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#2721 bad..twas from my isp
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@chiagn900: You got wazzap running on your n900?
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i want to use whatsapp on my n900..what should i do??? i m new to maemo..
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Originally Posted by akhil agarwal View Post
i want to use whatsapp on my n900..what should i do??? i m new to maemo..
If you are really new to linux and meamo at all I suggest you do not yet use whatsapp. It's still in (Can I say Beta?) beta version so bugs might occur and you might not be able to fix it yourself.

Otherwise read the first post from Scorpius. Yes, everything. If you do not understand certain words that are used like finding the location of the logs etc. Learn about that first.

Of course you can just install Yappari and try to register with your phone number when it starts up. Here's the download link:
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Great app !!!! im using all time now !!!! thanksss

The Following User Says Thank You to K-r1pp3r For This Useful Post:
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Hi Scorpius, n tnQ 4 ur app.
I have some problem.

When I leave a group (any chat group), Yappari will be disconnected automatically and the "logged in" key at the bottom of the page will be disapeared, so in that case I can't send or receive any msg.

After leaving, in the list of chats, the name of this group not removed completely, and I shoud do "Delete Chat", some times, I shoud delete the "roster.db" in "/home/user/.yappari" manually.
I want Yappari do it automaticly.

When some number is not in my "Contacts" and it added to "Address Book" and I want to delete it by holding on it, and click on "Remove contacts" it not removed compeletely too (Like leaving group).
When I hold on one contact (in Address Book) and the "Remove contact" shown, and I canceled it by clicking on free space of top, it came back to "List of Chats" but the menu of "Remove contact" shown yet.

When I search my contacts (After click "Create Chat") to start a chat, before selecting a contact or cancelling it, I can't access other windows of Yappari like other chats or main menu.
This problem occure when I search for selecting a picture to send.

I face problem while receiving from other contacts, when someone send an image Yappari will be disconnected automatically and retry to connect within at least 10 seconds.

When the Yappari is "logged in", it will show me "Online" all the time, even when I don't use it. Actually Yappari is not able to to veiw my "last seen" on the chat window, but once I disconnected the GPRS it will show my last seen. My friends are Online, and going in background, it show last seens. and Yappari can not to show me last seens.
Even I checked this issue in other phones and I identified that the problem is with Yappari program, because it was not able to show my last seen even in other phones.

When I want to combine both languages in writing a sentence (English and Farsi (Farsi is RTL)) it will be displayed in messy way. If any contact send me the same sentence I'll receive it in messy way.
For example:
سلام. خووبی؟ بت PM میدم، نمیاد.
(Please Copy the my example and check it befor and after sending)

Which is not in the write or correct order.

When I want to read the chat history of specific contact (load erliear msgs), if the contact send me a PM at the same time the scroll key of chat window will immediately comes down, which means it's not possible to load erliear msgs of any contact while chatting.
I wnat it be like "Conversation" of Nokia N900, when a new PM come, it short beep.

Unread msgs shown by "*" in list of chats.
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Well your post is way too long to answer but most of the problems you have look like a permission problem of the /home/user/.yappari folder (maybe you recreate it using the root account and you shouldn't). Problems 1, 2 and 3 don't happen to me.

Last seen is not implemented yet.

RTL languages are not supported.


Remember Yappari is in the repository so you people can grab the source and implement what you want and send me a patch.
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The Following User Says Thank You to Scorpius For This Useful Post:
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Hi again.
U said me in this post:
do this: chown -R user:users /home/user/.yappari /home/user/.config

I do that before.

When I hold on one contact (in Address Book) and the "Remove contact" shown, and I canceled it by clicking on free space of top (for example top of the "create chat"), it came back to "List of Chats" but the menu of "Remove contact" shown yet.
4, 5, 8 happen to U?
and do u do 9 in next release?

Sorry for my this Question, how I can grab the source of app?
I want to learn, and start it.

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Scorpius's Avatar
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Originally Posted by rostami008 View Post
When I hold on one contact (in Address Book) and the "Remove contact" shown, and I canceled it by clicking on free space of top (for example top of the "create chat"), it came back to "List of Chats" but the menu of "Remove contact" shown yet.
But that's not the way to do it (though it shouldn't happen anyway). To cancel the "Remove Contact" click anywhere but inside the Select contact window, if you click on the free space on top you're cancelling the whole dialog.

Though I agree it shouldn't happen anyway.

4, 5, 8 happens to me. But I don't understand why somebody would want first to select a contact or select a file and then suddenly they don't want to select anything but keep chatting. Workaround: select something!!!
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The Following User Says Thank You to Scorpius For This Useful Post:
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plz tell me when will a standard version be launched???
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