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There should be a countdown clock next to logo to catch attention (dunno if possible though) or perhaps a big blinking entry in navigation bar (Development, News,Talk..)

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Originally Posted by caco3 View Post
So, there are only 2 weeks left until end of submission but there is still no submission page available?
Hi caco3, as you'll have seen over the past couple of pages discussion regarding the competition submission site, we'll most likely be relying on Plan B (email/wiki) unless fcrochik comes up anything regarding the wordpress plan. But really it's quite late in the day. I posed the question a couple of weeks back:

Or is it just simpler to update the wiki and/or everyone email me with details and I'll create threads on here?
I didnt get any response so it's hard to judge if what we're doing is right for you guys out there. But effectively we're running out of time with it, and that's what we'll most likely do.

The past few days my worries have been on other things, mostly the voting (I can't see any response from council to my questions as yet, I guess they need time to discuss things) and worrying about securing devices for our prizes with Quim leaving Nokia. Quim has stated in his farewell thread that:

I will connect the council with the right people in charge of the hosting and the distribution of devices
So as you can see, no matter how well you try to plan things there's always some external force ready to cause disruption and havoc If i go quiet for a few days it's probably cause i'm moving from one little crisis to another lol But hopefully I get the headaches so you all don't have to, though I know patience can run thin.. I feel the same frustrations at times too

Anyway, we keep moving forward...

Originally Posted by peterleinchen View Post
Exactly what I was asking myself the last 2 weeks! Would have come with that question too today.

Will there be asubmission page?
Or will the wiki page announce and fremante repos be enough?
I love your questions Peter, but also come to me with ideas and feedback. Cause right now we have a bundle of things to decide and I'd love your thoughts on them

I'd like you to think about each entrant's submission criteria - what do they need to submit. These details are what I'll be using to set up the competition threads. Maybe think of this rough form as a starting point, here's a list of the top of my head:
  • Name and/or forum username
  • Application title
  • Application description
  • Category to enter
  • Beginner entry?
  • Description of application
  • Description of work completed
  • Screenshot 1
  • Screenshot 2
  • Location of where we can download and install the application

I'm sure you can think of others to add/tidy up

peterleinchen and caco3, are you both ready to enter now? You can be my guinea pigs if you like I know Khertan is ready to go too.

Originally Posted by Kozzi View Post
There should be a countdown clock next to logo to catch attention (dunno if possible though) or perhaps a big blinking entry in navigation bar (Development, News,Talk..)
That would be great Kozzi, but i'm afraid we don't have any option other than to reach out to the same guys we did at the start to remind people the deadline is fast approaching! hopefully we'll get a mention on the Maemo Weekly News next week and some blog updates too. If you know anyone, feel free to reach out - that goes for everyone ofcourse

We've has some queries about the prizes split, I'll outline how it is at the moment (this will be the current option) and if anyone isn't 100% please reply and also please give your proposed option at the same time. I'll leave it here for a few days and then run a poll to decide which one we keep. One piece of feedback was regarding not having multiple prizes per developer in cases of multiple applications entered, so I've adjusted the below to allow for that.

Device split:

Desktop, System & Utilities (2 N950, 2 N9)
Games, Graphics & Multimedia (2 N950, 2 N9)
Network & Communications (2 N950, 2 N9)
Location & Navigation (2 N950, 2 N9)
Other (2 N950, 2 N9)
Updates and development on existing apps (2 N950, 1 N9)
Beginners (made up of entries from the 5 main categories) (2 N950)

Bounty split
The next two places in each category will receive a bounty share of 55% and 45%. That will be 14 shares in total, and for most categories will be prizes for 5th and 6th place.

What happens if we don't have enough entries in a category for all prizes?
The first left over prize will be assigned to the category with most entries. Any next left over prize will be assigned to the category with second most entries, and around and around until all prizes are allocated.

How about any unallocated prizes are returned to council for..

How will devices be allocated to winners?
The first placed winner gets their first choice from the pool of devices allocated to that category, the second placed winner gets the next choice, etc etc until all devices are allocated. It's one device per winning developer, not application.

What about developers who are placed as device winners in multiple categories?
They will have the option of choosing which device they prefer from one category. For example, a developer placed 2nd in one category would have the choice of both devices but a developer placed 4th might only have the choice of what ever was left.

