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Originally Posted by jalyst View Post
Great initiative, this is sorely needed, perhaps better would be to create a Profilematic Rules & Custom Actions entry in the Wiki?
Then you don't have to constantly update the OP, you/everyone can add new content there, this has worked well for Wazapp & other projects.
Wiki would probably be best option.

Let's see when the Wiki comes back alive (someone remind me if I forget about it). In the meanwhile just post the recipes here and I'll transfer them when Wiki is back. For some reason I dislike the Google doc approach, but I can't give any rationale for it :P.
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The Following User Says Thank You to ajalkane For This Useful Post:
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first of all: amazing work!

I've some problems with the WLAN and Internet connection rules:
1. I create an SSID based WLAN rule
2. The rule wizard recognizes my SSID (so I can add)
3. After successful created the rule the rule doesn't recognize my WLAN (in rule editor i can see the current WLAN - and the WLAN condition they are correct, but the rule isn't enabled)

If I restart my N9 the rule works! But after disconnection from wlan the rule will never be automatically enabled Only after a second reboot. (Same with Internet connection rule)

I think it's not a problem caused by your excellent program, because I've the same problem with wazapp, it also doesn't recognize my WLAN connection after disconnect.

Maybe some of you guys have an idea for solving my problem?

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The background smartsearch process can apparently consume quite a bit power. The data collected by it is used by Search application, and for things like when selecting a file to attach for example to an e-mail.

If you have no use for those functions, you can stop smartsearch with these instructions during every boot.

Put in ProfileMatic's Default rule's "Custom action on rule activate" the following command:

sh -c "echo rootme | devel-su -c '/sbin/initctl stop xsession/smartsearch'"
Or if you use execroot script:

sh /home/user/scripts/ "/sbin/initctl stop xsession/smartsearch"
After this is done, when you launch Search application, it will find nothing. If you know certain situations when you need the search, you could put such conditions to ProfileMatic and start the smartsearch background process with:

sh /home/user/scripts/ "/sbin/initctl start xsession/smartsearch"
And stop it when the rule is no longer active.

Another way to achieve this same thing once and for all is as root to change the execution rights of smartsearch:

chmod a-x /usr/bin/smartsearch
But using initctl is IMO cleaner and makes it easier to start again if needed.
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Last edited by ajalkane; 2014-01-17 at 01:14.

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Originally Posted by yam603 View Post

first of all: amazing work!
Thank you.

I've some problems with the WLAN and Internet connection rules:
1. I create an SSID based WLAN rule
2. The rule wizard recognizes my SSID (so I can add)
3. After successful created the rule the rule doesn't recognize my WLAN (in rule editor i can see the current WLAN - and the WLAN condition they are correct, but the rule isn't enabled)

If I restart my N9 the rule works! But after disconnection from wlan the rule will never be automatically enabled Only after a second reboot. (Same with Internet connection rule)
I also suspect that this has nothing to do with ProfileMatic. I vaguely remember reading about similar problems. Try to search the forum. It might be you have to assign a static IP for N9 in your WLAN, or some other similar trickery. But try searching the forum for similar problem, there might be a solution for you.
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Originally Posted by ajalkane View Post
Thank you.

I also suspect that this has nothing to do with ProfileMatic. I vaguely remember reading about similar problems. Try to search the forum. It might be you have to assign a static IP for N9 in your WLAN, or some other similar trickery. But try searching the forum for similar problem, there might be a solution for you.
Big Big Thanks!!!

Static DNS IP solved this problem


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Originally Posted by ajalkane View Post
Version 1.8.0 pushed to Store.

Condition no/any internet connection
abyzthomas's problem:
Thank you very much.

This fix seems to resolve my issue.

Great App. Now finally I can leave it running.
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Originally Posted by ajalkane View Post
Wiki would probably be best option.

Let's see when the Wiki comes back alive (someone remind me if I forget about it). In the meanwhile just post the recipes here and I'll transfer them when Wiki is back. For some reason I dislike the Google doc approach, but I can't give any rationale for it :P.
It'll become tedious if the recipes are spread out over dozens of pages, if you dont like gdocs why not see if we can use sailfish's wiki, maybe they'll let us.
Actually I think the meego wiki is up & editable now IIRC, so maybe that could be used as a temp measure?

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Originally Posted by jalyst View Post
It'll become tedious if the recipes are spread out over dozens of pages
All the recipes are linked to the first post of the thread, so that should remove the tediousness.

Actually I think the meego wiki is up & editable now IIRC, so maybe that could be used as a temp measure?
MeeGo wiki can be here today, gone tomorrow . Of course if anyone wants to put them up into MeeGo wiki etc., that's excellent. I just feel it might be redundant as it can not be a stable place to keep them.

I'd rather not bother sailfish wiki, ProfileMatic has nothing to do with Sailfish.
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Originally Posted by ajalkane View Post
All the recipes are linked to the first post of the thread, so that should remove the tediousness.
That's fine then if you're happy to continue doing that, when the maemo wiki's up you can migrate everything, then you dont have to be the only one maintaining a list in the OP, everyone can contribute.
Oh and congrats on your bounty share win, well deserved.

Last edited by jalyst; 2012-11-25 at 07:27.
Posts: 277 | Thanked: 319 times | Joined on Jan 2010
Here's one:

I thought I'd test the dbus API and wrote a little python script to print out the current active rule(s). This can be used with Billboard, for example. One probably has to install python and python-dbus (apt-get install python python-dbus) to use this. Also, I'm almost a total newbie at python or scripting in general, so don't laugh too hard.

# Name:
# Purpose:     Print active profilematic rules except default rule
# Author:      Slarti
# Created:     26.11.2012

import dbus
bus = dbus.SessionBus()
rule_obj = bus.get_object('org.ajalkane.profilematic', '/org/ajalkane/profilematic')
rule_intf = dbus.Interface(rule_obj, 'org.ajalkane.profilematic')
active_rule_ids = rule_intf.getMatchingRuleIds()
rule_names = rule_intf.getRuleNames()
lookup = []

for rule_name in rule_names:
    rule_id = rule_intf.getRuleIdForName(rule_name)
    lookup.append([rule_id, rule_name])

lookup_dict = dict(lookup)

for active_rule_id in active_rule_ids:
    active_rule_name = lookup_dict[active_rule_id]
    if active_rule_name == 'Default rule':
    print active_rule_name.encode('utf-8')

Fixed encoding to latin 1

Edit #2:

Changed to UTF-8 since Billboard 1.0.7 is out

Last edited by slarti; 2012-12-21 at 06:45.

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