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...before Christmas? Seriously? The Motorola Nexus will be out before... And even if it comes earlier, there's a good bet it won't have that much _serious_ software available. (Sorry, hackjobs don't count) So it looks like i will have to switch all devices to Android as i don't want to drag things on & on, at least in the meantime/maybe next two years. (hello gerbick For me it's proven that where i set my importance on works. I can live without HW keyboard, if circumstances are that way.
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I hope it means something like September, which would still be kind of Summer AND 2nd half of the year AND early enough to gain some attention untill Christmas Market, which starts in November...

Last edited by Leinad; 2013-02-27 at 14:13.
Posts: 586 | Thanked: 471 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Finland
On video ~4:00->:
"we have 9 applications with active covers on the screen and other are available by scrolling". So, for now. Not so good multitasking device than N900 and N9/50 .

But Sailfish looking much better than it looked before (first videos)! Must say it too... redo icons! They don't look good and not blend in with the OS

Last edited by Makeclick; 2013-02-27 at 14:14.
Posts: 337 | Thanked: 891 times | Joined on Jul 2012 @ Royaume Uni.
Hate to say it, but each month that Jolla delay, they are falling further and further behind the competition. Windows Phone has been out 2.5 years now and despite Microsoft throwing oceans of money at the platform, it's still miles behind catching up with Android and Ios. If Jolla are talking about a Christmas release, then you're looking at two years at very least before you have an eco-system that is mature enough for the average user, and that's assuming that Jolla actually is supported by devs. Are people going to wait until 2016 to have a comparable phone to the current market leaders? Also, the mobile market could be in a completely different place to where Jolla are in that time period.
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Originally Posted by Makeclick View Post
On video ~4:00->:
"we have 9 applications with active covers on the screen and other are available by scrolling". So, for now. Not so good multitasking device than N900 and N9/50 .

But Sailfish looking much better than it looked before (first videos)! Must say it too... redo icons! They don't look good and not blend in with the OS
It was really cool when the swipe from the bottom had a direct peak to notifications
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Originally Posted by Leinad View Post
Well, from what i read out of autotranslation:

i think this does not necessarily mean, the phone does not come before christmas... could some native finnish speaker please clarify this?
That sounds much less disappointing... I hope this was all just a "lost in translation" thing...
Getting mighty sick of them drip-feeding the media only via Finland most the time, do they see themselves as a global co. or not.

Last edited by jalyst; 2013-02-27 at 15:24.
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Maybe 2nd half of year is their product, and christmas is when other vendors get to release their products? IDK really, just a theory.
Still learning on geeky knowledge
N9 *stolen*N900 *died*N900 *on hiatus* OnePlus X
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Originally Posted by Makeclick View Post
So, why the Sailfish is not ready by summer? We even didn't get any image for N9... even they promised.. or even help community to do so...

Yes, Ubuntu phone has depends of Android devices, but it is only way to install it NOW. If i understand correct, they have to use android drivers for the hardware, but others than that the OS is their, not any android rom/mod. They make own phone, so no worries
Not true, it's based "largely" on CM, even uses Android's SurfaceFlinger (less open/free than Wayland etc), sure there's lot of their own little tweaks, esp. at the upper layers, but overall it's very disappointing that they're going that route. I can totally understand why they are, in many ways it's more pragmatic than Jolla's approach, but at the same time it's somewhat cowardly/uncreative/boring compared to Jolla's approach.

Last edited by jalyst; 2013-02-27 at 15:32.
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Originally Posted by mariusmssj View Post
Brand new SailfishOS demo video by Marc Dillon

On the bottom row in the app tray there was the meecast icon

dave ate sail, fishing jolla, n9 sailfish, nokia n950, sailfish, sailfish os, sailfish video, where?

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