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Posts: 14 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Jul 2010

NICE app!!! I installed mappero 3.2 yesterday and I love it!

I just noticed though that if you have english UK as a language,
the mappero speaks... something?? trattero ...

I have no clue wich language this is

I tested it also with finnish and english US, the mappero works GREAT!
Posts: 25 | Thanked: 5 times | Joined on Jul 2010
Originally Posted by Xagoln View Post
Does this work with version 3.2 of maemo-mapper? Anyone?
I use only extras repo and I have mappero 3.2, espeak - CLI S. s.1.45.10. (espeak GUI not installed, espeaktime yes and works fine).

I have a little problem with 'sugar-speechd'. I have only found this as a tarred executable here from Atamariya (anand) and I am not going to just run some piece of compiled code from the forum. Is it available somewhere?
Posts: 30 | Thanked: 10 times | Joined on Jan 2010
Why does Mappero uses the GoogleVector directory for Google Maps tiles, and not "Google Maps" as other applications such as modRana, Navit and ZapLoc?
Posts: 105 | Thanked: 46 times | Joined on May 2011
Great app that has helped me a lot!

But is there a way to make Mappero stop asking for internet connection?
I usually download mapps before I leave and I set auto-download to "disabled" and yet I still get the internet connection popup every 5 or 10 minutes ...
The maps seem to be there since Mappero works fine even though I don't let it connect to the internet.
This is something that bothers me a lot because the internet connection popup is very distracting and things get worse due to Mappero usually hogging the CPU => Cancelling an internet request takes a long time, especially when the screen was rotated and the phone becomes unresponsive for 1-2 minutes (at least when I play audio with the media player at the same time).

I think this was asked before in this thread, but I haven't seen an answer ...
Edit: Seems to be the wrong thread but I couldn't find a "Mappero" thread?!

Last edited by daniel_m; 2012-01-17 at 13:05.
Posts: 440 | Thanked: 160 times | Joined on Aug 2010 @ Las Vegas, NV
Originally Posted by mardy View Post
Mappero has the right features for me: I've stopped active development now, and I've instead starting a port to Qt to make it possible to run it in the future Meego OS. But also this work is proceeding very slowly, because my free time is very limited.
Any updates about Qt Version?
Posts: 4 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Dec 2010
Originally Posted by daniel_m View Post
Great app that has helped me a lot!

But is there a way to make Mappero stop asking for internet connection?
I usually download mapps before I leave and I set auto-download to "disabled" and yet I still get the internet connection popup every 5 or 10 minutes ...
The maps seem to be there since Mappero works fine even though I don't let it connect to the internet.
This is something that bothers me a lot because the internet connection popup is very distracting and things get worse due to Mappero usually hogging the CPU => Cancelling an internet request takes a long time, especially when the screen was rotated and the phone becomes unresponsive for 1-2 minutes (at least when I play audio with the media player at the same time).

I think this was asked before in this thread, but I haven't seen an answer ...
Edit: Seems to be the wrong thread but I couldn't find a "Mappero" thread?!
I think you have network positioning enabled in you gps settings.
It will try to use network to get satellite information (to get your location faster)

Disable it and use just gps so it wont ask it. (network location needs internet connection)

Also disable auto internet connections if you go abroad.

I use communitu (CSSU) UI and have screen rotation lock to landscape mode and I always use mappero without rotation. It wont rotate it for no reason then.

Also using a bit overclocking or use stable clock speed if you use another program like music player while using mappero.
Stock is 250-600Mhz so it jumps from 250 to 600 and if it's 250Mhz music may be jerky for some fraction of second before it gets 600Mhz (speed enough for music & mappero)

I would run it locked to that 600 or more like 800 or 850Mhz while playing music and using mappero same time together.
You can configure over clocking and have icons on desktop for like powersafe 125Mhz and normal use 250-600mhz and poweruse only 800mhz or more.

Just click icon and it will se the speed for your desired use.

This is how I use it and it works well.
I also have Mugen battery for extra power so I can use gps many hours / day for many days

If you plan to overclock I would say don't go past 1Ghz(1000Mhz)
Some people have gone over and they work but overclocking for stability and for device life overclocking should be done just a little bit. (if needed more speed)
If you don't need speed more stay 600Mhz.
If you stay let's say max around 800-850Mhz I don't think there will be problems ever.

Last edited by tanheis; 2012-03-27 at 11:29.

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