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Please delete this thread, device has been sold for $360 + shipping.

> Hey folks,

> selling my N9 which I've only been using for 3 months and is still
> working fine, has no scratches, if anything: the corners of the
> plastic slipper that comes with it have gotten a little darker.

> Got it from Amazon for ~$500 and selling it for $400. It's updated to
> PR 1.2, product code is 059K0Z5.

> It comes in the original box with the charger plus adapter (it's
> imported from Europe and there's an adapter for American pin
> plugs) and the headphones which I never used.

> Here's some pics:
> CheckMeOut

> Any questions? Post them here, or send an email to lociluco at ovi dot com.

> Cheerio
> Loci Luco

Last edited by lociluco; 2012-05-06 at 18:33. Reason: Device has been sold.
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usd 180! Deal or no deal
Posts: 12 | Thanked: 4 times | Joined on Feb 2012
If you'd said $380, I might have considered it...
Posts: 2,076 | Thanked: 3,268 times | Joined on Feb 2011
181 or no deal!!!

btw, out of curiosity, why selling? what did you miss/find lacking?
sifo's Avatar
Posts: 1,359 | Thanked: 1,292 times | Joined on Oct 2011 @ Tartus.Syria
YES as szopin said why you are gonna sell ? is there any reason that make you do ? just because im thinking about buying a new one soon !
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It was a gadget phone, an intermediate thing. I settled for something less smart, as I don't need all the features like NFC, front facing camera... I had a less smart phone before that and now one again. I bought the N9 out of curiosity and to check what Nokia's "next big thing" was, but it turned out to be not soooo big... I'm happy with what I have now :-)

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Fair, 182?
Posts: 12 | Thanked: 4 times | Joined on Feb 2012
Originally Posted by szopin View Post
btw, out of curiosity, why selling? what did you miss/find lacking?
Startup time of the phone and of some apps should be improved. And I'm missing a couple of apps like WhatsApp (we've been shown, however, that WhatsApp or rather Wazapp is coming). But apart from that, it's actually a good phone. It just depends on what you want.

A colleague of mine had it for a couple of days and said he wanted "something with GPS, maps and directions". But for that sort of thing, the N9 is just a little too he didn't buy it and I settled for something "less smart" too.
Posts: 12 | Thanked: 4 times | Joined on Feb 2012
Originally Posted by szopin View Post
Fair, 182?
How about five oxen on top of that?
Posts: 2,076 | Thanked: 3,268 times | Joined on Feb 2011
If you accept Bovine spongiform encephalopathy infected ones... I'll throw 6 on top of that 182... hell lets make it interesting: 183 + 6 mad oxen

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