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Posts: 65 | Thanked: 113 times | Joined on Mar 2011 @ Austria
I cannot callibrate the screen of my Nokia N810 anymore. The touch screen is not correct at the moment, I have to click about 1cm to the left to hit a button.

The screen calibration tells me to "click closer to the center" when I try to callibrate the screen (and click right on the center dot). I have to click to the outest circle to proceed with callibration. It happens only to the 2 left callibration marks (1 and 4).

Any help or hints?
Posts: 2,802 | Thanked: 4,491 times | Joined on Nov 2007
Never done it, but perhaps you can edit /etc/pointercal directly (may need a reboot for settings to take effect).
Posts: 5,795 | Thanked: 3,151 times | Joined on Feb 2007 @ Agoura Hills Calif
Something like this happened to me and the device "got better" in a few wesks. My theory was that something somehow got wet and was fixed when it dried.
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Posts: 65 | Thanked: 113 times | Joined on Mar 2011 @ Austria
Thanks for the pointers - I played around a little bit with the pointercal files under etc. It is not solved, so far.

What is strange that the 2 left items are not callibrated (I have to click even further then the outest ring, just about where the horizontal line starts). The 2 right items (2 and 3) I can calibrate correctly

I also put in the pointercal numbers from this link. No change though..

The N810 was not put out in the rain, recently. I usually keep a close watch on the gadget. I use it a lot though.

This is my pointercal file:
cat /etc/pointercal
15714 46 -8281608 -203 -9779 36023852 65536
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Posts: 311 | Thanked: 376 times | Joined on Nov 2010 @ Hungary
I have the same problem, started two days ago, and the touch is okay at the top half, but shifted upward as I go to the bottom, about 1 cm, the bottom 1cm of the screen is impossible to use this way, recalibration does not help a bit. May guess was that the screen got pressed a bit too hard at a point and now is stuck at "pressed", and messes up all the touch events. Sadly my device is pretty old and the screen is scratched all over.
If there is no other way, I would gladly buy a replacement screen from someone.

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