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If you tell me which functionality you want, I can build this kernel with these modules, but I won't be able to test it myself on device, as I have neither N9 nor N950. Do you know how to flash kernel and, in case it's broken, flash the old one? Everyone else: is there a guide for rescuing N9 after failed kernel flashing somewhere?

Last edited by misiak; 2012-08-14 at 10:31.

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farfary's Avatar
Posts: 147 | Thanked: 300 times | Joined on Mar 2012 @ ^^ IRAN ^^ - Tehran :D
very thanks for help misiak
yes i know how to flash the kernel and when this broken , flash the old one
the custom kernel suport openmode ( that can chroot and run nitdroid ) and have some vpn moudel ( pptp or l2tp = slhc.ko ppp_generic.ko ppp_async.ko sha1_generic.ko ppp_mppe.ko )
and some module and perfomance you now important for later
i now this difficult and lose your time , i trying to learn comile the kernel and custom it
here is forum of nitdroid about kernel N9

Last edited by farfary; 2012-08-14 at 11:18.
Posts: 1,336 | Thanked: 3,932 times | Joined on Jul 2010 @ Brittany, France
Originally Posted by misiak View Post
If you tell me which functionality you want, I can build this kernel with these modules, but I won't be able to test it myself on device, as I have neither N9 nor N950. Do you know how to flash kernel and, in case it's broken, flash the old one? Everyone else: is there a guide for rescuing N9 after failed kernel flashing somewhere?
You definitely need to win a N9 or N950 from the development contests and stuff like that. It is not the first time I see you helping the N9(50) community despite not having the device yourself. You would definitely deserve it, and even if you wouldn't want to use it as your main phone, it would be highly useful as a dev tool.

I cannot do anything here, but I wanted to tell that your support is highly appreciated. Already thought that when I was using the N900 as main phone.

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problem with compiling kernel with new modules is that rootfs would need updating also.
I have been trying to recompile kernel to support full NAT with IP tables, uploading all new modules etc to phone, so far with little success.
Either the phone MALF and wont boot, or, when replacing all modules to match new kernel, the iptables and connected modules is still reporting not matching symbols in modules.
I would be happy to test kernel and modules compiled if needed.
NAT is needed to fully complete my pentest suite, possibly also to complete TOR.

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Ok, i've seen the other thread: where Creamy Goodness posts just additional kernel modules for installation, so I could in fact buid the kernel with additional modules and create a deb with only additional modules for someone (farfary, nieldk?) to test (if you know what you want to do, you will test yourselves, if not - I can think of some simple test cases). Could one of you post the modules which are already installed on device with stock kernel (or openmode kernel, doesn't matter I guess) or, in other words, output of
ls /lib/modules/current
I'll see what's already there and what else could be compiled. Or did anyone do that before (well, this idea sounds a bit easy to do, so maybe there is a package with additional kernel modules somewhere on TMO)?

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Originally Posted by misiak View Post
Ok, i've seen the other thread: where Creamy Goodness posts just additional kernel modules for installation, so I could in fact buid the kernel with additional modules and create a deb with only additional modules for someone (farfary, nieldk?) to test (if you know what you want to do, you will test yourselves, if not - I can think of some simple test cases). Could one of you post the modules which are already installed on device with stock kernel (or openmode kernel, doesn't matter I guess) or, in other words, output of
ls /lib/modules/current
I'll see what's already there and what else could be compiled. Or did anyone do that before (well, this idea sounds a bit easy to do, so maybe there is a package with additional kernel modules somewhere on TMO)?
Would definately test the iptables NAT (net filter) modules.
Also, a 'pwer kernel' should be patched to disable Aegis.
Diff to elimante Aegis aggressiveness is here:

Here is an output of the stock pr1.3 kernel modules.

