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Could we do both version 13 and version 8 so we have either available for future use as needed?
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Posts: 304 | Thanked: 266 times | Joined on Apr 2011 @ Apeldoorn area, Netherlands
Could anyone upload version 13 to another website instead of 4shared? Don't want to create a useless account for 4shared because I want to download 1 file.
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Steps how to create new version of fennec (dsc package for extras-devel):

1. Download upstream fennec tarball (tar.bz2 format) from mozilla website.

2. Create directory fennec, move upstream tarball to that directory and rename it to fennec-source.tar.bz2:
$ mkdir fennec && mv <upstream_tarball>.tar.bz2 fennec/fennec-source.tar.bz2
3. Create debian orig file from upstrem fennec tarball (orig.tar.gz):
(This means that orig.tar.gz will contains only one file - upstream tarball tar.bz2 in fennec subdir)
$ tar -czf fennec_<version>.orig.tar.gz fennec
4. Go to directory fennec, download my diff.gz file (version 7.0.1-2) from extras-devel repository:
$ wget -O fennec/fennec.diff.gz
5. Apply changes and remove it:
$ cd fennec && gunzip -c fennec.diff.gz | patch -p1 && rm -f fennec.diff.gz
6. Set correct version:
$ sed 's/7.0.1-2/<VERSION>/' -i fennec/debian/changelog
7. Optionaly edit mozconfig file: fennec/debian/mozconfig
Make sure that objdir is @TOPSRCDIR@/objdir and prefix and libdir is /opt

8. Create debian source package (dsc):
$ cd fennec && dpkg-buildpackage -S -sa -rfakeroot -us -uc
Note that debian/control and debian/changelog will be overwritten by mozilla script in final deb package. So editing debian/control is usefull only for adding *build* dependences and debian/changelog only for setting version. Real changelog and binary package dependences are generated by mozilla scripts!

PS: All commands should be run from top directory! (I think you understand what I mean)

Here are my two dsc packages (in extras-devel), so compare if your new has same format:

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As some know from #maemo I've been working on getting fennec-14b7 to build with qt/thumb2/NEON which I believe is a supported target for the JavaScript JIT (as it's what get used in the Android build) along with the features from the Harmattan build utilising qt-mobility for system integration.

So far, with a couple of code tweaks I've got it to build against libqtm-12, it's not perfect, screen auto-rotaion is off by 90º, keyboard handling isn't quite right, but it is FAST, and memory utilisation is much better than earlier builds.

The Following 16 Users Say Thank You to zeq For This Useful Post:
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zeq, keep is posted
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Originally Posted by zeq View Post
As some know from #maemo I've been working on getting fennec-14b7 to build with qt/thumb2/NEON which I believe is a supported target for the JavaScript JIT (as it's what get used in the Android build) along with the features from the Harmattan build utilising qt-mobility for system integration.

So far, with a couple of code tweaks I've got it to build against libqtm-12, it's not perfect, screen auto-rotaion is off by 90º, keyboard handling isn't quite right, but it is FAST, and memory utilisation is much better than earlier builds.
I can confirm it is FAST, some benchmarks I did yesterday:

microb 24566 ms (device OC to 805 for both benchmarks) ,
fennec - 5670.5 ms,
my desktop-820 ms (AMD Phenom II 3.2 GHz)

I would ask some QML/qtm guru to help with screen rotation issue (MohammadAG, marxian, please )
Never fear. I is here.

720p video support on N900,SmartReflex on N900,Keyboard and mouse support on N900
Nothing is impossible - Stable thumb2 on n900

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The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to freemangordon For This Useful Post:
Posts: 105 | Thanked: 46 times | Joined on May 2011
Originally Posted by Wreck View Post
Could anyone upload version 13 to another website instead of 4shared? Don't want to create a useless account for 4shared because I want to download 1 file.
bugmenot is your friend

The Following User Says Thank You to daniel_m For This Useful Post:
Posts: 67 | Thanked: 88 times | Joined on Jan 2011 @ Costa RIca
Originally Posted by freemangordon View Post

microb 24566 ms (device OC to 805 for both benchmarks) ,
fennec - 5670.5 ms,
my desktop-820 ms (AMD Phenom II 3.2 GHz)

(MohammadAG, marxian, please )
Wow, like 4 times faster than microb, sounds really nice, rotation and kb perks sound fixable.

Keep the awesome work Zeq!
Posts: 105 | Thanked: 46 times | Joined on May 2011
Version 13 is extremely slow for me and it slows down the entire phone. Anyone else experiencing problems or is it just my N900?
Posts: 863 | Thanked: 213 times | Joined on Feb 2012 @ Goa
yup im too experiencing slowness

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