
Poll: What MMORPG game would u like to have ?
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What MMORPG game would u like to have ?

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Posts: 291 | Thanked: 435 times | Joined on Apr 2011 @ RO
just an idea, how I would like to play:
-a second option for those with small internet speed: only pure data truth internet and a desktop program for pictures.
So, people like me can use gnumeric, python or ather apps for fast calculations. That way, maybe, i will learn something usefull playing games.
Anyway, I wish you will build the best game.

The Following User Says Thank You to SHARP66 For This Useful Post:
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Originally Posted by Spotfist View Post
ye the numbers are pretty big compared to the other text on the screen but even so it would be hard to fit the minerals names, I was thinking a popup tool tip text, I think that's what it's called in VB...?

I gave the mining another go, it seems it sometimes takes a bit of time for the building to start, im testing it on my laptop at the moment, if I wait it eventually starts.
i thought about that too , but how the tooltip will be displayed on N900 ? its displayed when u move the mouse over the item :s am thinking about a small info box to appear with the resource name/production rate etc .

The Following User Says Thank You to teamer For This Useful Post:
Posts: 478 | Thanked: 101 times | Joined on Feb 2010
lol sorry of course, was testing on my laptop last night and completely forgot about the N900...

Perhaps a shortened version of the mineral name? As I said the numbers are pretty big so could shrink them a bit and and a shortened name eg Ca: 1000. Perhaps you could click on the element and it would bring up a discription and at some point some stock market info? Once people play the game they would pick up which is which.
Posts: 262 | Thanked: 206 times | Joined on May 2010
Originally Posted by Spotfist View Post
lol sorry of course, was testing on my laptop last night and completely forgot about the N900...

Perhaps a shortened version of the mineral name? As I said the numbers are pretty big so could shrink them a bit and and a shortened name eg Ca: 1000. Perhaps you could click on the element and it would bring up a discription and at some point some stock market info? Once people play the game they would pick up which is which.
brilliant idea

The Following User Says Thank You to teamer For This Useful Post:
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Like Sharps idea of having a low res version, some other web based mmo's have an option like this, Travian has lower res pictures but you can hardly tell the difference, when playing on 2g/3g it can be hard to load everything quickly, a seperate app however limits the other players, if the game is a success it could be moved to other phones

Probably best to tweak these settings near the end though but worth keeping in mind... I like the current building images, no idea where you got em but surely a blue and black images can be compressed far more than a full colour one?
Posts: 262 | Thanked: 206 times | Joined on May 2010
Originally Posted by Spotfist View Post
Like Sharps idea of having a low res version, some other web based mmo's have an option like this, Travian has lower res pictures but you can hardly tell the difference, when playing on 2g/3g it can be hard to load everything quickly, a seperate app however limits the other players, if the game is a success it could be moved to other phones

Probably best to tweak these settings near the end though but worth keeping in mind... I like the current building images, no idea where you got em but surely a blue and black images can be compressed far more than a full colour one?
after finishing the game core , it would be easy to make copies of the game for diffirent phones and desktop browsers i've put that up in my mind from the beginning

i have updated some stuff , i hope the buildings now show normaly while building (and notfications enabled also )

if you're on the PC and can make some screenshots please do

+ everyone who registered have their account activated , they may login and test also

cheerz ... back to work

The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to teamer For This Useful Post:
Posts: 41 | Thanked: 7 times | Joined on Nov 2010 @ r00t
Hi , here are some Screenshots

teamer gl

The Following User Says Thank You to 4n77r4xX For This Useful Post:
Posts: 262 | Thanked: 206 times | Joined on May 2010
Originally Posted by 4n77r4xX View Post
Hi , here are some Screenshots

teamer gl
Nice shots

how about the icons and images of buildings not loading ? did you have that problem ?

The Following User Says Thank You to teamer For This Useful Post:
Posts: 41 | Thanked: 7 times | Joined on Nov 2010 @ r00t
heya ,the icons and buildings are loading very nice ,the percents are loading smoothly , no lag, no refresh needed to see that the bildings are complete .

what do yo think about ,when klicking on my planet or moving the mouse over it ,to show planetar configuration or statistiks ?
Posts: 262 | Thanked: 206 times | Joined on May 2010
am planning that every player can occupy some other systems , where each system have one type of resources , so he builds mines there and gather more resources , but enemies might attack and take over that planet . so that player should protect that system by sending forces there , and automatically shares the resources with any ally that sends forces to secure that system but thats not going to happen soon (mines left , buildings upgrading , map , allies and enemies , ships and fleets management , then this

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