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@ Australia Mate
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I had a mod that changed the colors of the icons in the low power mode, like the software update icon was green, text message & email icons were blue and the charging icon changed from red to yellow to green. Does anyone know which mod I'm talking about? I totally forgot what it was. . .
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, 10:50
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@ San Francisco, CA
I think that you are thinking of N9 QuickTweak, which had that mod as one of its many options.
, 10:52
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, 10:53
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@ Australia Mate
There are apparently two different versions of N9 QuickTweak version 7.2. Are you referencing the original 7.2 (approx 11MB) or the New 7.2 (approx. 10MB) or do they both work with PR1.3?
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The Following User Says Thank You to jleholeho For This Useful Post: | ||
Perhaps we can even create an abstract. I think that would help many more.
- Inception - with 0.2 (tested by me)
- IM Messanger - work with the same old version (tested by me)
- F.D.B - work with 0.9.7 (tested by F2thaK & F2thaK)
- Faster N9 (tested by F2thaK)
- Low Power Clock Colour (tested by F2thaK & me)
- Backgrounds (tested by me)
- NITDroid (tested by odradek)
- Unrestricted system-ui (tested by me & odradek & rahulthewall)
- MT-Toggle (tested by me & odradek & rahulthewall)
- HackyBrightness (tested by odradek)
- LED Event Notifier 2.0 (tested by jaybp25)
- lpsmagic (tested by soryuuha)
- overclocking - because different kernel version
- Open Mode
- File Manager
here for a separate list, as there are several modifications.
Perhaps someone has indeed one or the other Try and let us know what works
QuickTweak 7.2 - yes, but all Mods??
- Unrestricted system-ui & MT-Toggle - work
- Landscape MODs - work
PS: Sorry for my bad English and thanks for help
Last edited by cvp; 2012-07-07 at 07:57.