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Gidzz, can you add more options in sleep timer.
I mean to say- close application or stop playback after 2 songs or any number
of songs.

In this way we can listen full song
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Originally Posted by malkavian View Post
I would love to have an option to load an entire folder with all subfolders and songs/videos to playlist. With this and an option to say the default medias folder where begin navigation I wouldn't need trackerd at all. I really prefer to navigate and charge folders of music instead of using id3 tags. Could be possible?
An external file browser can be used to open a whole folder, so I'm not in a hurry to add a built-in browser to OMP. Looks like I forgot to make it work for videos, but I just added it to my to-do, so it should appear in one of the future updates. This approach unfortunately does not always allow to open a whole tree of directories, so subfolders will have to wait for a built-in browser and I can't say when it is about to happen, if at all.

Originally Posted by Estel View Post
This is very strange, as I'm almost sure, that before problems started, I had .ogg playback *without* gstreamer0.10-ogg package, and gstreamer0.10-maemo-xiph was sufficient. During IRC conversation, kerio confirmed, that .ogg is working for him, without -ogg and with -maemo-xiph. Could anyone else, who have working .ogg playback check own setup?
Good to hear that it did not end with a reflash. gstreamer0.10-ogg is not needed, because ogg-support moved to more efficient gstreamer0.10-av.

Originally Posted by Shinigamijim View Post
I think I've read it somewhere.... where does the OMP get the lyrics from ?

I have many many songs that cant show lyrics for some odd reason, nevertheless they are from Cd Albums. (but the next update will feature a few other sources and an easy way to add more).

Originally Posted by Sourav.dubey View Post
Gidzz, can you add more options in sleep timer.
I mean to say- close application or stop playback after 2 songs or any number
of songs.
It might sound trivial and the basic implementation could indeed take 15 minutes, but there are some issues that make it more complicated than it might seem at first.

1) It would be broken for radio streams, 2) volume reduction wouldn't work in shuffle mode (and I think this feature is only useful when shuffling -- otherwise you can simply create a playlist and set the sleep timer to match its playing time) and 3) possible confusion when skipping a track closes the player. And that's only from the top of my head. 2) and 3) could be solved in a more or less elegant way, but the idea of stuffing OMP with half-working features does not appeal to me.
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Originally Posted by gidzzz View Post
Alright, I just tried a bit harder and finally after a reboot I've got this problem too.
Problem that wired headset button not working when libplayback is enabled cannot be easily fixed. Binary Prolog code has predicate which enable jackbias (needed to enable headset button) only when there is incoming or active voice call. Solution would be to patch that Prolog binary code.

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I don't think the tracker ignore list will work. It surely doesn't work for me and googling, I found that tracker seems to have a bug, making it ignore the ignore list :-(
The only way to make tracker do what you want it to do is not using a player that does not rely on tracker at all. But there is no player out there that I'd recommend 100 % ...

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#1165 (but the next update will feature a few other sources and an easy way to add more).
Cool Thank looking forward to it.
Another question though... I connected my n900 to my tv using the tvout cable and started using OMP, I choosed a couple of song with lyrics but the screen in the n900 always went black (as normal after 10 sec you know what i mean), and then in my Tv it shows "the lockscreen" app.... so I cant keep singing without keeping the screen in my n900 on the whole time, rather than the video option in which i can shut the screen in my n900 but the movie/video keeps playing normal.

So... anyway i can manage to keep singing without eating my battery ? or is because of the lock screen app ?
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i think it is the lock-screen app (qtlockscreen?), just try to uninstall it

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Originally Posted by sirpaul View Post
i think it is the lock-screen app (qtlockscreen?), just try to uninstall it
It must be... I actually hate it, but cant do that because it is part of maemeemo app which i cant uninstall .deb version.

I have already asked how to do it but no luck so far.
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Originally Posted by Shinigamijim View Post
It must be... I actually hate it, but cant do that because it is part of maemeemo app which i cant uninstall .deb version.

I have already asked how to do it but no luck so far.
Please try to give the full output of
sudo gainroot
apt-get purge qtlockscreen
in the dedicated thread for maemeemo
May not be easy, but... let's try.

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Having an issue with the media player which I am sure it's MAFW, but I'd like to confirm.

I can listen to a playlist on shuffle for a number of days, normally either "Most Played" or "Never Played".
After say roughly 5 days, OMP takes ages to open and when it does, magically I am back at the start of the playlist with all the same songs in the same order.
I know it's not got to the end of the list as I currently have 2457 never played tracks.
I am guessing this has nothing to do with OMP, correct?

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Much awaited and delayed first post update done, thanks again gidzzz, OMP seems polished now

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