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I have Nokia N9 since 2 months and I have experienced twice a weird internet connection issue:
although I am connected to either GPRS or Wi-Fi network no application can access web. In the same time mail is checked/received/sent, I can ping/ssh peers on the same(Wi-Fi) network, there are valid settings when I look in ifconfig.
I have tried disconnecting/connecting, putting the device in flight mode. Nothing changes until i restart the phone. After that everything is back to normal again.
Anybody have had similar experience?
Posts: 147 | Thanked: 228 times | Joined on Feb 2010 @ Toronto, Canada
Happened to me today as well. Only a reboot fixed it. No idea why though.
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Posts: 861 | Thanked: 936 times | Joined on Feb 2010 @ Bulgaria
Thanks for the answer, I think if several more members have had similar symptoms we must file a bug report in bugzilla.
Posts: 191 | Thanked: 415 times | Joined on Jan 2012
There is an open bug on this issue:
Please vote on it so it gets fixed asap!

If you happen to have your device in this state now, please test a possible workaround as outlined in comment#6 and report back.

Last edited by caveman; 2012-02-08 at 11:50.

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Posts: 861 | Thanked: 936 times | Joined on Feb 2010 @ Bulgaria
Thank you! Voted.
Unfortunately I have just restarted my device 3 hours ago - posting from it right now so next time I will do test the propsed solution.
Posts: 56 | Thanked: 14 times | Joined on Jan 2012 @ Germany
Had this as well several times. othjer issues include the an application want's to connect but the screen to choose a connection (3G/WIFI) never shows up. So the application simply says "can't connect"
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Please everybody who have experienced(and NOT) to vote for this bug:
Posts: 188 | Thanked: 90 times | Joined on Sep 2006
Originally Posted by caveman View Post
There is an open bug on this issue:
Please vote on it so it gets fixed asap!

If you happen to have your device in this state now, please test a possible workaround as outlined in comment#6 and report back.
Just to add it here: the command to do is (as root):
/sbin/initctl restart xsession/icd2
and I originally figured that out and mentioned that related to just wifi connectivity (no data plan, never use cellular data) in this thread:, and I opened this bug:, which, based on you guys having problems with the same thing (at least, with the same thing fixing it) on cellular data, I would guess is likely due to the same underlying problem.

For the moment, I won't close my bug, I would like to know if for more people the above command fixes things, and if you are having problems with cellular or wifi connections. (Bug 126 is about cell connections, 770 is about wifi connections.)
If I said something useful, please hit the 'Thanks!' link related to that post.

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Posts: 861 | Thanked: 936 times | Joined on Feb 2010 @ Bulgaria
I am experiencing this issue on both cellular(GPRS) and Wi-Fi connections. Reading comments it looks like one and the same issue to me, although never experienced "3.
 or tap on connect to network: no networks found (just shows cellular option and hidden SSID network connection option)". I always see normal networks.
Voted for both bugs

Last edited by zlatko; 2012-02-08 at 13:14.
Posts: 15 | Thanked: 5 times | Joined on Jan 2012 @ Brazil
It's really annoying... I bought this phone here in Brazil and paid almost the same I'd pay for an Iphone 4...

As an avarage users who doesn't understand anything about bugs, programming, and so on, it's RIDICULUOUS that I have to come here averyday searching for solutions when I have no idea what you guys are talking about...

I always loved Nokia, I'll admit, I did have issues with my N8, had to restart it once or twice a week, but not being able to connect the 3g seems way too absurd for me...

I use my smartphone to work, I even changed my email account to gmail (cause it's the only one that works), but I'm just waiting until Nokia launhces the SAME phone here, but Windows powered...

Thank you so much Maemo/Meego for the total lack of consideration with normal, dumb, avarage users like myself.

Maybe now I understand why Nokia have deicded to give up using this swipe-easy to use-but crappy internet/email system...

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