The freed up device in the other category will then be reallocated, and the next developer down the list of winners (most likely the 5th placed developer, for example) will then become a device winner. Effectively the prizes will skip a place. The bounty split will then follow, being awarded to the two developers placed after the last device winners.

What about developers who are placed as prize winners in the same category?
Similar to above, the winning developer can choose which prize they desire and the other prizes will then skip a place in the ordering and be assigned to the next developer along.

How does the beginner's category work?
Similar again to the above scenarios - if you win a prize in both the main categories and the beginners one, you choose which prize to accept and we'll skip the your place in the other category.

What if someone doesn't want to accept a device as a prize?
Some of our entrants may have devices already or may simply prefer a bit of money instead. We'll offer the chance to swap your device with one of the bounty prize winners. Please understand this has to be suitable for both parties, so we can't guarantee it. But where possible we will accommodate requests.

How will applications be listed on each competition thread for comparing?
Alphabetically by application name.

I've wrote that all ^^^ off the top of my head this moment so it's 100% guaranteed I've left something out, but hopefully it makes sense. Feel free to pick holes, I'd rather faults were found now than after the competition ends But be gentle, Im fragile these days
Follow me on my neglected twitter @kojacker

Cybot950 - Control a robot with your N9/N950
SMSPetFeeder - Build a Bluetooth/SMS dog feeder with Qt, N950, and arduino
Nerf950 - Use your N9/N950 to fire a Nerf gun

Last edited by kojacker; 2012-08-27 at 18:53.

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caco3's Avatar
Posts: 560 | Thanked: 423 times | Joined on May 2010 @ Switzerland
Hi kojacker

Thank you for the work and time you are putting into this.
For me it doesn’t matter which form the entry procedure has. As long as it works and doesn’t give you too much work.

I like the form on your blog. However I miss a field to enter the download location.
Also there should be a note field. So a developer can add a note, i.e. if he does not want the money or the phone.
Saves you time once you try to allocate the devices/prices.
On N9 check out this:
CacheMe 4 the N9, a geocaching client / MiniBible, a bible viewer / TheWord brings daily bible verses onto your phone / BatteryGraph to monitor the battery drainage / doublepress2unlock to unlock your phone with a double press onto the power button / GPRS Data Usage to monitor your GPRS data usage /
and more...

On N900 check out this: SleepAnalyser to analyse your sleep movements / PasswordMaker a for a password generator

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peterleinchen's Avatar
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Oink oink,
just grunted my submission onto your site.
Agree to caco that a field for download is missing (just put it as link into text field).
Note filed would be nice, but not mandatory.
Maybe add a few more screenshots upload fields (maybe it is hard to decide for just two pics).

Need to read your post once again to get all points
When that is what just came to your mind, just take another 5 minutes and you have all in
Thanks for your efforts.

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sakya's Avatar
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I uploaded the package for Lone Wolf to extra devel.
I cannot make screenshots and test the package now, I'll submit the entry in the form when I can.

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Thanks guys, appreciate the feedback! Peter and Paolo, I got your entries through just fine

I've styled the form a little bit so it isn't so plain looking as before. Don't judge - I have very limited artistic skills! Anyways, I like the idea of a 'notes' field for any other info, caco3, so I'll defo add that in. In the meantime feel free to add whatever extra details you like into the text fields, as long as the basics are covered ofcourse.

I've limited it to two screenshots, peterleinchen, because i'm thinking of the category threads where everyone's applications will be shown together in the same thread - the screenshots take up a lot of space. What I'd suggest to everyone is that they pick their two favorite ones to attach, then add a link in your competition entry text that points to a announce thread or other support page (for example) - that way you can add as much media there as you like

By the way (especially for our beginners) if anyone doesn't have an application thread they should really consider creating one. People will be interested in your application, and it's a good idea to give them somewhere to go to find out more about your hard work! Also I will be requesting that chatter in the voting threads is at a minimum so it'll give people somewhere to ask questions and otherwise get involved.

I've registered a new email address with gmail - maemo.competition2012 'at' The web entry form now sends your entries directly to it, but also there's no reason not to accept entries that are emailed directly if that's easier. Just as long as your email entry contains all of the relevant info, else I have to chase you up.. and if I chase you then I might release the dogs. Or the bees. Or the dogs with bees in their mouths and when they bark they shoot bees... Or worse it could delay your entry, so better try get everything in at the start right?

