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Posts: 26 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Nov 2007
Originally Posted by Sourav.dubey View Post
Use theme-customiser
Already tried, does not work !!!
Posts: 58 | Thanked: 43 times | Joined on Aug 2010
After using the Samsung Galaxy S3 for a couple of months, it broke and I had to send it in for guarantee. Perfect for re-doing some N900 stuff! So I got this N900 from a friend of mine, and installed CSSU T7.1, Power-kernel 51r1 and, after succesfully doing that, installed this latest CSSU Thumb2 thingy. After this, the device refuses to restart. I later on found out my friend had installed multi-boot, which works, and presents me with one option: '1 - Meamo 2.6.26-omap1'. After selecting this, the device doesn't even reach the 5 dots, but boot-loops until I remove the battery.

I know, should've taken more precautions etc., but I couldn't find the answer to this one simple question: now what? Just reflash?
Posts: 204 | Thanked: 423 times | Joined on Jan 2011
You can load kernel-power with flasher (don't ask in this thread how to do it, look in wiki page) and remove multiboot, and maybe reinstall kernel-power, just in case.

The Following User Says Thank You to hxka For This Useful Post:
Posts: 896 | Thanked: 978 times | Joined on Feb 2011 @ Greece, Athens
it would be the right thing to do.
and then start building it from the begining
Posts: 204 | Thanked: 423 times | Joined on Jan 2011
No it wouldn't. It's like curing from acne through decapitating.

The Following User Says Thank You to hxka For This Useful Post:
Posts: 896 | Thanked: 978 times | Joined on Feb 2011 @ Greece, Athens
if i was away from my N900 for a long time, i would first of all reflash it and start from scratch.
makes sense and it is kinda fun

but there are other ways, yes. to each his own : )
Posts: 75 | Thanked: 42 times | Joined on Dec 2011 @ Uruguay
Ok people, i'm about to install Thumb and i just thougth to recheck everything to make sure i get so far of bricking my device as i could, and i remembered i installed multi boot, don't remember exactly why, but i think is was to test Meego, but then it just scared me.

So now...

¿Should i uninstall multi-boot right?

Originally Posted by BertvanDorp View Post
I later on found out my friend had installed multi-boot
Posts: 81 | Thanked: 36 times | Joined on Aug 2011 @ Ahmedabad,India
i am using thumb with multiboot and so far no problem and wmy phone is working don't worry..and ya before installing anything make a habit to read its wiki to avoid problems...
Posts: 75 | Thanked: 42 times | Joined on Dec 2011 @ Uruguay
Originally Posted by nisheet View Post
i am using thumb with multiboot and so far no problem and wmy phone is working don't worry..and ya before installing anything make a habit to read its wiki to avoid problems...
Thanks for your quick answer.

Is not multi-boot (didnt find it) is bootmenu, ¿is the same thing? Is it safe?

Sorry to bother people, i'm kind of messy lately, i've been breaking things for not paying enough attention to simple details (kinda too tired) and the last thing i want to break is my phone but i would like to give a chance to make it faster or a bit more agile..

This is what i have...
v   boot-mechanism                                      -
i   bootmenu                                            - Fanoush's Boot Menu
i   bootscreen                                          - bootscreen control panel applet
i   getbootstate                                        - Determines runlevel on maemo system
p   kernel-bootimg                                      - Linux kernel boot image (kernel 2.6.28-omap1)
p   kernel-power-bootimg                                - Linux kernel boot image (kernel power
p   recovery-boot                                       - Recovery Console Mode Boot option
p   u-boot-bootimg                                      - Das U-Boot bootloader for Nokia N900 (boot image)
p   u-boot-flasher                                      - Das U-Boot bootloader for Nokia N900 (flashable image with ke
p   u-boot-for-power-kernel                             - A package of u-boot for creation of combined u-boot+kernel im
p   u-boot-tools                                        - Das U-Boot bootloader for Nokia N900 (companion tools)
p   uboot-mkimage                                       - generate kernel image for U-Boot
Nokia-N900:~# aptitude search kernel-power
i   kernel-power                                        - Flashable Linux kernel (kernel power
p   kernel-power-bootimg                                - Linux kernel boot image (kernel power
p   kernel-power-debug                                  - Linux kernel debug symblos (kernel power
i   kernel-power-flasher                                - Linux kernel updater (kernel power
p   kernel-power-headers                                - Linux kernel headers (kernel power
i   kernel-power-modules                                - Linux kernel modules (kernel power
p   kernel-power-modules-debug                          - Linux kernel modules for debugging (kernel power
i   kernel-power-settings                               - Tools for the customization and overclock Linux kernel
p   kernel-power-source                                 - Linux kernel sources for rx-51 product (kernel power
p   linux-kernel-power-headers                          - Linux Kernel headers for development (kernel power
Posts: 75 | Thanked: 42 times | Joined on Dec 2011 @ Uruguay
Sorry to double post... I'm on the game, since i have found nothing about the possible danger on bootmenu and thumb it is installing now.

code size, dinosaurs, fmg ftw!, fmg.da.king, performance, thumb, thumb life

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