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, 06:57
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@ poor Slovenia
, 09:20
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Gmaps with street view!
I was trying to install more widgets (symbian and some opera) but didn't manage to run them.
What I should do?
, 09:26
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Recently HTML5 Widget Manager was updated to v1.3 ( and now it supports Cordova.
But how do I run Cordova apps? I know that some applications for Android, iOS and BlackBerry are using Cordova - can I run them directly? Or is there some kind of non-native platform-independent Cordova apps around?
, 09:49
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, 10:53
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The Following User Says Thank You to sviox For This Useful Post: | ||
, 10:47
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, 17:21
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Hi Sviox,
Thanks for the great work in Hydra the widget runtime! Now it makes my N9 more apps to run! Cool~~~
I have a question: I am trying to run some .wgz widgets that I used to run on my Symbian phone. However, it gave me an error message saying "Failed to install <widget.wgz>" "Failed to extract the config file." Is there something I can try to get them working?
And I am looking forward to your future version that will add a d-pad for Symbian widgets as well! Thanks again!
, 04:56
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By the way, a new version (1.1.0) is currently in Nokia Store intake with the following changelog:
* Refactored architecture so that each widget is ran on it's on process
* Implemented support for WAC Webview API
* System's 'application not responding' dialog should now have correct widget name in case JavaScript is taking too long to execute
* Improved responsiveness during JavaScript-heavy operations by processing event loop
* Fixed upgrading a widget with version in format x.y to x.y.z to be considered a newer version if x, y and z are numbers
* Fixed uninstalling a widget not cleaning up any included hidden files
* Fixed links that use _blank as target
* Implemented error page for URLs that couldn't be fetched
Expect frequent updates...