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As much as I loved Maemo5 and Meego Harmattan with Swipe UI on the N9, I had to move on due to the lacking hardware and apps. (When you are a dad of 2 young ones, you do need a lot more infant-friendly games than what what N9/N900 provides. =p)

So yeah, I'm currently using my Galaxy Note as my intermediary phone/phablet to cover all my needs. (and most of my wants) It does a darn good job of it but I do want something more unique if I can. Android OS is okay but just doesn't provide the feeling of N9/N900 due to its crappy multitasking experience. (well, there are apps that simulate the Swipe UI-like multitasking but the OS itself is a limiting factor)

Lumia 920 might actually be good enough for me. I have high expectations for Windows Phone 8 due to its more desktop OS like roots. HW is great also. Quite eager to try out the OIS in the camera and enjoy the much faster and buttery smooth user experience compared to Android.

But, I am sad that Nokia may not make any exotic phones anymore like it used to due to its new business model. Nokia N900-2 is never gonna happen now. =(

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Originally Posted by gerbick View Post
Oh, I knew your words. I just tend to see folks take a truth as you had stated it and run with it until it's a full-blown hyperbole.

Quoting you, I should have stated that first. Therefore, I apologize.
apologises accepted

Originally Posted by gerbick View Post
A lot of "A", a heaping spoonful of "B". Dumber than a box of rocks set on fire and thrown at a school bus full of nuns. And senile enough to forget I did it.
i guess you are still the same (old?) grumpy gerbick of old
apologises for having missed your angle and doubted you

Originally Posted by gerbick View Post
I couldn't sell a thing on my best day. And I have way too many skeletons in my closet to be a politician.

Regardless; in this case I am not lying. The simple truth is that the N900 (Maemo5) and the N9 (Harmattan) were not fully open phones. And as far as being the "most open", I'm willing to bet that OpenMoko might take issue with that.

Either way, that's the part that's semantics. Who was the most open? At the end of the day, what matters the most to stock holders (read: idiots with a lot of money) who want to make the most of their money and do nothing, consumers (read: uninformed idiots with disposable income) who do nothing yet are the most vocal and developers/early adopters (read: like the lovely people here at TMO) that worry mostly about whether or not we will enjoy the device with like minded people and can we develop/hack/tweak the ever-living **** out of it.

Most open is a wildly popular yet truly misleading qualifier. In the end, it means nothing if we get truly dropped from the company that created it and are forgotten and not given access to all of the source we need or we don't have talented developers that don't storm off in a ragequit rant about how the community is full of idiots and ingrates.

Politician. Pfft. I enjoy my enemies as-is.
wonder whether we need to address the "general public" here
couldn't we just stick to the "like minded people"?

this being said, i already posted this a couple times...
with Maemo / MeeGo & all, NOKIA primarily proved one thing... the is no money (to speak of) to be made with open source
and the whole industry watched MeeGo tumble

and we already profusely argued whether N9 properly marketed may have succeeded where 770, N8x0 and N900 failled
(not that later where ever intended to be mass-market devices)

not sure how Jolla intends to improve that
after all, a good part of the Jolla folks are former NOKIA Maemo team member
let's hope they learned a thing or two on the way...
information is a necessary though no sufficient condition to rationality...

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Originally Posted by misterc View Post
apologises accepted...i guess you are still the same (old?) grumpy gerbick of old
Yep. Again, no worries. I figured you mistook my words. You know me... harmless and grumpy as ever.

wonder whether we need to address the "general public" here
No. But the general public just pre-purchased 2 million iPhone 5's. It's less about sales here though...

couldn't we just stick to the "like minded people"?
And I'd rather deal with this ^ but the more the general public backs something else, the least likely it becomes we'll have unique endeavors like Maemo and the N900/N9.

this being said, i already posted this a couple times...
with Maemo / MeeGo & all, NOKIA primarily proved one thing... the is no money (to speak of) to be made with open source
and the whole industry watched MeeGo tumble
There may not be any money; however there is merit. Bad management didn't see the money in Maemo/MeeGo. RedHat has proven that there is money in open source.

and we already profusely argued whether N9 properly marketed may have succeeded where 770, N8x0 and N900 failled
(not that later where ever intended to be mass-market devices)
Marketing would have helped. Distribution should have been better handled and more widely distributed.

not sure how Jolla intends to improve that
They're working on communication and developers right now it seems. They're also working on distribution, with the Chinese contract already in hand, they're on the road to doing more than Nokia did in regards to the N9 and Harmattan.

after all, a good part of the Jolla folks are former NOKIA Maemo team member
let's hope they learned a thing or two on the way...
Let's hope.

