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krisse's Avatar
Posts: 1,540 | Thanked: 1,045 times | Joined on Feb 2007
Apologies if this has been answered, but I couldn't find anything specifically about this topic on here.

If someone is upgrading their N800 from OS2007 to OS2008, should they restore the backup or will it cause problems?

(There was one thread I found where someone did seem to have problems with a restore after an upgrade, but it also sounded like they might have just had defective N800 hardware.)
Posts: 118 | Thanked: 16 times | Joined on Sep 2007
Personally, I would not restore the backup. People have had problems. Hell, I even had problems restoring from OS2008 beta to OS2008 full.

If you are really concerned you can restore your backup and try it out for a week. If it acts up, you can simply reflash. Hope you won't lose too much information.

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Benson's Avatar
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I didn't restore, and everything works fine. It is my understanding that restoring does cause serious problems. I just copied all (regular) files onto my SD card from a shell, and copied documents, etc. back manually.
krisse's Avatar
Posts: 1,540 | Thanked: 1,045 times | Joined on Feb 2007
Thanks for the replies!

This isn't for me BTW, it's for the tutorial I'm doing on firmware updates.

What MstPrgmr says is probably the best advice, there may be problems so avoid restoring if you possibly can, but try it for a week if you want to as you have nothing to lose.
luca's Avatar
Posts: 1,137 | Thanked: 402 times | Joined on Sep 2007 @ Catalunya
I restored my backup and had no problem, however I was using microb in os2007. I also had no problem when restoring a backup made with os2008 beta to os2008.
Edit: IIRC I read somewhere that problems could arise only if you, under os2008 final, restore a backup made with os2008 for the n810 installed on the n800.

Last edited by luca; 2008-01-17 at 21:01. Reason: additional details
OSEmuTech's Avatar
Posts: 466 | Thanked: 142 times | Joined on Jan 2008 @ Temple Terrorist, FL
When I restored my OS2007 settings to OS2008 on my N800, the software keyboard lost all the letters. I replicated the problem a few times.

Strangely, restoring an OS2008 backup on OS2007 worked fine. All repositories were copied over as well as my Wi-fi connection settings.
hordeman's Avatar
Posts: 698 | Thanked: 129 times | Joined on Oct 2007 @ CA
My advice, don't do a restore... not even a partial one. I did a partial one, and while I didn't immediately see any issues, I did find them in the nuances.

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