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bingomion's Avatar
Posts: 528 | Thanked: 345 times | Joined on Aug 2010 @ MLB.AU
Oh fm transmiter's sweet!!
Mp3s over fm rocks!
Posts: 30 | Thanked: 21 times | Joined on Jan 2013
i've ever see winmo with n900 ,the start button which locate on left top corner.But i think maemo is much better than winmo.cmiiw.
Posts: 124 | Thanked: 105 times | Joined on Jul 2010
+1 for winmo 6.5

I miss being able to do 90% of everything from the home screen (with SPB diary etc)
Posts: 95 | Thanked: 66 times | Joined on Mar 2012
searched on this long time ago and recently.
there isnt such a thing.
didnt liked WinMo that much, but i'd love to run Garmin Mobile XT for WinMo 6.5 on N900.
WinMo n N900 all use ARM, but hardware drivers (where does WinMo latch to for file system, camera, etc?)
it may be possible to modify Wine (Windows emulator) for N900 to emulate WinMo but i think no developer's motivated.
the whole gnu linux environment in N900 is much better (to me at least) anyway.


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Originally Posted by parahumanoid View Post
It's a pity there isn't a WinMo 6.5 image for N900. I'd love to dual-boot into that. I like what N900 has to offer as a hardware unit and I'd like to be able to use that on a platform that's business-geared with a great selection of quality userland applications. Honestly, while I love my N900, if there were an offer that would combine its hardware specs with a Windows OS, I'd go for that offer. I had an SE Xperia X1i and the only thing it lacked for me hardware-wise was the absence of the IR and maybe it could use more RAM. Not that I ever needed the FM transmitter, but that was also a sweet bonus on N900.
Run, don't walk, to the nearest hospital emergency room. You are having a psychotic episode.

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Puting winmo on the N900 is just wrong

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Posts: 124 | Thanked: 105 times | Joined on Jul 2010
Well I have no love for M$ and I love my N900, but fact is that hildon UI is crap and even with all the n900s customizability I haven't found any way to make it even close to how efficient winmo was at doing smartphone (not portable computer) tasks.

I'm happy to post examples if anyone indicates they care enough

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AliasXZ's Avatar
Posts: 103 | Thanked: 36 times | Joined on Apr 2010 @ United Kingdom, Huddersfield
Originally Posted by nman View Post
hildon UI is crap and even with all the n900s customizability I haven't found any way to make it even close to how efficient winmo was at doing smartphone (not portable computer) tasks.

I'm happy to post examples if anyone indicates they care enough
Yeah hildon is a bit rubbish, also after a few days, I find that the CPU spikes upon wakeup, killing hildon-home & hildon-desktop "cures" that.

Would be great to have alternate UI's on N900/Maemo
Kernel panic: Not Syncing
My N900 = CSSU-Thumb, kernel-power-52 @ 1000MHZ
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Originally Posted by nman View Post
but fact is that hildon UI is crap and even with all the n900s customizability I haven't found any way to make it even close to how efficient winmo was at doing smartphone (not portable computer) tasks.

I'm happy to post examples if anyone indicates they care enough
I have never seen winmo. I'm interested in to hear what it do better than Maemo5. Maybe ideas can be then added to:

How you define (separate) what is smartphone-task and what is portable-computer-task?

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