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count me in as one of the interested
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When Sociality's minimized to the background:

When Sociality crashes:

The log contains no personal info (the one on your device does(!!!)), but the one sent is processed to remove your access token and any links that may point to photos and such.

You may clear either of the notifications, and in any case, if Sociality is already running the icon will resume it.

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i didn't get the above shown notification, when miimized (minimized means run under background rite?)
Also I would like to know how to share photos uploaded by others (other shares from friends). I tried to do this from feed directly and also from sociality. In web I can share, but here no options!

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It's in the next - unreleased - version.
Photo sharing (from News Feed) isn't provided by Facebook's API, sorry

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waiting for new release....

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Hey, Thanks!

I'm glad speaking up about it caused an outcry of Interest. I'm glad you're still working on it, and it looks absolutely great.

Personally, I'm not too concerned with photo sharing and chat in particular, since the N9 can do it directly. I would much prefer to see the App tie in with the built-in functionality.

If for example, I clicked chat on the App, it would bring up conversations, or the Availability menu.

And for photo sharing, just bringing up the Gallery would be nice.

Nonetheless, it looks great, and I can't wait for the next release.

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ejasmudar's Avatar
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Hi MAG, would you please include event feed integration in a future version? The reason for this is because the stock FB app shows all kinds of crap things in the event view (including apps/games blocked in the website). I wanted to have an FB event feed with just updates from close friends
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I'll see about that, in the meantime, V0.3 is out!

sociality-mtf (0.3) unstable; urgency=low

  * Implemented opening photos from notifications.
  * Added even more settings.
  * Added check for updates support.
  * Implemented commenting on photos.

 -- Mohammad Abu-Garbeyyeh <emailhidden>  Fri, 18 May 2012 03:36:28 +0300

sociality-mtf (0.2) unstable; urgency=low

  * Added album support.
  * Fixed segfault when opening notifications sheet with new notifications in it.
  * Fixed running in background.
  * Threaded image loading for a faster UX experience.
  * Fixed settings page.
  * Added bug reporting feature.
The changelog might be missing a few things.
Sociality has a new feature, "Auto check for updates", this will make Sociality check for updates every time it detects there's a new internet connection while it's running, and at startup, the process downloads about 61 bytes (yes bytes) of text, if you don't want this for some reason, you can disable it in Settings.

You can also manually check for updates in the About sheet.

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Posts: 169 | Thanked: 132 times | Joined on Oct 2011 @ Toronto, Canada
Hey, the new version is great. Very smooth, very fast. Excellent overall, it's already my go-to FB client.

One question, when minimized, you can click the icon to resume the app. By clearing it, do you then kill the app? Making it a quick way to quit? Or does it still run in the background even if you click to clear.

Otherwise, awesome work. Thanks!
MohammadAG's Avatar
Posts: 2,473 | Thanked: 12,265 times | Joined on Oct 2009 @ Jerusalem, PS/IL
Clearing it simply removes the notification, I'll see if I could implement that though (as a configurable option of course)

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