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Originally Posted by larkw View Post
How can you download BlueVPN from Google play store in the first place? I get "This app is incompatible with your Asus Nexus 7". Jelly Bean 4.1.1.
BlueVPN is compatible/downloadable/installabe on the Nexus 7 with Jellybean despite being described as "for Ice Cream Sandwich". I'm writing this post from my Nexu 7 tethering from my Nokias N9's 3G connection via BlueVPN.

Having that said, it's not all roses, the connection is not very fast, not because of the 3g, but because of the bluetooth linkage between devices that is just not as fast as wi-fi.

So, has anyone come up with a different solution besides BlueVPN for the Nx7 with the N9?
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Last I saw, Android users were in the same boat:

Although I can only assume that recompiling wpa_supplicant from AOSP with the patch on this page (assuming things haven't changed drastically enough since 2010 to break that patch) would work, but certainly that's outside of my own level of expertise.
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There was this guy arend who made an app for gingerbread that made ad hoc possible on android devices. He pulled it of google play and just updated he wont be dev'ing on it anymore. Read link below and the last answer in the postings/answers.

I tried it on my N900 -> nitdroid but couldn't get it to work cause it couldn't mount a certain partition.

Just did a check on the above site to if he (arend) had updated his site/app and found the above mentioned.

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Last edited by Dousan; 2012-08-14 at 18:31.
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Originally Posted by rainisto View Post
By default it doesn't, but you can always compile/port support for it from Bluez.
I won an N950 in the coding competition. My first task is to get BlueZ pan working for use with my Nexus 7 and iPod Touch. What would be the necessary steps to begin compiling it for N9? Would the stock kernel work? How does the development process work on N9 vs N900. I have become pretty familiar with the N900 process with Qt, scratchbox, extras-devel, etc. I am nebulous about the sdlc on the N9.
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Been using it myself, Nexus7 and N9 together, through BlueVPN for the last 4 days. Not an ideal solution, but a workable one for the brief time.
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Ok, I got Bluetooth pan working on the n9.

Just remove network from the DisabledPlugins section in /etc/bluetooth/main.conf .

After that I got pan working with the script from the bluez repo and the script from another thread on

I have put all the files into this gist:

The last missing bit is ipt_MASQUARADE but as workaround we can use BlueVPN in conjunction with pan networking to workaround the Android online checks and the missing ipt_MASQUARADE on the N9.

Fully working Tether Nexus 7 <--> N9

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leoniedelt's Avatar
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Originally Posted by madmo View Post
Ok, I got Bluetooth pan working on the n9.

Just remove network from the DisabledPlugins section in /etc/bluetooth/main.conf .

After that I got pan working with the script from the bluez repo and the script from another thread on

I have put all the files into this gist:

The last missing bit is ipt_MASQUARADE but as workaround we can use BlueVPN in conjunction with pan networking to workaround the Android online checks and the missing ipt_MASQUARADE on the N9.

Fully working Tether Nexus 7 <--> N9
I did the first step with Nano, no prob, but cannot execute the python script (cos permissions arent set properly, its rw- r - r and that's it). And i can't chmod either, which is unexpected! It says permission denied!

Wonder if the lovely fellows who do the QUicktweak or something along those lines would consider making this a bit easier for the likes of me?

I'd give my third born child (havent got one yet) to have a properly working tether between Nexus7 and N9... Over BlueVPN it will not let the Play store download, for example, or Gmail to sync.
Posts: 466 | Thanked: 661 times | Joined on Jan 2009
Originally Posted by madmo View Post
Ok, I got Bluetooth pan working on the n9.

Just remove network from the DisabledPlugins section in /etc/bluetooth/main.conf .

After that I got pan working with the script from the bluez repo and the script from another thread on

I have put all the files into this gist:

The last missing bit is ipt_MASQUARADE but as workaround we can use BlueVPN in conjunction with pan networking to workaround the Android online checks and the missing ipt_MASQUARADE on the N9.

Fully working Tether Nexus 7 <--> N9
Wow, we both got this far. I had contaced the bluez-users IRC group and found out this as well and was able to run the scripts, too. I then just found your post today as I was going to give an update.

Yes, the ipt_MASQUERADE is missing. I have been trying to compile the modules on my N950 for the past day. The modules compile, but they don't load (not sure why). My goal would be to take the exact kernel config from a stock N950 PR 1.2 or N9 PR 1.3 and be able to load the modules. I don't really want to screw with open mode. I've played with inception and it seems less intrusive. I'm going to try the inception + a new modules package that maybe would install/load with inception (I hope).

I'm not sure how aegis treats module files, but I hope this is doable.
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I got this to work using PPP Widget. It requires a rooted nexus 7 and a usb otg cable. Unlike BlueVPN, it's not wireless, but it gives full internet access on the tablet and it does so at very good speeds.


Download PPP Widget from the play store and add the widget to a homescreen (grant superuser access when prompted).
Select "Configure" on the widget.
- Fill in Access Point Name (I just entered a blank space here).
- Disable automatic device detection.
Connect N9 with usb otg cable.
- Choose "Sync and connect" option on N9.
Select the PPP icon and choose your N9 from the list.
Hit Connect.

The widget manages the wifi connection so I didn't have to turn off wifi on the nexus to get this to work. I have yet to find an internet enabled app that can't connect to the net.

Bonus: not only does the n9 charge while connected to the nexus 7, the wifi hotspot app can be used simultaneously for other devices.

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Thank you coomac,

I'm using your method: Nexus 7 + PPP Widget + USB OTG + Nokia N9.
Works perfectly!

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