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I have many contacts with included birtdays. I want to use the "birthday" calendar but dont't like automatic birthday reminders (1.5 days ahead) almost everyday for everybody in my contacts.

When anybody knows or programs a tweak, I would appriciate it with a paypal donation of 10 €!!


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Why not use Google calendar en switch off notifications/reminders.

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A better option than reminders is to view them in the feeds screen as a notification.

Install the app called "Organizer Feed" (free from Nokia Store), refresh feed screen, when birthdays pop up in the feeds screen, tap and hold on one of them, click settings, then click the Organizer Feed button. Go in calendar settings and click birthdays. Now you'll get a lot of options to tweak how you can view the birthdays and how they appear.

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User calendar db raw data is NOT available to developers. But because QtOrganizer API doesn't allow to edit reminders (FROM Reference Docs: Detailed Description
The QOrganizerItemReminder class contains information about when and how the user wants to reminded of the item
Note that the Organizer API does not enforce that the user is reminded of the item; rather, it simply allows clients to store and manipulate data which might be used by the platform to implement alarms and reminders.) the only way I tought is to use it with inception.


You need the following packages:
Inception to be able to use opensh
OpenSh to access user calendar database. Should no longer be needed if using Inception 0.2.
SQLite3 to execute commands.

Inception can be get in .
I'm on PR 1.2 so I still use Inception 0.1 and Opensh, there is inception 0.2 and ariadne now it seams, so it should be "ariadne sh" instead of "opensh" command.

I don't remember where I have downloaded SQlite3, so I upload it on my dropbox account till I find again source link.
EDIT: you can get sqlite3 from

SQLite3 has to be installed from terminal:
-DeveloperMode enabled
-open terminal app
-type "devel-su"
-type password, which is "rootme" by default
-close the terminal window now

To edit birthdays reminders:
-Open terminal app
-type "opensh" or "ariadne sh" if using inception 0.2
-type "aegisctl -s"
-type "sqlite3 /home/user/.calendar/db"
*type "UPDATE Alarm SET isEnabled = 0 WHERE Offset == -129600;" to DISABLE alarms
*type "UPDATE Alarm SET isEnabled = 1 WHERE Offset == -129600;" to ENABLE alarms back

You can also change alarms offset time, but this command requires alarms to keep having -129600seconds offset (36h, that's why they get triggered at midday of previous day) to recognize them from other alarms.

EDIT: Forgot to include "aegisctl -s" to let opensh/ariadne execute sqlite3.
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Last edited by gionni88; 2012-07-08 at 10:38.

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gionni deserves the money

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oh come on! We can share.. We're friends of a dead platform.. We must stand together! Let's make it 50/50? No.. ? How about.. 90/10? :P

The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to flopjoke For This Useful Post:
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sorry for my late answer. I'm travelling around and I'm currently writing from my mobilephone.

Thank u very much for your really detailed tutorial. I will try it when I'm back home. Please PM me your paypal email :-)

The Following User Says Thank You to RockOn_23 For This Useful Post:
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Sorry to retsart old thread, but I only just found this. I have problem where I get duplicate alarms for some of my contacts birthdays. Could sqlite be used to fix problem?

I tried
SELECT * FROM Alarm where Offset == -129600;
but it didn't show any duplicates. I don't understand why N9 shows duplicate Alarms in UI when the event occurs?

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How about you donate the 10€ to the Hildon Foundation so we can continue having this awesome community and continue have helpful people like gionni88..

But it's you're money and you decide, all I am trying to do is just suggest another option of payment.

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Originally Posted by nbedford View Post
Sorry to retsart old thread, but I only just found this. I have problem where I get duplicate alarms for some of my contacts birthdays. Could sqlite be used to fix problem?

I tried
SELECT * FROM Alarm where Offset == -129600;
but it didn't show any duplicates. I don't understand why N9 shows duplicate Alarms in UI when the event occurs?
After updating to PR 1.3 (or 1.2) there is a proper calendar for contacts birthdays, it may be you have some contacts birthdays in old calendar? Like the one from one of the birthdays apps on Nokia store?

It may be that case because only the proper calendar creates offsets alarms of 36h, so your SQL query only shows those entries. You may try without the WHERE clausole and check which calendar has duplicate entries.
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The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to gionni88 For This Useful Post:

thanks gionni88

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