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On Canola, when I play a video file , I can click-drag on the video screen in the small window to make it fullscreen.

But I just cant get it to come back to windowed mode from fullscreen mode ? How do I do that ?

In the middle of a movie, if I wanted to change volumen control, in fullscreen mode I cant get any of the controls - or even to fast forward to a position in stream. Its only possible in winodwed mode. But no way can I switchoff the fullscreen mode if I once change to fullscreen. Have to kill canola enirely.

Am I missing something ?
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Posts: 1,412 | Thanked: 594 times | Joined on Aug 2005 @ Recife, Brazil
You're supposed to be able to return from fullscreen by touching the screen again. But it seems that there are some problems with "events" sent by the playing video screen. We are running against them.. and we will do our best to fix it. It seems to work for some people and not for others. Do you have mplayer installed? It seems to work better then.

About the controls on top of the video : the current video infrastructure doesn't allow us to do that. in mplayer would be possible but we don't have the time / devs to do that : /


Posts: 1,097 | Thanked: 650 times | Joined on Nov 2007
Thanks for the pointers.

I am using Cabnola on N810 with the standard media player - not mplayer.
Yes, in fulloscreen mode tapping on screen - click-drag, nothing seems to work to minimise the screen back to windowed state.

I actually wanted to get the volumen control in Canola itself, leaving the system volume control at high. But if the screen does not minimise, then there is no way i can get at the Canola volume control.

But thanks for the fullscreen button on the top, why didnt I think of that.

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