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Originally Posted by nokiac View Post
{'groups': '1337280777'}
Resending 1 old messages
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./", line 384, in run
File "./", line 486, in parseMessage
AttributeError: 'StanzaReader' object has no attribute 'sendSubjectReceived'

EDIT: Ok editing from PC now:
This is using version 0.1.7 . I was able to get messages only once. Then my friend told me that he could not send me messages.

I reinstalled 0.1.7 and now I am not seeing red dots on outgoing messages anymore, and when I started Wazapp, I received some messages from a group which my friend had created and added me to.
diegofigueroa's Avatar
Posts: 80 | Thanked: 44 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Guatemala
@tgalal 0.1.8 successfully fixes the sending issues. Great work man. Congrats.
Posts: 22 | Thanked: 9 times | Joined on May 2012 @ Accra, Ghana
Thank you so much!
The app is amazing and works perfectly
Thank you, thank you, thank you
The Best Isaac's Avatar
Posts: 97 | Thanked: 157 times | Joined on Jan 2012 @ Germany
I found a minor bug, nothing serious but I just wanted to note it: When you inverse the theme from Dark to Light and quit (not down-swipe) the app and then restart, the theme is resetted back to Dark. This doesn't happen when you just close the app by a down-swipe and then re-open the app.

Except from that, as I already said, everything is fine.
Posts: 470 | Thanked: 399 times | Joined on Jul 2011 @ Croatia
Why is this not either in HARMATTAN subforum or clearly marked as NOT FOR MAEMO

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I can`t sync my contacs...
Posts: 4 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Apr 2012
Originally Posted by johnsnipe View Post
well it sound strange jaja but it works for me.. i did this:
i deleted my account from the account manager
then open wazapp, and in the country code my country code and the first digit of my 10 digit number.. (in my case i live in mexico was +52#, the # is the first digit of my number)
and then where you put your 10 digit number i just put the 9 digits left.. 123456789.., i get the sms and thats all i was able to login dunno if this works in other countries.. but at least in mexico it works xD
Worked for me to, surprisingly. I'm in Argentina.
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Originally Posted by szopin View Post
Unless this is scheduled for a maemo release, could someone either move this thread to Meego/Harmattan section or indicate the sad fact in the thread title? We are on maemo forum last I checked. Thanks
Nah here is fine, you'll just have to deal with it....
You've whinged (or others maybe) about this many times before, give it a rest already.
Why does this incessantly come up, why are some so keen on a "us & them" mentality?
Are they Crazy? The Maemo/MeeGo community's small enough as it is!

It's been explained by mods and admins many times before.
This sub-forum's just as much about about apps for Harmattan (Maemo6x), as it is about apps for Fremantle.
Just one example, PhoneME, there's countless others...
Besides, Wazapp IS coming to Maemo5x eventually, so it'd be silly to move it elsewhere.

Last edited by jalyst; 2012-05-17 at 21:13. Reason: typo

The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to jalyst For This Useful Post:
Posts: 173 | Thanked: 83 times | Joined on Dec 2011
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./", line 384, in run
File "./", line 442, in parseMessage
File "./Models/", line 176, in create
File "./Models/", line 47, in setStore
File "./Models/", line 20, in setConnection
File "./Models/", line 262, in runQuery
sqlite3.OperationalErrorOperationalError: cannot commit - no transaction is active
This is with 0.1.7 , I basically started getting red dots and my friend could see not delivered after I got above mesasges in the meego terminal.

EDIT: Got the same in 0.1.8 also. God news it that I was able to send and receive chats in a group chat, and then it dropped connection after above message. A restart fixed it. It appeared that this error occurred after I received messages in quick succession, but I may be wrong.

Also a request, if possible please allow us to disable vibration, or let it be set by the system profile. I am not a fan of the phone vibrating when its just sitting on my desk.

Last edited by nokiac; 2012-05-17 at 21:21.

The Following User Says Thank You to nokiac For This Useful Post:
Posts: 119 | Thanked: 57 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ Rotterdam, port to Europe !
OK, installed, nice...

How can I change my telnr. --->>> to my name ? It came up during instrallation, but I cannot finf a way to change that.
notice that;

1. Old mobile numbers now connect me to 'strangers', (nice girl we had a funny conversation).

2. My name iso tenmumber should solve that.... kind of

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