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Posts: 304 | Thanked: 32 times | Joined on Nov 2007 @ somewhere in the far south
Really miss him...
Posts: 47 | Thanked: 11 times | Joined on Oct 2006
He sounded as though he was going to take a well-earned break. However, you should scan the wiki. His invisible hand might be responsible for some developments there. I have the idea that he would be rather pleased to know that folks were looking there.

He provided much sound and useful advice.

Last edited by statwrangler; 2008-01-15 at 22:08. Reason: sp
GeneralAntilles's Avatar
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This happened:

Thank the hordes of rude people and their proponents.
akd's Avatar
Posts: 304 | Thanked: 32 times | Joined on Nov 2007 @ somewhere in the far south
Originally Posted by GeneralAntilles View Post
This happened:

Thank the hordes of rude people and their proponents.
I was aware about that, as you can see my post there. What a loss!
fpp's Avatar
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This reminds my of one of my posts in that thread Technut created for fun :
(the last sentence, specifically)

It's sad that when you predict doom you stand a better chance of being right than not...
iontruo2's Avatar
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I can appreciate your frustrations with new or possibly young posters making 'threads' just to say hi or multiples of the same topic. While I have found the search functions poor in results, and I can see how you regular senior members who directly help can grow fatigued.

That said though, I encourage you to consider the glass not SO half empty and recognize that some of us here are reading closely and really benefiting from your 'meaningful' input. Perhaps the THANKS button becomes an expected 'ordinary'? I hope not, but do see how your participation has value way beyond the few newbs who might miss the mark or are young enough to misunderstand the method of this forum board.

I have personally experienced Blog exhaustion elsewhere and found a little break very good for tha soul.
I hope Technut returns in time, and a general note of thanks to all of the key community contributors from me....iontruo2...a Summer 2007 newb Palm migrant to the N800.
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Yeah hope the 'nut comes back soon, too. He's a man(iac) after my own heart.
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I wondered why my ears were burning!

I've been taking a break but decided to check in tonight to see if things have settled down. And what should I find but this thread. Thanks for the sentiments.

I'll keep coming to visit here from time to time, and try to find a happy medium between helping out and getting fed up with reading the same questions over and over.

Hey I have an idea... the "New Posts" search button should be relabelled "Repetitive Questions", and then somehow add a "New Questions" search button!

See you again soon!
Please follow these simple posting guidelines.
There are no stupid questions, just people who didn't search itT (with Google) first.
GeneralAntilles's Avatar
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Originally Posted by technut View Post
Hey I have an idea... the "New Posts" search button should be relabelled "Repetitive Questions", and then somehow add a "New Questions" search button!
Now that would be a forum AI to write home about. . . .
Posts: 479 | Thanked: 58 times | Joined on Dec 2007 @ Dubai, UAE
Suggestion : Create a proper FAQ with categories in the site, sticky a link to that FAQ in every sub-forum, so that newbies could easily see the link and seek out the tips before they asked (I'm probably guilty of a couple of such infractions myself)

I would be happy to help to maintain sections of the FAQ by linking to appropriate threads or cutting and pasting relevant information or links, and help maintain the FAQ.

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