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Greyghost's Avatar
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Mike, thanks for the info on Quiver. I like it a lot. It's one of the first things I installed and so far it's my favorite image viewer because it is so flexible.

By now, I've rooted around and found most of the preferences you mention and found it to be very fast and intuitive. While I also like the eye-candy of Canola2, I find the usability of Quiver to be something the C2 team could (and, apparently has use as an example. Keep up the good work!
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Hi Guys

Hi mike it's a honor to hear from you. Actually I will take all the burden from the dev team and put it on my shoulder.

I knew this was going to really piss a lot of people and indeed I kept with that? Why? I really wanted to do things differently and innovate a litltle bit (with a price being usability in that case) but I think the concept was a little bit nice also (to have like your table o photos with proportional thumbnails. But in the end no so much people has those, etc etc.

But I really want to point out the great work did by the guys to fullfil my requirements. And yes.. it's missing the horizontal navigation widget (that's why you have the whole.. and vertical scrolling was natural for the concept of the proportional thumbnails. For sure it's worse than vertical, but I didn't want a grid. But I can also say something in my favor : I asked Gustavo for a fallback (the regular grid) on vertical scrolling for those who don't like.

the more I think this is by far the most controversial layout (but no a real problem compared to the way we need to tweak the main list of items ) I think the fallback will make it a lot more usable for those.

The goal here is really to provide a little bit of Quiver nice experience inside canola. We did not get it not even near but we will try to make everyone proud =)

Thanks guys..

Posts: 68 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Dec 2007
To each his own I guess. I think Quiver is awesome but I tend to prefer Canola's interface actually. Now all it lacks is the same zoom and scroll while zooming, and I'll be all set.
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first of all I want to thank you for a great piece of software by your team. I love that canola 2 can do everything I want without installing 4-5 other apps. I have 2 requests/questions, one being do you have plans for video podcasts to be implemented? Currently I can add video podcast in podcast listing but it does not play. and second is it possible to add flick on photo browsing instead of selecting next or previous picture? I know there are more pressing issues that need to be addressed but maybe these get addresssed in next version.

once again thank you for such a great app.


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Posts: 1,412 | Thanked: 594 times | Joined on Aug 2005 @ Recife, Brazil
Hi Kurt,

Thanks for the compliments, lets go the doubts :

1. Videocast, we indeed have plans, we didn't started yet because we are trying to get podcast right. Once it's right it will be a second to have video podcast. It only changes the player. But let's work firt on podcasts =)

2. by flick you mean swipe your finger to the side and slide the photo below your fingertip right? As you can imagine, this is exactly how it worked, but dragging a huge photo like that in a not so fast pace creates a really bad effect, thus it was removed. We are planning some speed ups in the photo view, so I will see if we can manage to get some time to try this out again.

Thanks again for the suggestions,

Posts: 49 | Thanked: 64 times | Joined on Apr 2007 @ Victoria, BC, Canada
Originally Posted by mikemorrison View Post

stealing the canola transition code... i wish it was that easy... i can probably make some modifications to my transition code that will make it work on the internet tablet but it will require quite a bit more memory. i'll do some experiments.
Ok, I did some experiments and was able to make the slideshow transition look acceptable in quiver. I've just created a new build that contains this new code and some other new features and bug fixes. It should be showing up in the repositories any time now.


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