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Originally Posted by knobtviker View Post
No, it's not dead. How did you understand that?
Why am I working on the next update then?
Well... My english is really unfluence. Anyway do what you do. Still whatching you

But losing of OSM is disaster.

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I'm in sandviken setter
setter's Avatar
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Then I have seen you on the map
I am staying in Umeå or more precisely 30 km south of Umeå.
R.I.P. Symbian-Freak.....

Last edited by setter; 2013-03-16 at 16:33.
Posts: 69 | Thanked: 119 times | Joined on Dec 2012
since i've updated to 0.6 it doesn't load the dots on the map
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Please clarify with proper direct and precise answers.
For a developer that is so unclear in it's communication you sure do demand some formalities. Let's get them out of the way...

You think I did not write this code from line 1 till the end on both client and server side?
Nope. I did not say that. I asked you if you wrote it yourself because A: There is no source code available and B: because you did include a license that states source code is/was/should be available.

I asked that because you reacted:

Why would you expect sources to be available?
On to your next question;

Why would you like to have the sources of this application? Would you like to use the sources in a profitable or any other beneficial way for yourself?
A: Because your code uses or seems to use licensed components, e.g. OpenStreetMap. Thus it's interesting to me to see what's happening under the hood from a legal point of view.

B: Because I would like to study it. Basically the reason (or one of the reasons) why GPL was created in the first place, so people wouldn't have to do endless discussions like this.

C: Because I have a genuine interest in the topic, as my former employer, a telecom operator, paid me well to harvest information from any cell phone that connected to their antennas.

D: Because when someone else asked it before, he or she was ignored. That raises if not doubles my curiosity.

E: But most of all, because you ask this question in the first place.

F: Reading that your server got hacked, it also got me interested to see what info was on that server of yours. That is, to see what info was gathered.

Hopefully this is precise enough for you...

I could tell you what exactly I'm doing and even provide you with sources like I did to CloudBerryTech (exMeeGo team from Nokia) but since you asked me on such a impolite and rude way, accusing me of forgery and privacy breach - I will not.
A: I did not ask anything in an impolite way. I just asked.
B: And neither did I make any accusations. I asked you if you wrote it yourself, which really is not such a strange question if it turns out you don't know how the software you made public is licensed.
C: You're aware that not making your source available is a breach of that GPL?

Declare why you want to know publicly and ask politely and I will explain every single detail.
Apart from the fact that I do not need to give you a justification for my request, after you yourself already have given permission in the form of this GPL, you can read my motivation above.

Now, mea culpa, it was my mistake that I didn't pay attention to details like licenses in this early alpha stage and I thank you for bringing this to my attention.
Right. Please stop blaming me than...

P.S. Due to your license revelation to me, I decided to even remove OpenStreetMap plugin to avoid losing time on trolls.
No you're becoming downright insulting...

Asking to open source this project is very stupid, in my humble opinion. You would have protocols, access to my server, doors open to all my personal private data amongst else.
If it so "stupid", license it in a different way than...

Otherwise, stop wasting my time. I'm doing this for free,
We all are. That does not take away the legitimacy of my questions.

I gain absolutely no profit from this.
I have absolutely no problems whatsoever with people making money using their skills.

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MeeGo Wont Die

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A. Point taken. OpenStreetMaps removed even if it was a community suggestion to improve the app.

B. License has changed to a closed one. I will include this into About in next build. To avoid discussions like this.

C. Nobody paid me anything to do this so I guess it's my loss. To ease your mind and bury the hatchet, data the app collects is unique id, georeversed IP coordinates, geoIP country, timestamp of joining, model, firmware, manufacturer, device color and device disk size.
Later, if users choose to and accept, they can enhance their position using GPS.

D. RzR asked if this was open source. I honestly forgot to reply. Answer is still no.

E. My personality is my own. I have made apps for years now. Never ever failed the trust of this community nor I intend to. My reaction was caused by your action.

F. I never said my server was hacked. I said it was attacked. No data was gathered, but false entries were inserted so I spent 2 hours cleaning up. That security loophole was patched and my guard dog shows further attempts that failed. BTW my own 2 phones are inside.

So I slipped by releasing a pre alpha software and it had a auto generated GPl license by Qt Creator to Unknown software by unknown author.
Lesson thought the hard way.
License has changed, OSM removed.
Everything OK now?

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Thanks bojan, nice version
The Glorious Lady T.Mavica
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Thanks for the reaction.

A: The OSM license does not look very restrictive at first sight, so the only reason for not using it would be your own license. That is, using their components will force a license scheme on your work.

B: Understandable, albeit regretable as well.

C: Thanks for the info.

D: Too bad. Did I understand correctly from your previous post that the only reason not to make this GPL is that someone might get info about your server from the source code? If so, there are ways around that, I believe.

E: Ah well...

F: Ah, the infamous MySQL injection?

Lesson thought the hard way.
I may have sounded like a *****ing nagger, but eventually someone else would have stated the same thing, at some point. Licenses are important and I was suprised that after nearly two weeks, I bumped into that GPL. Better in alpha-stage than in a release-stage, I'd say.

Everything OK now?
A difference in opinion does not equal not being OK. Really.
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GPS location doesn't work.
Adrian Filgueira, @hariainm

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connected, count, global, nokia n9

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