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Hi everyone,

I would like to share a thought that is been bothering me for the past few days, i assume i'm not the only one with this feeling so here i go.

I remember that when i first got my N9 (about a year ago, PR 1.0) it always said it would last for 4 days in stand by. Off course I was playing so much with it that i never managed it but it was comforting to read. Later on I tried Battery Usage and realized that it consumed more battery than ever before. So i uninstalled it. Now on PR 1.3 the read out on battery properties never says more than 2 days on stand by. I agree that that if i would not use the phone it would barely make it, but, where did those promised 4 days go?

I guess coming from the good old Nokia feature phones that lasted couple of days in "battery low" status i will never get used to charge my phone every night.

If you had a similar experience let me know!

PS: On the other hand i'm now much more satisfied with the way the phone looks and performs. So i guess is a fare trade off.
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Posts: 491 | Thanked: 299 times | Joined on Jul 2012 @ Pordenone IT
nokia said 17 days and without any app installed in the idle state consumption is 3mah and in a night (i tryed only one night) the battery lost no more than 3%
Posts: 158 | Thanked: 56 times | Joined on Jan 2012 @ Timisoara, Romania
In the first days I had the same thoughts as you. But after a few months I gave up about battery issues and today, one year after the acquisition, I do nothing but to enjoy what I have, without bother about battery. BTW, I charge every night or even twice a day
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Posts: 45 | Thanked: 9 times | Joined on May 2010 @ Helsinki
If I charge battery of the phone three times a day. It couldn't empty twise.,,, rss,,, fb,,, twitter,,, gaming,,, sms,,, calls,,, etc
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My old Treo 600 used to last 9-10 days of average use on a single charge. A few SMS per day, 1 or 2 calls per week, some games...

My N900 lasts about 2 days of the same use on a single charge. It's only when I turn on WiFi or GPS when the real drain starts. Probably best exemplified by my second N900 that I bought on eBay 3 weeks ago, charged once and left alone. It ran out of juice just now.
Posts: 230 | Thanked: 302 times | Joined on Oct 2009 @ Helsinki, Suomi (Finland)
I have 4-7mA idle consumption screen down depending on I don't know what. Idle battery life is ca. 8 days. It reports 15days if after charging the usage is 4mA, but it likely won't stay so low. I've done some measurements with powertop, but can't really pinpoint the cause of variation.

When the phone is under normal use I recharge it every night or every other night.

You can also get some battery information with bmestat from command line. If you want that info when device is idle you can add some delay before the command, make it execute on background and even write output to the ramdisk (though i suppose it's useless as the result is written after the measurement.)
$ (sleep 60 && bmestat > /dev/shm/results &)
-> close the terminal and idle the device. After 60 seconds passed you can open the terminal again and...
$ cat /dev/shm/results
Btw. I don't think the Battery Usage app uses much power unless you are keeping it's UI open (you can close it, budaemon monitors in the background).

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