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why suddenly got so much issue?
dont want use it no need to install it at 1st place
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let me put it another way shut up or put up! before you bore us to death with your privacy issues!

lock your windows bolt your doors cut of your utilities now that is heading towards privacy!

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Originally Posted by godofwar424 View Post
Okay honestly, its still a pointless discussion, if the policy and terms didn't apply to the EU's strict privacy laws, then WhatsApp WOULDNT BE IN THE EU!
Sure, but it is. I don't know if it is legal but Whatsapp policy says that if you use the app you accept the applicable laws from California, and that you are responsible to respect the laws of your country. I think that Whatsapp might be banned in my country because of privacy infrignement, but it itsn't (nowadays).

Originally Posted by godofwar424 View Post
As for conversation and data, you do realise the all texts/ims/facebook chats/skypes/everything is monitored and if need be can be accessed by anybody with authority to do so such as Intelligence Agencies or Local Police with warrants as well as other random agencies.
Sure, but only in that special cases. I don't want my data in publicity companies. Whatsapp could sell all your information in some cases, they tell that in their policy (wich could change when they want).

Originally Posted by godofwar424 View Post
Completely defeats the point of the app, if this is the functions you want, go use Skype/MSN/FB Chat/Other Traditional IM...
I do too, but most of my friends use only whatsfack and even deactivated gtalk in their Android phones. So if I can use whatsapp with a non-real number and only adding the contacts that I know are using Whatsfack I will be happy. If not, I won't use it, I prefer to pay the SMS and calls or use gtalk/facebook-chat/msn/skype.

Originally Posted by Wichall View Post
mämo and malkavian, this is the way the official app works, if you have a problem then go to whatsapp, the aim of this app is only to replicate an already existing app.
It haven't to be just a clone. Some things could be diferent. I am not whinning at the great effort that tgalal and other are doing. I just asked for an option to deactivate the sync. I understand that that option may be difficult and no interesting to developers to implement, but well, I just asked for it and there is no answer so I supose that won't be implemented in a near future. Then, sadly (for me) I won't use Wazzap, so I hope to see that option but I will wait sat and quiet XD.

I am just trying to make clear what's the matter with the privacy. If you don't care about it ok, but let me care and tell the truth about it. Don't try to convince me that Whatsapp Inc. are charity angels that give this service to 10 millon people in my country and lot more in the world without a revenue.

Edited to add this great popular cite: "If you aren't paying for the product, you are the product."

Last edited by malkavian; 2012-06-06 at 00:48.

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Alright, everyone's made their point, its over now. Lets forget about this and move onto more relevant things

Lets get back to bug reporting and the unfortunate whining for updates. It just wouldn't be a WhatsApp thread without little kids whining now would it :P
Well Nokia do at least know how to build a decent phone, just apparently don't know how to support it..

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Originally Posted by malkavian View Post
I don't use my real data in any service with a bad privacy policy. I removed most of my data from facebook (wich policy I didn't accept until they changed it because lot of complaints). And I don't use untrusted facebook aplications (wich are the most of them XD). Well, I use paypal, who now give your data to a lot of financial companies :S

Whatsapp's privacy policy is the worst I saw. It can even change without notice the users (that's illegal in my country, Spain) , and it is considered accepted if the user continue using it after the change. They say that the user is responsible of re-reading from time to time their privacy policy and search for changes from the older one. wtf?

In PeterBornx Java Port I used a false IMEI and a alias phone number from to my real number. In Yappari I have to use my real IMEI but I continue using not my real number.

I tried to register a completely false phone number but the free SMS services I tried didn't work.
Is anyone forcing you to use the app? If so, complain to them!

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Originally Posted by Wichall View Post
mämo and malkavian, this is the way the official app works, if you have a problem then go to whatsapp, the aim of this app is only to replicate an already existing app.
Seems like we're all in agreement then. I had a look at their "already existing app" on the iPhone and ... yes, please replicate.

Wazapp is early beta, so I trust this will be taken care of in time.
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Originally Posted by mämo View Post
Seems like we're all in agreement then. I had a look at their "already existing app" on the iPhone and ... yes, please replicate.

Wazapp is early beta, so I trust this will be taken care of in time.
dude you can install the app "wazapp" and i will not access your phonebook unless you choose to sync your contacts and i think you know what the wold sync(synchronize) means it explains itself....

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Well, you know an app is good and reached a high level of maturity when it attracts newcomers that never used the service before and have no clue about how stuff works, but complain about disclosure dialogs. (which BTW are built into iOS not the app itself).

So, in this high level of maturity, do you newcomers have any new bugs or other useful stuff to report that we all already don't know?

If (userful) { run to Github, project is open source, commit a code (maybe for a DisclosureDialog.qml) ? Make sure you use the dev branch.
} else {
Oh, you can't code, but you can't bring anything constructive into the matter? OK, sit on the bench and wait until the game is over.

I've learned that the best way to repel whiners is to ask them to contribute.
So, please, be my guest and contribute to this beautiful open source project.
Help us all.

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Originally Posted by malkavian View Post
I just asked for an option to deactivate the sync. I understand that that option may be difficult and no interesting to developers to implement, but well, I just asked for it and there is no answer so I supose that won't be implemented in a near future. Then, sadly (for me) I won't use Wazzap, so I hope to see that option but I will wait sat and quiet XD.
It is not necessary that the valuable time of developers being wasted with this useless function, the solution is simple:

1) Open the wazapp
2) Register
3) Do not sync contacts
4) Ask your friends to write you a message to wazapp (sending them an SMS or calling them by phone, of course)
5) In the list of chats will appear every conversation, but phone numbers without the names (as it does not synced)
6) Enjoy chatting with your friends using the wazapp, without having to compromise the security of your address book.

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The problem is not wazapp relatet.
It's a problem of the N9 that every app can have access to the private data whitout the knowledge of the user.
For example you could write a fart-app that uploads the whole contacts database to a server in the background.
Or did I missunderstood something?

But thats totally off topic

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