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Ok. So after a couple of years taking care of my n900 as a baby, I lower my guard once and I got my microusb port broken. I took it for repairing, I got it soldered again by some electronic student friend in his lab, and my usb wont charge again. After using it with an external charger the experience sucked so much, combined with the lack of support of some providers like Skype (since I video call a lot), I replaced it with a Galaxy Nexus.

Pros of the nexus:
Perfomance (new hardware) screen, weight, confort in the pocket, and OS refiniement (Jelly bean) is top grade, and battery perfomance.

CONS: NO KEYBOARD! and the market suck incredibly.

Really. Im struggling to find USEFUL applications in the android market. 99% of the apps seems to be fart-type apps.

Yeah android has a "market full of apps" but they mostly suck. And when they not, they are 3g oriented, means that you have to have internet. So its a "CONSUMER" device, while the n900 excels at CREATING as well as consuming.
Android is shiny, but n900 is really useful, when you do more than update FB status.

I made a trip with my n900 and used it as my travel asist phone. And the usability that I had, I can't find the right apps for replicating the same functionality on my nexus. So much that I'm tempted to get a second usb-working n900 just because of the uniqueness of the device.

Maybe there are decent useful apps on android but they are really really hard to find.

Anyway I'm writing this rant to say thanks to all the developers comunity that made such awesome support to the N900.

The grass appears to be always greener on the other side, but until one goes to the other side you realize that it was just appareances.

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I've began seeing a pattern: people only appreciate the N900 when they travel (and internet is rare).

This rule doesn't apply to the N9 which is sort of "bastardized" in comparison.

But to be honest, I'm not travelling too often, so the benefits of ICS sort of weigh out the short-comings. That's to say the N900's collecting dust.
Originally Posted by mscion View Post
I vote that Kangal replace Elop!
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I'm flattered

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Rather, I think the pattern is that people only appreciate the N900 when they don't have it any more. Android is a serious let-down on some areas, and Google Play lacks even the most basic search mechanisms. Which is funny, since Google know search better than anyone. They don't care about our preferences, they want to show us the things that suits their purposes.

And Google Maps on roaming is just such a bad idea that once people have experienced it, they will always bring that out. Because honest to <insert deity here>, it's better NOT to have maps and preparing for it.
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no intention to flame but even when you travel, the offline navigation and portability of the n9 beats the n900...after all if galaxy nexus is one's daily driver with n900 being good for offline navigation i don't see how a faster, smoother, lighter and larger screen of the n9 loses out to the n900...

While I'm relatively newer here i DO have both the n900 and n9 so those thinking this is a one-sided view; it isn't...

Around here there a number of old-timers who like Kangal has said have "bastardized" the n9 just for what it is; a convergence of usability, user experience and abit of hackability...

The n9 is no n900 but its good at what it stands for as mentioned above...

Last edited by thedead1440; 2012-08-15 at 09:04. Reason: clarifications..

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I don't think anyone in this thread said that the N9 lost to the N900 when it comes to navigation? It's less of a computer, but with offline navigation both the N9 and the Nexus should have the N9 beat on displaying maps. However, most people use online maps with the Nexus, and that doesn't compare. I tried to use google maps on the Galaxy Tab to navigate, and that was a total disaster. I actually arrived 5 minutes late at the church where my nephew was baptized, because I was using online maps instead of printing out maps in advance.
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In my transition from the Nokia Internet Tablets to Android-powered devices, I haven't experienced any of the problems reported by the OP. This might be due to the fact I started with some well-written guides to the available Android software, instead of cluelessly searching on the play store.
It's true that the latter doesn't highlight the best applications; the advantage of Maemo, in this, comes from these wonderful forums, which I still can't refrain from browsing, where there's a well-working cooperation between devs, users and lurkers :-)

If the OP wishes to share the kind of applications he needs (and doesn't find), I'll be happy to report here well-functioning examples of them, if I have any direct experience. No fart apps allowed ;-)
Ernesto de Bernardis


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...the OP needs to experience the pitifulness that is webOS - then he would acknowledge even Android... (i just deleted my ALARM partition on my HP TP, and installed CM10 on it - woah, finally Opera w/ Opera Link! It's now a breeze to use it (mainly) in my home network!)

Anyway, the N900 still is &stays my day-to-day communicator.

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From Maemo to JB ......seems like an OS downgrade... at least to me it sees that way...i've tested to switch to JB ....can't :/ So how did you manage stiking with Android?!
I gatta say that i'm sys admin in ISP and the N900 was the answer to all my prayers...oh and after trying JB i got second N900...just in cast ...I think i'll stick to the n900 at least for another 2-3 years...i don't see alternatives atm...every other phone will be step back...from freedom, from functionality...

Oh fun fact I remember what I was thinking when I got my first N900.... : " W0w I haven't had so much fun alone since i found out...(something teen boys can't stop doing)"
I doubt any phone will ever beat that feeling

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Originally Posted by l4m3rx View Post
From Maemo to JB ......seems like an OS downgrade... at least to me it sees that way...i've tested to switch to JB ....can't :/ So how did you manage stiking with Android?!
I gatta say that i'm sys admin in ISP and the N900 was the answer to all my prayers...oh and after trying JB i got second N900...just in cast ...I think i'll stick to the n900 at least for another 2-3 years...i don't see alternatives atm...every other phone will be step back...from freedom, from functionality...

Oh fun fact I remember what I was thinking when I got my first N900.... : " W0w I haven't had so much fun alone since i found out...(something teen boys can't stop doing)"
I doubt any phone will ever beat that feeling
just teen boys? yeah right...

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I share the OP's feelings every time I try an android phone. But while everything up to gingerbread was plain frustrating, I can actually use jellybean. Maybe it's the hardware which with lots of ram makes the stupid multitasking of android sort of work (doesn't quit apps too agressively)
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