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any chance of running it on 770 with 2007he ?

Last edited by ymaginary; 2008-01-15 at 20:00.
qwerty12's Avatar
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You could always try compling this:
Pushwall's Avatar
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Originally Posted by pipeline View Post
You should install becomeroot from the application manager under settings menu on n800... if you dont see it then click this link (from n800 browser) to add the repository which contains it :

After you have installed it then open xterm and type :
sudo gainroot
passwd root

then set your root password, preferably to something you will remember

Once thats done you have two choices (or two i will mention), SSH and emelfm2.

SSH access is best because you can remotely access the entire device from a destop... i would recommend eventually learning this. Install SSH Server on device and a utility like WinSCP for Windows XP or gFTP for linux. I'm out of breath and too tired to explain this further though, you could search though.

An easier solution (after setting up root) for this one task would be to install emelfm2 from here :

and then in xterm (as root) run emelfm2... then browse to /usr/share/applications/hildon and highlight quetoo_new.desktop and click the edit icon (looks like a notepad with pencil)... change settings as previously mentioned.
Thanks for this post pipeline, it explains alot. Here I've been doing things the slow way,...firing up xterm and using linux commands like 'cd' to change directories and 'vi' to edit files. Wow!!!...this is so much faster. Thanks for the detailed explanation. It made installing Quetoo much easier.
Pushwall's Avatar
Posts: 373 | Thanked: 110 times | Joined on Jul 2007
Thanks Zerion for making this port happen. I can't believe I can actually play Quake 2 on my Nokia N800....amazing!! I tested the shareware and it looks and plays great. I'm loading my Quake2 registered data files tonight and can't wait. Really nice!!
JFX's Avatar
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I just bought a n800, comes in on Monday I pray, can not wait to try this game, along with some dos games with DOSbox if at all possible.. Such as Commander Keen 1 if not episode 4, I wonder if anyone has tried that game yet.. Thanks for this q2, It sounds like its amazing. Can't wait.
Posts: 19 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Jan 2008
nice work !

a little bit tricky to play but it runs quite nicely

was wondering if a bluetooth keyboard was connected could some future launcher be made to detect that ?

still would have to mouse around with the stylus but strafing and aiming could be touch easier

looking forward to any future development of this
ZerionSeven's Avatar
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Been meaning to do this for a while now, but been a bit busy, but I've now finally built new packages for OS2008 with the launcher again included. The package is now available from or from downloads.

I had started some work on some new features too, but I managed to break my hdd moving, so I've had to revert back to the last one I released on the site. Not that there would have been anything finished ready yet anyway.

I've been thinking of changing the name of the port to something other than just quetoo, since the engine has changed quite a bit from the upstream version. Especially with the next version, since I finally intend to have those ingame item and weapon lists in. But I have practically no imagination whatsoever, so suggestions would be quite welcome.

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pipeline's Avatar
Posts: 693 | Thanked: 502 times | Joined on Jul 2007
Nice! Ok now that you've got the launcher back can you put the level select back on launcher

I noticed under save game it says 'Delete' so i tried deleting save game but it always says delete so i guess theres no extra hidden level select options there.

Originally Posted by ZerionSeven View Post
I've been thinking of changing the name of the port to something other than just quetoo, since the engine has changed quite a bit from the upstream version. Especially with the next version, since I finally intend to have those ingame item and weapon lists in.
Hooray for next versions! You could have menu key/objective screen remap controls temporarily so that dpad left right cycles weaps and up/down cycles inventory.

Thanks for continuing this, sorry about your harddrive... cant wait for cheap 200GB SSD drives.
tobiasj's Avatar
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Originally Posted by ZerionSeven View Post
I've been thinking of changing the name of the port to something other than just quetoo, since the engine has changed quite a bit from the upstream version. Especially with the next version, since I finally intend to have those ingame item and weapon lists in. But I have practically no imagination whatsoever, so suggestions would be quite welcome.
Well, you could always take the 'easy' way out and call it MaemoQuakeII, but something snappier might be nice.. something simple like QII or MobileQII would be self-explanatory or something humorous like QueAlso or QIQQ (Quetoo isnt Quite Quetoo) You should put up a poll or a new thread asking for names you will probably get quite a few..

I second the request for a level(map) selector on the launcher. It is the one thing I really missed after you removed it, in fact I think you had mentioned you were going to put it back at the time.
I have played QuakeII to death on the PC and I there are a few maps I really like a lot, being able to get to them quickly in the 5 minutes I have to play it at any given time would make it even more fun than it is now.

Thanks for all your effort it is a great port!


Last edited by tobiasj; 2008-02-20 at 13:27.
ZerionSeven's Avatar
Posts: 68 | Thanked: 84 times | Joined on Mar 2007 @ Lappeenranta, Finland
Originally Posted by pipeline View Post
Nice! Ok now that you've got the launcher back can you put the level select back on launcher

I noticed under save game it says 'Delete' so i tried deleting save game but it always says delete so i guess theres no extra hidden level select options there.
Yeah, I forgot that altogether, actually I had already put it back there, in a version I have on the broken hdd, but it's fortunately fairly easy to do again.

Originally Posted by pipeline View Post
Hooray for next versions! You could have menu key/objective screen remap controls temporarily so that dpad left right cycles weaps and up/down cycles inventory.
That's quite a good idea, though I do intend to have the list clickable, that could probably be implemented quite easily, and I think I'll make one more version with the map selection back and items selectable while objectives screen is shown, before starting to work on the ingame menus. I'll probably be able to do that sometime next week.

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