Poll: Which phone makes more sense to buy?
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Which phone makes more sense to buy?

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Moderator | Posts: 5,320 | Thanked: 4,464 times | Joined on Oct 2009
Originally Posted by Estel View Post
They've put it into N900, where kernel flashing did not void the warranty. You really believe, that they omitted such a thing in N9, where it *does* void warranty?... Wishful thinking, thats it.
I've put the question to javispedro, if anyone has a definitive answer, he will

I looks like he's already noticed you quoting him.

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I'm going to return my N9 and stick with my N900. Will I be the first person on this site to do this? I'll post on a separate thread about why once I've done it.

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Originally Posted by Estel View Post
And, somehow "brilliant" idea by Nokians - if any component in N9 turn out to be like famous "USB port broken issue", they won't need to replace anything and listen about how user want phone repaired, not other model as replacement. They will just check (unclearable, without bricking device permanently) records of flashing kernel, and answer "warranty void!".
IANAL and all, but this is almost certainly not the case. If anything, it's rather to make it clear to people that they are on their own if they put in a random kernel. You know, so that you can't sue Nokia if you get 3rd degree burns from mismanaging the battery or have your emergency calls fail because you did something funky to the kernel or sorts. To assume that this is some elaborate schema to avoid (otherwise perfectly reasonable) replacements sounds to me borderline paranoid, but hey, to each his own.
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well, don't have a N9 or N950 to compare, but...

nightly being fennec_8.0~a1_armel.deb
and the other is of course microb...

obviously the score is browser technology based as FF8 on a PC (Linux x86_64) gets exactly the same score...

thus N9 should get the same result...
still as far as the future of (mobile) WWW goes, N900 still seems to be up to date
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Originally Posted by noetus View Post
I'm going to return my N9 and stick with my N900. Will I be the first person on this site to do this? I'll post on a separate thread about why once I've done it.
I just got the N9 a few days ago after being tired of all the issues with my N900 and being unhappy with the feature-less E7. I do miss a lot about the N900, including the replaceble batteries (I have a DT-33), hardware keyboard, camera shutter, ctrl+c/ctrl+v copy/paste easy operation, some of the apps, thickness of the device - which made if feel solid, etc.

But N9 is a magical device from the first second! (Minus the dark spots on the screen that all N9's have.) I love the N9

The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Discoveryellow For This Useful Post:
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N900 or N9 was such a tough decision for me. At the end, I decided to get a N9 - got one of the last 64GB ones from an e-bay seller for 550$, and a new N900 would have cost me 300-350, which is kinda not a good deal for a 2 year old phone. Don't get me wrong - I know that the N900 is a legend. But maybe I just discovered it too late. And unlike most people here, I don't like HWKB - I do nasty things to my phones, and I've broken so many sliders that I'd rather have a phone with as few moving parts as possible. On the other hand, I hate they way they've crippled the N9 with Aegis and pseudoroot. But I think that for people who can live without a HWKB, N9 could be the successor of the N900 - it just needs some community love. And if it gets at least a fraction of what the N900 got in terms of community suport - It will only get better and better.

Last edited by YavkatA; 2012-03-03 at 11:28.

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Any chance for someone with both a N9 and N900 to make a comparison video? Funnily, there is no such video on youtube. I would love to see a browser head to head.
Posts: 140 | Thanked: 20 times | Joined on Apr 2011
I had both. Now only have N9.
N900 browser supported flash, and also reported itself as a full browser i believe while N9 has no flash and defaults to mobile website version. Otherwise N9 is plainly faster. Also N900 stylus allows for more precise tapping, as well as selecting text to copy.

Otherwise both devices have unreliable OS. I lost all my SMS on both devices randomly for no reason. Should have bought a dumb Symbian or lame but reliable iPhone. ****en hate my choice to give N9 a try after lost all sms today.
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take a new n900 :P
Moderator | Posts: 5,320 | Thanked: 4,464 times | Joined on Oct 2009
Originally Posted by Discoveryellow View Post
while N9 has no flash and defaults to mobile website version. , as well as selecting text to copy.
N9 does have FP10.1 now. It's available for Fennec (Firefox) at the Store, as is Fennec.
You're better-off using one of the newer builds of Fennec from Romxa's site though, they're a bit snappier.
Also you can select/copy text in the native browser now (mem might be failing me here don't have phone w/me atm).
On N9 you can default to desktop UA or whatever other UA you want to use w/Fennec + Phony (add-on).
It's also possible to replace grob (N9's native browser) with a grob that has a modified UA of your choice.

Last edited by jalyst; 2012-03-17 at 18:45. Reason: typo

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