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Originally Posted by Kangal View Post
SGS III would only be a evolutionary step-up from the NOTE. Besides a 5.3in screen is way better than a 4.6in screen, if you are man enough to handle it

The tab you were reffering to is the ASUS Transformer Prime Infinity....comes with a better screen to match the iPad3, (higher clocked?) Tegra 3 and (thinner profile ?).

The ASUS would be obsolete in 6 months.
There's no alternative to the NOTE, maybe in another 9 months.

After using the NOTE combined with my Ultrabook...there's simply no room for a tablet in my life, maybe if the tablet could dock and run Windows/Linux.
Yep I am pretty sure I will still end up getting the Note rather than the SIII. But for now a 10 inch tablet is a higher priority than a new phone. As I already have a 7 inch tablet which is portable enough to carry almost everywhere with me I lose the main benefit of the Note which is a big screen on the go as I already have a bigger screen on the go.

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Originally Posted by danramos View Post
You could be a bit more specific. ...or could it be?
The current app pool seems to lack a specific design language, I'm not sure how to put it in words, but it's not cohesive and seems separated. ICS has changed it but only the native apps seem to follow it, and even then I've discovered some inconsistencies in the UI. It lacks a specific identity....I guess that's the payoff for being open and flexible I suppose.
I wish Android used Qt Quick Meego/harmattan components and squircles lol, I wonder if anyone tried to do that
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^ You know you're debating apple's and oranges. Google has limited control over 3rd party software. Then again, if Google were to be too limiting in its own App Store, it would give an opportunity for a competing App Store to overtake the Amazon App Store!

Can you be precise what you mean about inconsistencies in the native apps. Such was a case in Froyo, but not in GB or ICS from what I've noticed....unless you really mean "native apps" that are oem made.
Originally Posted by mscion View Post
I vote that Kangal replace Elop!
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I'm flattered

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My Mumma wants to buy for herself a Galaxy Note 10.1 when it's out - Of course I'm the one to go take it and populate with apps - Am I a lucky son or not?
Ernesto de Bernardis

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Originally Posted by debernardis View Post
My Mumma wants to buy for herself a Galaxy Note 10.1 when it's out - Of course I'm the one to go take it and populate with apps - Am I a lucky son or not?
...inb4 "lucky son of a b*tch".

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Originally Posted by debernardis View Post
My Mumma wants to buy for herself a Galaxy Note 10.1 when it's out - Of course I'm the one to go take it and populate with apps - Am I a lucky son or not?
Awesome. Don't forget to root it and install ubuntu for her!

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Originally Posted by Kangal View Post
^ You know you're debating apple's and oranges. Google has limited control over 3rd party software. Then again, if Google were to be too limiting in its own App Store, it would give an opportunity for a competing App Store to overtake the Amazon App Store!

Can you be precise what you mean about inconsistencies in the native apps. Such was a case in Froyo, but not in GB or ICS from what I've noticed....unless you really mean "native apps" that are oem made.
it's some little things like when in calender on day view, u have to swipe left to right to go to the other day however u have to swipe down to go month to month in month view., Pressing return on the home screen of the app doesn't exit it. Search button is on the left sometimes sometimes it's on the right. I find myself having to look for's not obvious as I expect it to be. It's leaps and bounds over gingerbread no doubt though. Minor gripes I think. It is the best OS out there, was just sayin
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Meet Cid, CyanogenMod’s new mascot !
It marking the group’s success/maturity as a leading OS or branch off the Android curb:

I agreee with many, I don't like this mascot. Where to begin?

The name - "Cid".
It feels like a copy of Cydia for iOS, and it doesn't help Android's case as "iOS Copycat".
My suggestion - "Cym".
Its new, its funky and different. Mostly thanks to the letter "Y" which is pronounced as an "I" a little twist. Furthermore, it has the C the Y and the M (main words) of CyanogenMod. Or maybe even puns off it like Cymbal or Cymoid etc.

The looks - too mainstream.
The new look has a bland, humanoid shape to it. It scores good points for its simple design but the overall effect is undesirable.
It needs to be something more distinct, weirder, spunkier, a little more Pokemon-ish.

My suggestion: "Cym"
Originally Posted by mscion View Post
I vote that Kangal replace Elop!
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I'm flattered

Last edited by Kangal; 2012-04-07 at 06:36.
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Well after spending months deliberating about whether to get a Transformer Prime or a Galaxy Note it turns out I needeth have bothered. Few days after I got myself a Transformer Prime my wife suprised me with a lovely white Galaxy Note for my birthday. Have now rooted the device (had to install a custom rom because the root tools I could find do not work on the Giingerbread version of the note). Now restoring all my apps and data from my Galaxy Tab with Titanium Backup. Unfortunately still as yet no working root method for the Transfomer Prime so have been unable to restore all my stuff.

So now time to officially retire my N900 and my Galaxy Tab as no need for either device now that I have a 5 inch phablet and a 10 inch tablet. Wife has already laid claim to the Galaxy Tab. Could of course get her to try using the N900 as a phone if I want her to file for a divorce as she would surely hate me after using it for only a day.

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Originally Posted by etuoyo View Post
Well after spending months deliberating about whether to get a Transformer Prime or a Galaxy Note it turns out I needeth have bothered. Few days after I got myself a Transformer Prime my wife suprised me with a lovely white Galaxy Note for my birthday. Have now rooted the device (had to install a custom rom because the root tools I could find do not work on the Giingerbread version of the note). Now restoring all my apps and data from my Galaxy Tab with Titanium Backup. Unfortunately still as yet no working root method for the Transfomer Prime so have been unable to restore all my stuff.

So now time to officially retire my N900 and my Galaxy Tab as no need for either device now that I have a 5 inch phablet and a 10 inch tablet. Wife has already laid claim to the Galaxy Tab. Could of course get her to try using the N900 as a phone if I want her to file for a divorce as she would surely hate me after using it for only a day.
Nokia's slogan shouldn't be the pedo-palmgrabbing image with the slogan, "Connecting People"... It should be one hand open pleadingly with another hand giving the middle finger and the more apt slogan, "Potential Unrealized." --DR

android envy, buzz, core failure, crapdroid, galaxy fap, galaxy tab, ipad killer, samsung, tab trolls, tablet envy

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