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Hi qwazix,

Do we have any news regarding the power consumption issues?
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Originally Posted by qwazix View Post
foobar, that would be the perfect solution. I drifted away from that because I was unable to trigger a fake powerbutton press from within a qt application. I don't think I have any code from that early but the principle was simple. Instead of running text2screen (see timenow source) this script should be run. Unfortunately, whatever I tried, the lockscreen didn't come on.

I just put the code in a script ( and call
in your /opt/timenow/bin/shscript

It works, the lockscreen is shown, but the touchscreen is enabled
again, so you doesn't only see the screen, but can interact
with the slider too. And the backlight turns on.

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Hm, I never thought of calling it within another script. I was calling it directly from within timenow and nothing happened.

Next version of timenow will just show the lockscreen then

Also, cantruchd, I will include a setting to change the polling frequency in the config file, and make the default @200ms to reduce power consumption a bit.
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0.0.5 is on it's way to devel with hopefully significantly improved power consumption (interval @600ms), now it shows the lockscreen with all the relevant info.

Downside is that I can't control either the duration nor the brightness of the lockscreen.
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is it possible that we could have time-now lockscreen by touching or taping on the N900 screen rather than playing hide and seek with the proximity sensor ?Only if it possible cuz most of the time N900 is in my pockets so obviously lockscreen time will be shown automatically untill i get it out of pocket and put it somewhere with no bars on the proximity sensor .It will eat a lot of battery power i suppose . The other thing is everytime even after unlocking the screen ,due to slowness of the N900 time-now lockscreen is there with the main menu ,it takes its time to fade out .I hope you understand what i am trying to say .
Probably we can see the time on lockscreen by a gentle tap on the screen ( just like on N9 ), couldnt find any better handset to explain .Hopefully i was clear on all of this .TIA
Edit : i guess i have asked something related to hardware rather than software thing .My mistake .
Anyway i hope you add more things to lockscreen other than time .May be a better version with more things on screen and also with power saving mode ;p
i hope thats possible atleast !

Last edited by imo; 2012-09-06 at 20:08.

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Timenow should not show while the phone is in your pocket. It shows when the proximity sensor is uncovered, not covered. Anyway try 0.0.6 and I believe some of your requests have already been covered.

0.0.6 also has a small further improvement to the power consumption.

I stumbled upon an undocumented feature (thanks to joergrw for the pointers and to MohammadAG for discovering it) so the daemon in the next version will be plain qt (no shell scripts), and hopefully it will be possible to set the timeout before the lock screen diasappears.

I tried listening to taps while locked (you'll find more info earlier in this thread) but I didn't manage to do it.
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0.0.7 will be in devel in a while. I didn't manage to get rid of all the sh scripts (the undocumented feature isn't there, it was a false positive) but now it works more smoothly. It turns off when the proximity sensor is covered and the lock screen is shown, so that the time the backlight remains on while in the pocket is minimized even more.

Oh, and the timeout is configurable (though, don't put anything bigger than 15000, it probably won't work)
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Last edited by qwazix; 2012-09-07 at 16:02.

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I think I fixed the phone bug in 0.0.8

please test and report.
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Sounds awesome so far.

Unfortunately, timenow doesn't work for me anymore since it's supposed to show the lockscreen (0.0.5). Tried reinstalling, purging, reboot, et al. to no avail. Haven't looked at the code or anything yet, maybe you can suggest a way to debug this?

Last edited by foobar; 2012-09-07 at 17:05. Reason: No luck with 0.0.8 either

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Please try running sh /opt/timenowd/bin/powerbutton as root. Does it open the power button menu?

Does your powerbutton bring up the lockscreen normally when locked? Do you have qtLockscreen installed?

Does it work for anybody else?
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