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Originally Posted by geneven View Post
I just think that it is a matter off the teensiest common sense that most members of a group of people who are about to be dealing with a party in important negotiations should not kick off their careers by accepting a valuable gift from that party.
I actually disagree here. The council should have access to the devices. It's in the best interest of both the community and Nokia themselves that they do. I think the faux pas in this situation was getting them through this specific competition, since they were the ones judging, but hey. It's done and I think people are getting a bit too worked up about it.

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Quoted from woody:

I didn't apply for a device because I felt it was a conflict of interest,
This is what I see as the essense of this disbute 'conflict of interests'.

I see the conflict when the judging part is also a contestent. It will come of as foul play/non legit.

The thing is it's been stated by Estel in a thread where the rules where put together that council members could nominate themself and in that thread no one was against that.

But woody a council member assumingly thought otherwise with the quote iv'e stated above.

So was this talked about after you decieded to not submit yourself woody on the grounds as you stated 'conflict of interest'

I'm not judging or taking parts here, just asking.

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I stated this issue in a council thread before council made its decision. You are talking as if the issue had to have been brought up in that meeting to be salient. That is naive. The council knew this issue existed, the reward was so tempting they couldn't resist. They are guilty of being human.Other politicians have fallen into similar traps.
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The newly elected council will now go down as having helped themselves first so it has already got off to a bad start before it has even done anything for this community.

Woody you are upsetting members here with your talk and i do not see any of the council members who have actually awarded themselves an N950 come on here and say anything, i think you should step out of this now woody and let other council speak for themselves instead of your continued support because it is clearly not going down very well is it !.

Maybe if this cannot be resolved then there really should be another election called for.
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If council members were assigned a community award from the start on the grounds that council work is hard work and that the council members have already earned their right to a device more than anybody else as they were elected by the community at large would you object?

If the answer is no, then the whole discussion here is about political procedure, and not the actual result, and I firmly believe we have more useful things to do than discuss procedures.

I understand the concept of conflict of interest but I believe the above statement in boldface to be true.

I do have my own concerns about certain people that I think do not deserve a CA over some others that were left out, but I will not state them as it will probably be instulting and it is more than possible that I am plain wrong.

About the harmattan camp nonsense, (no offence, but it's nonsense) it only hurts this community, and it makes me sad as a maemo user, not a specific-version-of-maemo user.
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Originally Posted by qwazix View Post
If council members were assigned a community award from the start on the grounds that council work is hard work and that the council members have already earned their right to a device more than anybody else as they were elected by the community at large would you object?

If the answer is no, then the whole discussion here is about political procedure, and not the actual result, and I firmly believe we have more useful things to do than discuss procedures.

I understand the concept of conflict of interest but I believe the above statement in boldface to be true.

I do have my own concerns about certain people that I think do not deserve a CA over some others that were left out, but I will not state them as it will probably be instulting and it is more than possible that I am plain wrong.

About the harmattan camp nonsense, (no offence, but it's nonsense) it only hurts this community, and it makes me sad as a maemo user, not a specific-version-of-maemo user.

I never said if they deserved or not, i simple don't know all of them. The point is that you never judge yourself in competition, as it was said few times by me and others. And most disapponting thing, that except one member who actually said that "i felt it was conflict of interests" and didn't participate, we got no response from others, though i saw few of them on "Currently Active Users Viewing This Thread". So it just proves the point more and more =\

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Well, at times the tone is quite rough in this discussion here. Also rude behavior as well as rhetoric ambages are not very helpful for coming up with a sane and goal-oriented discussion, imho.

Personally, I think running into this conflict of interest was at least politically sub-optimal because this opens up the door for at least one part of the discussion that is currently going on. This may also weaken the position of some of the council members. However, I don't know about long term consequences.

On the other hand I cannot understand all the outrage here in retrospect. Honestly, _if_ this is such a big deal for the people who complain now you should have raised your voice before when the discussion of the rules or modalities about this award took place. And with "raise your voice" I do not mean a single post in some discussion but to really make your voice heard. Apparently, as can be seen in this thread, you also don't have any issue with repeatedly and colorfully stating opinions and questions. All this discussion could have also taken place before the decissions were made.

Edit: Maybe we all can take this as a lesson to participate in decisions while they are being made. Not afterwards, when the decisions had been made.

Last edited by Wonko; 2012-06-22 at 08:28.

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My feelings about the way prominent members long standing and those who have control on here such as the moderators and council are really showing bad taste shouting people down it is becoming more of a strapped community in control and no way could this community ever be a cooperative where everyone is an equal on here.

It is getting more and more clear people are just not allowed to vent feelings without either being shouted down for it or "moderated" and when you read this thread it is so clear people have no choice but to hold back on what they say for fear of someone complaining.

NO member of council should have been allocated an N950, it is clearly making bad feeling among the people who really have contributed and deserve that never even got a look in.

This council seem to be the wrong people for the job and i think woody should definitely be replaced after reading his comments on here.

I think a vote should be considered to re-elect a new council as the one currently elected have clearly shown the wrong idea from the off and is causing too much bad feeling and contempt now.
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To the Harmattan users getting helical underwear syndrome over the awards, consider this: do you want to be represented by a council that has no Harmattan devices and therefore no interest in them or their software?

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Originally Posted by lma View Post

To the Harmattan users getting helical underwear syndrome over the awards, consider this: do you want to be represented by a council that has no Harmattan devices and therefore no interest in them or their software?

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