I'll share the login details of the new email account with zehjotkah and I'll pick someone(s) at random from the council too. Just so there's a few trusted independents with login access, in case my evil enemies finally capture me before the competition entry deadline. Once the competition is done, the council are welcome to take it over, retire it, do whatever they like with it.

I'm sure I had something else to say but I've forgotten what it was. Anyway please keep the feedback coming in about everything.. I realise there is a lot of changes needed to be done to the wiki, I'm hoping to hear something back about the other outstanding issues - voting, a consensus on prizes, etc - so i can do it all at once.
Follow me on my neglected twitter @kojacker

Cybot950 - Control a robot with your N9/N950
SMSPetFeeder - Build a Bluetooth/SMS dog feeder with Qt, N950, and arduino
Nerf950 - Use your N9/N950 to fire a Nerf gun

Last edited by kojacker; 2012-08-28 at 22:18.

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What about adding app icon to the form? This would help identify the application within large number of submissions.

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Originally Posted by swinkels View Post
What about adding app icon to the form? This would help identify the application within large number of submissions.
It's a good idea swinkels, but presumably people would still be able to recognise the application from the title/screenshot as they scroll through the thread. Still, there's nothing wrong with a developer adding their icon or logo as one of the 'screenshot' images. It's not strictly just for screenshots, although it's named that way - it might be more relevent to have a pic of a user enjoying your application or even a design diagram. Whatever you feel helps 'sell' your application and your work. But in the vast majority of cases they'll be screenshots hence I stuck with that for the name of the field.

I do like the idea though. in my head i can image each application having an entry where the icon is top left and the text flows nicely around it. In reality, if we're stuck to using forum posts, there isn't many layout choices available The way images are embedded, having an extra icon image would take each entry longer by the height of the icon image - and multiply that by the entries in each thread probably adds a lot of length to the thread.

I'm hoping that developers who have a recognisable branding for their application icon, and who'd like that displayed with their entry, are able to make use of one of the two 'screenshot' images for that - just attach the icon image instead.

Edit: Thanks marrat, received your entry for MeeDocs

I'll add a column to the wiki list for confirming when an entry has been received (sometime later tonight, after work)

Edit 2: Got some spare moments after all, so updated the wiki with an 'Entry Received?' column. Anyone who enters through the submission page should receive an automated response anyway, but this column will let you know I've seen it. Removed a few references to the competition submission site and added details of the web page form and email address.

We've three early birds so far
Follow me on my neglected twitter @kojacker

Cybot950 - Control a robot with your N9/N950
SMSPetFeeder - Build a Bluetooth/SMS dog feeder with Qt, N950, and arduino
Nerf950 - Use your N9/N950 to fire a Nerf gun

Last edited by kojacker; 2012-08-29 at 14:46.

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peterleinchen's Avatar
Posts: 4,118 | Thanked: 8,901 times | Joined on Aug 2010 @ Ruhrgebiet, Germany
I would have liked the icon also, but understand your concerns/arguments.
What about an extra field for direct link to application (may it be thread on TMO, own web site, whatever)?

Is it possible to edit an submission?

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Posts: 1,086 | Thanked: 2,964 times | Joined on Jan 2010
Thanks rzr, avis, and CaCO3 - got your entries through

CaCO3, I have a category query about your submission for CacheMe, I'll send you an email. (edit: now sorted out)

Originally Posted by peterleinchen View Post
I would have liked the icon also, but understand your concerns/arguments.
What about an extra field for direct link to application (may it be thread on TMO, own web site, whatever)?
Hmmm... I'd have expected people to add the direct link into the "Please provide download details and installation instructions for users.." text area. Maybe it would be better to make a separate field.. it's a good idea Peter and worth thinking about... hmm

Is it possible to edit an submission?
Sure, just reply back to the maemo.competition2012 email address outlining the changes and I'll pick it up
Follow me on my neglected twitter @kojacker

Cybot950 - Control a robot with your N9/N950
SMSPetFeeder - Build a Bluetooth/SMS dog feeder with Qt, N950, and arduino
Nerf950 - Use your N9/N950 to fire a Nerf gun

Last edited by kojacker; 2012-08-29 at 21:04.

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happy new year, mcc2012, merry christmas

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