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Nokia is following Apple's footsteps, completely moving towards closed source so that they can make more money
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Originally Posted by maverick788us View Post
Nokia is following Apple's footsteps, completely moving towards closed source so that they can make more money
God! The first thing I would want them to learn from Apple is the over-exaggerating marketing hype that Apple generates...It can only be good for Nokia to follow such...

Moving towards closed source to make money?...Why can't we look at things objectively; WP was their choice from WP & Android...Plain Simple...They didn't want to engage into wars with other OEMs in using Android [Samsung would have had them for breakfast]...

We never know if Nokia will exist to even see out the WP-contract...Maybe then there is a change of mindset or they are self-sufficient to make their own software again...

Don't take things so personally...Its just a corporation trying to maximise its profits+chances of survival for better returns for its shareholders and they would use whatever it takes to achieve it [open, closed, s*** etc.]...

Last edited by thedead1440; 2012-09-18 at 07:45.

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Originally Posted by Ynohtna View Post
I'm interested in WP8 because of windows 8. I Will get a windows 8 laptop and matching phone and see what happens
Exactly.. They share the same kernel, I can imagine how that will make things very interesting for any Windows user

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Originally Posted by thedead1440 View Post
Its just a corporation trying to maximise its profits+chances of survival for better returns for its shareholders and they would use whatever it takes to achieve it [open, closed, s*** etc.]...
Allowing companies to be just that and regardless still throw them our cash is what makes us responsible for the mess this world is in.

Nokia had the hardware, had the OS and they blew it for me, personally.
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Originally Posted by ste-phan View Post
Allowing companies to be just that and regardless still throw them our cash is what makes us responsible for the mess this world is in.

Nokia had the hardware, had the OS and they blew it for me, personally.
What I meant was see; Nokia had chosen to use an external OS and they had 2 options; WP or Android...They chose WP as they felt this is where they will make more money in the future and NOT because WP is closed-source...

If you read quotes by Elop he has admitted that going down the WP path would give smaller profit margins compared to the in-house OSes which were to a large extent open-source...

So how are they making more money by going closed source? Its not about the openness but the $$$ that made Nokia's decision...

I've never been a fan of the WP decision as I felt the Harmattan path was better but it has been chosen and till the end of the WP-contract its nearly impossible to do anything about it no matter how much we hate Nokia for it...

Will I buy a Nokia after my n9 dies? Well I'm not too sure...After all, its based on my needs and I'll choose something I feel comfortable with but at this point I'm hoping Jolla do something good to convince me...
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Originally Posted by thedead1440 View Post
They chose WP as they felt this is where they will make more money in the future and NOT because WP is closed-source...
Dangerous. Is the contract with MS closed source too?

MS is just THE corporation trying to maximise its profits+chances of survival for better returns for its shareholders and they would use whatever it takes to achieve it [prevent Linux handset proliferation infecting desktop market, use Nokia for profit, dispose of Nokia as a Lumia]...

I feel - MS contract or not- the chances that Nokia will be able to continue to differentiate under MS reign by great software once the pool of nice hardware R&D concepts built up in the old times of huge budgets but steer less management are minimal.

MS on the contrary is acutally using Nokia and benefiting today to differentiate its OS with nice hardware AND software (Maps).

And old Finnish saying goes somehow like this "adapting the MS software is like shitting your pants to ease saddle pains while riding an uncontrollable horse.

Sooner or later you'll be found by the road side without transportation and pants full of sht
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I agree too with the conclusion that MS need Nokia more then Nokia needing MS
MS was losing its share in emerging tablet/smarthones to Apple and Google and was abandoned even by HTC
and the Desktop market have no long term future (and is shrinking)
will MS and Nokia survive in this harsh battle between Giants Apple/Samsung?

ip5 better, lumia 920, sml ecsytm, windows phone 8

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