/lib/modules/ $ ls
JoikuSpot_Bouncer.ko     ip6_tables.ko            omap34xx_temp.ko
ad5807.ko                ip6table_filter.ko       omap_ssi.ko
ad58xx.ko                ip_tables.ko             omaplfb.ko
ads7846.ko               iptable_filter.ko        pcbc.ko
ak8974.ko                ipv6.ko                  phonet.ko
ak8975.ko                jbd.ko                   pn544.ko
apds990x.ko              jffs2.ko                 pn_pep.ko
as3645a.ko               leds-lp5521.ko           pvrsrvkm.ko
auth_rpcgss.ko           leds-lp5523.ko           radio-wl1273.ko
bcm4751-gps.ko           lis3lv02d.ko             ramzswap.ko
bhsfh.ko                 lis3lv02d_i2c.ko         rng-core.ko
bnep.ko                  lockd.ko                 rpcsec_gss_krb5.ko
bridgedriver.ko          mailbox.ko               scsi_mod.ko
cmt.ko                   mailbox_mach.ko          scsi_wait_scan.ko
cmt_speech.ko            modules.alias            sd_mod.ko
cryptodev.ko             modules.ccwmap           smiapp-power.ko
cryptoloop.ko            modules.dep              smiapp.ko
dm-crypt.ko              modules.ieee1394map      ssi_protocol.ko
dm-mod.ko                modules.inputmap         sunrpc.ko
ext2.ko                  modules.isapnpmap        twl4030-pwrbutton.ko
ext3.ko                  modules.ofmap            twl4030_keypad.ko
g_ether.ko               modules.pcimap           twl5031-aci.ko
g_file_storage.ko        modules.seriomap         vibra_spi.ko
g_ncm.ko                 modules.symbols          wl12xx.ko
g_nokia.ko               modules.usbmap           wl12xx_sdio.ko
g_softupd.ko             mtdconcat.ko             wl12xx_spi.ko
g_zero.ko                mtdswap.ko               xfrm6_mode_beet.ko
hci_h4p.ko               n_fbus.ko                xfrm6_mode_transport.ko
hid-twl4030-vibra.ko     nfnetlink.ko             xfrm6_mode_tunnel.ko
hidp.ko                  nfnetlink_log.ko         xt_IDLETIMER.ko
hsi_char.ko              nfs.ko                   xt_NFLOG.ko
iommu.ko                 omap-aes.ko              xt_RATEEST.ko
iommu2.ko                omap3-iommu.ko           xt_condition.ko
iovmm.ko                 omap3-isp.ko             xt_rateest.ko

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farfary's Avatar
Posts: 147 | Thanked: 300 times | Joined on Mar 2012 @ ^^ IRAN ^^ - Tehran :D
Output Openmode Pr 1.3 kernel
RM696-21-3_PR_001:~# ls /lib/modules/current
JoikuSpot_Bouncer.ko     ip6table_filter.ko       omaplfb.ko

ad5807.ko                ip_tables.ko             pcbc.ko

ad58xx.ko                iptable_filter.ko        phonet.ko

ads7846.ko               ipv6.ko                  pn544.ko

ak8974.ko                jbd.ko                   pn_pep.ko

ak8975.ko                jffs2.ko                 pvrsrvkm.ko

apds990x.ko              leds-lp5521.ko           radio-wl1273.ko

as3645a.ko               leds-lp5523.ko           ramzswap.ko

auth_rpcgss.ko           lis3lv02d.ko             rng-core.ko

bcm4751-gps.ko           lis3lv02d_i2c.ko         rpcsec_gss_krb5.ko

bhsfh.ko                 lockd.ko                 scsi_mod.ko

bnep.ko                  mailbox.ko               scsi_wait_scan.ko

bridgedriver.ko          mailbox_mach.ko          sd_mod.ko

cmt.ko                   modules.alias            smiapp-power.ko

cmt_speech.ko            modules.ccwmap           smiapp.ko

cryptodev.ko             modules.dep              ssi_protocol.ko

cryptoloop.ko            modules.ieee1394map      sunrpc.ko

dm-crypt.ko              modules.inputmap         twl4030-pwrbutton.ko

dm-mod.ko                modules.isapnpmap        twl4030_keypad.ko

ext2.ko                  modules.ofmap            twl5031-aci.ko

ext3.ko                  modules.pcimap           unseal.ko

g_ether.ko               modules.seriomap         vibra_spi.ko

g_file_storage.ko        modules.symbols          wl12xx.ko

g_ncm.ko                 modules.usbmap           wl12xx_sdio.ko

g_nokia.ko               mtdconcat.ko             wl12xx_spi.ko

g_softupd.ko             mtdswap.ko               xfrm6_mode_beet.ko

g_zero.ko                n_fbus.ko                xfrm6_mode_transport.ko

hci_h4p.ko               nfnetlink.ko             xfrm6_mode_tunnel.ko

hid-twl4030-vibra.ko     nfnetlink_log.ko         xt_IDLETIMER.ko

hidp.ko                  nfs.ko                   xt_NFLOG.ko

hsi_char.ko              omap-aes.ko              xt_RATEEST.ko

iommu.ko                 omap3-iommu.ko           xt_condition.ko

iommu2.ko                omap3-isp.ko             xt_rateest.ko

iovmm.ko                 omap34xx_temp.ko

ip6_tables.ko            omap_ssi.ko


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