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These new codecs and the new camera-ui are certainly part of the best things that community bringed to the N900
848*480 wasn't even recording at 25fps without stuttering.
Now we can record at 960*720@30fps without stuttering.

However, I noticed a strange playback problem:
When I boot the phone, I can play every video I have without any problem, however after some playback/recording, there is videos that need several tries to be played (some old videos I have recorded with the N900 before and youtube 240p or 360p stocked or in streaming with cutetube-qml)
I use open media player instead of the stock one but It happens with any player that use hw accel.
After some tries it finally manage to play the video without problem
When the playback fail there is a message like this in syslog:

Apr 16 12:34:54 Nokia-N900 mafw-dbus-wrapper[1445]: dspvdec15: eos timed out after 1208 ms

Other videos (I not tested them all intensively but mainly the ones I recorded with the new codecs in 960*720) play everytime even when the dsp is in this strange state.

Because of this I reinstalled stock codecs I already miss the HD recording and playback.
On a side note: Don't try to play HD video recorded with the new codecs with the old ones: it will fail obviously and for me it results in a very high mem and swap usage (memory leak in driver or mafw-dbus-wrapper ?)
killing mafw-gst-wrapper just makes the dsp crash and not recover.

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Hi everyone!
First of all i whant you to know that i am a newbie to install files on my nokia so i appologize if my questions are stupid...
I didn't find
In order HD playback to be smooth you will need DSP overclock. There is kernel-power profile called "dsp" that could be used
so instead i instaled QCPUFreq and it has default min 250mhz and max 600mgz i changed the max to 900Mghz.(is the only thing i can change in the aplication and save it.Is this DPS overclock?
Also can't install wget.Downloaded the install file from here.
when i execute the install file it says "prepairing for instalation"and after a wile "unable to download wget instalation pac kage not found"
Thanks in advance

Last edited by rslick; 2012-04-16 at 21:09.
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@branja - are you sure you did not forget to execute:
apt-get remove gstreamer0.10-openmax after installing HD codecs?

@Estel - dmesg does not need root account

@Megaltariak - yeah, I know about the problem, seems like gstdsp does not clean up correctly or whatever, still this is a bug in gst-dsp, I've tried to fix it several times, yet no success . Maybe I should try to get help from Felipe Contreras (gst-dsp author).

BTW a simple "killall mafw-dbus-wrapper" does do job and videos start to play from the first try again.

@rslick - you should execute the command in the same directory you've downloaded the .debs.

"Nokia N900" is actually "/home/user/MyDocs"

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Yeah...& it worked 4 some time.
I've tried ti reinstall stuff from page 1 (even removed gstreamer0.10-openmax) & my device won't boot. It's just stucked in a continuos loop...
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Finally I reinstalled these new codecs and this time, a video (which previously had dificulties to be read) crashed the dsp directly several times, after a few crashes the dsp didn't recovered:

[ 994.612854] ***** DSPMMU FAULT ***** IRQStatus 0x2
[ 994.910766] proc_stop: Can't stop device, active nodes = 1

killall mafw-dbus-wrapper doesn't resolve the issue.
My question is: When this happen, is there a way to reinitialise the dsp without rebooting ?
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ok so i manage to install the 3 files but at step
3. from attached copy to your n900 /usr/lib/gstreamer-0.10/
i cant find n900 /usr/lib/gstreamer-0.10.
An ideeas?
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Flashed my device..instaled things again..tried without OC, tried with OC & it just won't work.

I'm returning it to good old least untill U find a way...

Tnx anyway, it was fun while it lasted!
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Originally Posted by Megaltariak View Post
Finally I reinstalled these new codecs and this time, a video (which previously had dificulties to be read) crashed the dsp directly several times, after a few crashes the dsp didn't recovered:

[ 994.612854] ***** DSPMMU FAULT ***** IRQStatus 0x2
[ 994.910766] proc_stop: Can't stop device, active nodes = 1

killall mafw-dbus-wrapper doesn't resolve the issue.
My question is: When this happen, is there a way to reinitialise the dsp without rebooting ?
you may try with:

killall mafw-dbus-wrapper
/lib/dsp/cexec.out baseimage.dof

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no one knows why i can't find /usr/lib/gstreamer-0.10

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