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Muzimak's Avatar
Posts: 704 | Thanked: 241 times | Joined on Dec 2011 @ Johannesburg - South Africa
Sorry Alex, I deleted my Ebuddy today for obvious reasons. Thanx for all the effort though!

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Posts: 61 | Thanked: 29 times | Joined on Nov 2011
I'm a bit confused by a message I just received from XMS Bot on my Blackberry!!

It says that group chat is available on all ebuddy xms applications with up to 30 people chat!

I have just checked and my N9 is still lacking group chat, is that a positive indication or somebody jumped the trigger?
Posts: 146 | Thanked: 68 times | Joined on Mar 2012 @ lebanon
Originally Posted by UnlimiteD3k View Post
I'm a bit confused by a message I just received from XMS Bot on my Blackberry!!

It says that group chat is available on all ebuddy xms applications with up to 30 people chat!

I have just checked and my N9 is still lacking group chat, is that a positive indication or somebody jumped the trigger?
i got the same message on my E7 and my N9 though both of them don't have group chatt support yet.
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Originally Posted by Aleksandra View Post

thanks for using XMS and spreading the word about it.

We're going to fix the issues in the nearest future. Unfortunately, I can't give you precise information when exactly.

Thank you for your understanding.

Best regards,
No offence, but instead of giving such vague unhelpful posts. Can you please give some real information, if you aren't going to work on this app, at least tell us instead of stringing us along like LiveProfile did and then dropping us months later..

I appreciate that you have made the effort to create a MeeGo app but you are not updating it whereas you are updating other platforms, so I find it hard to believe that you are even working on this any more.

We don't like being played with just because we are a minority, its unprofessional!
Well Nokia do at least know how to build a decent phone, just apparently don't know how to support it..

N900 Died Replaced with N8, Requested E7, "Accidentally Broke E7", Now rolling with an N9 and im loving it!

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I quit using it a long time ago and never even bothered to open it. Now all of a sudden i get push message notification saying i have about 35 messages, i slide the notification to open what it is and sure enough there are those 35 messages, even the ones sent to me about 4 weeks ago.
confused on what's going on with this app, first the push doesn't work and now its giving me all those old messages
Posts: 37 | Thanked: 22 times | Joined on Sep 2009 @ saint lucia
The developers slept on them big time. N9 users were waiting for a version of whatsapp but they never took advantage of it. They added new features to Android, iOS, Windows Phone and even BlackBerry, but left MeeGo in the dark. Well, we got wazapp, and there's still no update. Opportunity lost. I still have it installed, just in case when its finally updated, it has some sweet features
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Alexsandra, if there is no resources to work on MeeGo why not open source it and let the MeeGo community do the upgrades themselves?
Posts: 14 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Apr 2012 @ DR
Why bother expecting and asking update/upgrade of this app, now that we have Wazzap is mor than enough, I think Ebuddy xms staff is not saying the whole deal they should tell us the truth.

I removed my since Alex last post.

long live N9, long live Meego
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i just got an tweet from them basically saying fck MeeGo use our product in other platforms as they are not going to do any updates for MeeGo
Posts: 50 | Thanked: 19 times | Joined on Jan 2012
can you link me to the tweet? I got a mail from them a few days ago saying "sorry that it takes so long with new updates, but we are still working on it"

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