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Originally Posted by awroax View Post
Now I got MyDocs working by coping this :

as /etc/init.d/ke-recv and then running chmod +rwx /etc/init.d/ke-recv

Problem is still the ext2 partition of SD card, which is giving "not recognized" error. It might be caused by the modifications I have previously done to files /usr/sbin/ & /usr/sbin/mmc-mount according to this wiki .
So if someone could post the current versions of those files that might fix it.
thank for this solution, works for me
merlin1991's Avatar
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It appears that dpkg randomly decides not to place the init file if it got removed earlier (it did this once out of 5 times on my device) thus I adjusted the steps for if you're on 3.1 and the problem still persists:

dpkg --purge --force-all ke-recv
apt-get install ke-recv
dsmetool -b
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Originally Posted by merlin1991 View Post
It appears that dpkg randomly decides not to place the init file if it got removed earlier (it did this once out of 5 times on my device) thus I adjusted the steps for if you're on 3.1 and the problem still persists:

dpkg --purge --force-all ke-recv
apt-get install ke-recv
dsmetool -b
Was having the same problem other people were having, after the update. Attempts to rectify through previous suggestions did not help. this actually resolve the problem.
i now have access to my microSD card. Thanks
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This does not work, still no access to your file manager and memories of the N900 and SD card.
thank you
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For people, that are still having problems, despite following merlin's latest instructions - executing following commands will fix it for sure (execute everything as root):
dpkg --purge --force-all ke-recv
rm -f /etc/init.d/ke-recv
apt-get install ke-recv
mkdir /home/ke-recv-temp
dpkg-deb -x /var/cache/apt/archives/ke-recv_3.19-15_armel.deb /home/ke-recv-temp/
mv /home/ke-recv-temp/etc/init.d/ke-recv /etc/init.d/
rm -r -f /home/ke-recv-temp
dsmetool -b
Last command will reboot the device. Also, be extremely careful, while invoking commands - preferably, copy and paste them. Especially, watch what You're deleting with 'rm -r -f' near end.


// Edit

This doesn't answer, why we're having problems, yet, it allows to get rid of them for 100%. Of course, one need to execute it only once. I hope that we won't be affected by this on further updates that touch /etc/init.d/ke-recv, yet, in such case, similar fixing method would also work (of course, /var/cache/apt/archives/ke-recv_3.19-15_armel.deb would need to be adjusted, matching name of further ke-recv versions).
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Last edited by Estel; 2012-04-09 at 12:49.

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This writes all the time: not found. I do not understand or stop command lines.
thank you
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I wrote everything and still nothing. No improvement.
Thank you for doing an update to undo all that.
thank you
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on a sidenote: make sure your mountpoint dirs are *empty* when nothing is mounted on them!
E.G. storing photos to MyDocs while MyDocs isn't mounted will create files in the mountpoint dir and those files "vanish" on mounting sth to the dir, and eat up your storage in a "magical" way.
(above advise also applies during mass storage exported MyDocs: don't store anything to MyDocs on device while actually the MyDocs got exported to USB mass storage and thus unmounted)

t900:~# cd /media/
t900:/media# ls -l mmc1/
drwxrwxrwx    2 user     root        16384 Jul 12  2008 DCIM
drwxrwxrwx    2 user     root        16384 Feb 14  2008 Java
drwxrwxrwx    2 user     root        16384 Jul 12  2008 MSMETADATA
-rw-r--r--    1 user     root         3098 Aug 14  2008 gta03-ng_product_spec.txt
drwxrwxrwx    4 user     root        16384 Jul 14  2008 mp3
t900:/media# #now open battery lid, unmounts mmc1
t900:/media# ls -l mmc1/
t900:/media# echo "big nasty file" >mmc1/this-will-vanish-but-eat-your-stoage-nevertheless
t900:/media# ls -l mmc1/
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root           15 Apr  9 16:17 this-will-vanish-but-eat-your-stoage-nevertheless
t900:/media# #now close battery lid, mounts mmc1
t900:/media# ls -l mmc1/
drwxrwxrwx    2 user     root        16384 Jul 12  2008 DCIM
drwxrwxrwx    2 user     root        16384 Feb 14  2008 Java
drwxrwxrwx    2 user     root        16384 Jul 12  2008 MSMETADATA
-rw-r--r--    1 user     root         3098 Aug 14  2008 gta03-ng_product_spec.txt
drwxrwxrwx    4 user     root        16384 Jul 14  2008 mp3
You see in above example how " this-will-vanish-but-eat-your-stoage-nevertheless" is hidden from all access after mounting sth to mmc1. Of course the paranoid contemporary may decide to deliberately exploit that effect ;-). Us usual mortals don't want to waste storage for ghost files.

ps.: your mount will fail if *any* filehandle to the mountpoint dir or its content is still open. I.E. if I'd do a "cd mmc1" in above example, the mounting of uSD to /media/mmc1 would fail on closing the lid. That's one of the reasons you need to reboot after fixing the ke-recv issue

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Last edited by joerg_rw; 2012-04-09 at 14:42.

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a general note: "execute as root" usually means you do
sudo gainroot
If you wonder what's the difference, do
echo $HOME
in both, and you'll probably understand.

("root" alias should come with package rootsh, if not then here's what it does:
exec sudo gainroot --use-su )

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Last edited by joerg_rw; 2012-04-09 at 15:56.

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I got my SD card working by formatting the ext2 partition to ext3, otherwise the format was unsupported.

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