Poll: Would you buy an N10 with the above spec?
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Would you buy an N10 with the above spec?

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windows7's Avatar
Posts: 435 | Thanked: 160 times | Joined on Dec 2009
Never buying another Nokia phone as Nokia no longer able to make phones like they did. Time has come to move to android after maemo and my n900 broke due to a bad design in the power connector. Funny my old n95 is still going. Nokia has lost the edge with the quality. Also I don't want a windows phone.

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ibrakalifa's Avatar
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so please nokia, wake up!!!

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Posts: 329 | Thanked: 422 times | Joined on Feb 2011 @ derpton
Pffffft, you're thinking WAY too small. I'd buy it if:

5.0inch S-IPS+ screen (Gorilla Glass, 1920 x 1200)
Single piece Aluminuum Body
Similar form-factor to Galaxy Note, but with pop-out Keyboard (only 8.3mm thick when closed)
2GHz Dual Core Tegra4 (hey it's coming!)
256GB Flash storage space
LTE-ready Modem
Larger battery 5000mAh
Official USB-OTG support with included adapter
41MP camera with Carl Zeiss lens
Built-in FullHD pico projector
Colour options of:

all colours of the rainbow

Meego-Harmattan extended beyond N9 PR 1.3, with Alien Dalvik, official wine and osx emulators

Handset MRSP Price £109 / $199 / €149

Why hold yourself back when fantasizing?

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I don't care very much for big numbers in hardware, as long as it is decent. (However the device shouldn't be larger than it is. Those huge phones of these days are getting impractical to carry.)

What I do care is software. These devices have desktop-like power, yet Windows Phone and iOS treat users like mentally challenged with their stupendously backwards implementation of the multitasking concept. Concurrently (ha!) they are compatible with just about nothing that exists yet, so that every piece of software has to be re-implemented - poorly, often.

These devices can bridge desktop and mobile use. The N900 and N9 are powerful enough to run a full desktop OS, and with some hacking already can. Hook up a HDMI display, bluetooth keyboard and mouse and voila you can run anything from LibreOffice, Netbeans, full browser, remote desktop and what have you. Mind you, this is impossible with iOS, probably impossible with Windows Phone and quite hard on Android.

Also, the platform really should be open. Locked bootloaders, TPM's which won't let me add keys, closed specifications should be avoided like the plague. Would you accept it if your PC can only run Windows 7? Heck, even Macs allow you to install other OSses.

Of course, existing and open systems and protocols should be supported. I'm still flabbergasted the N9 lacks (official) SyncML and XMPP support. UPnP was only just added. IMAP support is still sub par compared to e.g. Thunderbird. Instead I'm greated with proprietary and privacy-damaging things like Facebook, GMail and Dropbox.
Windows Phone, for that matter, is even far worse in this regard: you can't even send or receive a vcard over bluetooth. Bluetooth tethering? Nope. Unbelievable.

Alas, the big hardware numbers mean nothing if the software limit the power-use of the device. Software is key, and that goes far further than the number of apps in the store.

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it's not even worth voting.

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Posts: 233 | Thanked: 532 times | Joined on Sep 2011
I would buy an N10 with one only feature: SUPPORT I am fed up with abandoned products.

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ste-phan's Avatar
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If it was an N900 (including keyb, same old screen,, FM Tx, removable battery, distinguishable design etc..., you know,.. the lot)

Dual core something
Dedicated GPU
1GB RAM at least
IR receiver to copy remote controls
Clearview camera + HDMI out (the only thing desirable in all those other models)
Maemo 5
Open drivers in trade for the usual no support from Nokia.

for existing N900 loyalists a reduced price backplane upgrade kit will do.

Yes every 2 years the successor swaps between candybar design phone to real men's tool and back - deal?

Last edited by ste-phan; 2012-03-11 at 07:56.
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Originally Posted by Tarzan- View Post
I'm loyal to Nokia, so no matter what OS, it has to be Nokia
How's that blind loyalty going for you?

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Dave999's Avatar
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Nokia has a huge team working on the N10. They are located in a secret abandoned missile factory in the mountains. This team was the last wish of OPK. The team is unknown to Elop and they will release the device under a new flag, fokia.
Do something for the climate today! Anything!

I don't trust poeple without a Nokia n900...

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danramos's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Dave999 View Post
Nokia has a huge team working on the N10. They are located in a secret abandoned missile factory in the mountains. This team was the last wish of OPK. The team is unknown to Elop and they will release the device under a new flag, fokia.
Well, that's not much different from buying a Chinese knock-off.. similar name and all. Although, to better reflect the Nokia spirit of customer support, it should have been named 'Fokiu'.
Nokia's slogan shouldn't be the pedo-palmgrabbing image with the slogan, "Connecting People"... It should be one hand open pleadingly with another hand giving the middle finger and the more apt slogan, "Potential Unrealized." --DR

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buysomethinelse, free oss, goodbyenokia, idiot thread, idiotibrakalifa, schizophrenia, tizen doa, tizen lives, tizen schmizen, troll fest!

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