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Such an elegant application... thanks!
I too had problems getting at my mem card. However, it appeared after I mucked about in the n900 tree and came back out. Will see if that sticks after a reboot.

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Originally Posted by rm42 View Post
Why can't I access my SD card? The File dialog does not let me get to it. There seems to be an SD card icon next to the "file" button, but it is greyed out. I can access the SD card just fine with other applications.
The file dialog always starts from the directory of your most recent file.
You should be able to access your sd card by using the "up" button in the file dialog until you reach the top level, where it usually displays your internal partition and your sd card. There is however one exception: if you open a file on another (not MyDocs or SD Card) partition (e.g. inside /tmp in connection with browser/e-mail and dbus-switchboard) you only get to the top directory of that partition. One easy workaraound for this is keeping a pdf file on your sd card in the "recent documents" list. First load this file and then click open.
Edit: Additionnaly, you can, of course, access any file via console: "flatboat /path/to/my/file".

The icon means "save" and is greyed out, because you didn't modify the document. It's just a modern replacement for the standard floppy icon and does not represent the place you save to.

I already found some new bugs and I will als look into the file dialog for the next bugfix release, but this may take a week or two, since I'm quite busy at the moment.

Last edited by frafI; 2012-11-24 at 16:25. Reason: console

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Alright, I was able to open a file on my SD card using the terminal. I like that it remembers the last place I was in on the file. This will now be my book reader of choice. Thank you dearly for this very nice app.
-- Worse than not knowing is not wanting to know! --

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Well, this took more than "a week or two", but finally I'm able to present version 0.8.31.
Since garage and the autobuilder queue is not available (read-only) at the moment, N900 owners will have to download this version from my homepage (see first post), just like N9/N950 owners.

Here's the changelog (vs. version 0.8.20):
  • bug fixed: page not rerendered, if zoom doesn't change in column mode
  • bug fixed: if 2 notes are created without leaving note mode, the second one contains the first as prefix
  • bug fixed: wrong encoding of notes
  • semi-bug fixed: additional file chooser, which starts at drive selection for maemo
  • bug fixed: document not rendered on load if zoom is 100%
    control key also leaves note mode (as ESC) since N900 has no ESC

The 4th bug fix is a reaction to the crippled standard file dialogs, which caused the problems mentioned above.

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Hello, I recently installed this program on my n900 and am experiencing problems getting it to load. Initially it would appear to load, then crash to the desktop. Now it loads up to a yellow color with no menus or icons. I can close it, but that's it. Any ideas?

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Yellow color sounds not too bad, it's the background if no pdf is opened.
To get to the main menu either double tap, tap and hold or press m, to open a file tap on "file" in the main menu or press o.

When it crashed to desktop, did you open it from the menu or called it with a filename (either from terminal or via dbus-switchboard, see first post)?

Last edited by frafI; 2013-01-22 at 17:24.

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1. If a user tries to search without any text in the search box - segfault
2. It's horrible to make the buttons show themselves (at least 4 taps until successful)
3. Autobuilder version is out of date
4. And a feature request: would it be possible to show a scaled (low res) fragment of the pdf until the document is rerendered (when zooming)?
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The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to marmistrz For This Useful Post:
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Originally Posted by marmistrz View Post
1. If a user tries to search without any text in the search box - segfault
2. It's horrible to make the buttons show themselves (at least 4 taps until successful)
3. Autobuilder version is out of date
4. And a feature request: would it be possible to show a scaled (low res) fragment of the pdf until the document is rerendered (when zooming)?
The development of flatboat is on hold a.t.m. as i have no e-ink qt5 testing device and flatboat is already partially ported to qt5.

For 2: There are 3 ways of showing the buttons: double click/double tap (which is actually there for Desktops), tap and hold and pressing the m button.

For 4: This is a nice idea. Goes to my TODO list.

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If you need qt5, there's qt5 for Maemo [1]

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