misunderstood what i said in the post you have quoted. I didn't say that batttery patch is "the evil". I just only said that battery batch, in his current revision, used with PK49, was responsable for heavy battery drain in low-use mode.


Last edited by thedarkus; 2012-02-01 at 19:07.

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Originally Posted by pali View Post
That stupid SW is HAL. In kernel-power git tree I disabled some power_supply warnings. But in this log is really error for bq27x00_battery (search for learning cycles):
bq27x00-battery 2-0055: battery is not calibrated! ignoring capacity values

Anyway, bq27x00_battery should not be loaded when BME is running!
Pali, i think i got the problem in my hand. It seems that is not Advanced Power that caused the problem. I am now runnin with a clean dmsg output. Before adding other infos to this post, i want to observe the behaviour of the device for at least two battery cycle. Tomorrow i will come back here with some evidence about it.

For now, i want to thank you and all other people involved in the develope of the this custom kernel. I think your work is really appreciated by so many users all around the world. A couple of years ago i choose the n900 as my smartphone especially for the amazing community that works behind maemo. Having a direct partecipation of the mantainer of the project, the first time i had a problem, reveal to me that my choice was right.


Last edited by thedarkus; 2012-02-01 at 19:22.

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Well, after upgrading to kp49 I had bq_27x00 added to /etc/modules (for unknown reason, as I certainly haven't put it there, but for other people sole KP installation wasn't resulting in adding it there too), so it was ignoring /etc/modules.d/blacklist.

So, thedarkus, please ensure that it isn't listed there (thus, loaded at boot time).

As for batterypath, the funny think is that indeed it *is* evil, but it's thing discussed to oblivion in other threads. Just be sure, that You're not using speedpath to in "tandem" with KP, please.

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Originally Posted by petur View Post
Since it is working fine for me and a whole lot of other people (the majority, I'd say), maybe you should consider the fact that something is wrong on your n900 specifically?
Maybe...what kind of thing though?
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7 days now running on dsp profile, no lags, no reboot, and at least 20 % of battery improvement when in daily use tasks like to watch movies and listen music included hands free, navigation, ssh, file transfers over sftp, etc. But for some reason, video player doesn't work pretty good when OCing to 850. No problem im very happy with 805 anyway... Thanks guys!!! Thats a very good work.

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Originally Posted by Estel View Post
Well, after upgrading to kp49 I had bq_27x00 added to /etc/modules (for unknown reason, as I certainly haven't put it there, but for other people sole KP installation wasn't resulting in adding it there too), so it was ignoring /etc/modules.d/blacklist.

So, thedarkus, please ensure that it isn't listed there (thus, loaded at boot time).

As for batterypath, the funny think is that indeed it *is* evil, but it's thing discussed to oblivion in other threads. Just be sure, that You're not using speedpath to in "tandem" with KP, please.


Checked /etc/modules and bq27x00 isn't listed here. I am unable to find etc/module.d/blacklist in my device.

No, i'm not running battery patch and i'm not running speedpatch.

@ Pali, as i told you yesterday, i found the reason why the dmesg output was so full of error regarding the bq27x00 module: i really don't know why, but in qCpuFreq settings was selected the option "use more accurate temperature reading". Deselected that option, now my dmesg output is clean, without any kind of message regarding that module. I NEVER selected that option by my self, i can swear it. I can't tell you why that box was checked, I'm sorry.

Someone asked me if i'm running advanced power monitor to have details about amount of power remaining in the battery. Yes, i'm running it. I removed it this morning, rebooted and observed the behaviour of the device: still the same, heavy battery drain. So i reinstalled it, 'cos I don't think is responsable for the problem.

Someone asked me how i can tell you that i have heavy battery drain: simply, using both battery eye and battery graph apps, i can see that in only 7 hours, my battery drain almost 55% of energy available. This with the device locked, with no data connection, with wifi module disabled (by advanced interface switcher), in 2G only mode, with no widget, and without any kind of imput to the device. In almost 12 hrs, my battery die.

I can observe the same behaviour with both battery that i own, the original found in the n900 box (2 yrs old) and with another that came from a new nokia i bought a couple of months ago (secondary device, fresh battery with 10 recharge cycle).

I monitored running processes in the background, using conky and the top command in xterminal: there is nothing strange, except for Xorg process that continue to handle a log file named xorg.0.log, but with low cpu usage (2-4%).


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Originally Posted by thedarkus View Post
I am unable to find etc/module.d/blacklist in my device.
The 'blacklist' file is in /etc/modprobe.d directory

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battery-status, bq27x00_battery, kernel, kernel-power, misiak4king, noobs-cant-read, pali4president, patches, readdirections, revolverspinyou

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