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Originally Posted by Kangal View Post
the iPhone 5 may perform much better than the SGS4 because its natively coded!!

Oh, and the reason for the comparison was to show how biased people really are. When Apple does little, it is praised as a revolution. When Samsung does a lot, it is scrutinized as not enough.
then this debate is over with your own words.

if you have read a tiny bit of my posts and this one you could see that i never praised anything about apple. just tried to mention that ios is more optimized than android. so as meego!

Last edited by Artyom; 2013-03-16 at 21:54.
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Originally Posted by Artyom View Post
As i stated smoothness and speed makes ios better in user experience. and it does make difference when you use both operating systems at the same time for long terms.
I've used both, I disagree.
Ever since Android 4.0.3 (and higher) and devices with Dualcore A9's such as the Gnex v 4S.

Originally Posted by Artyom View Post
Most people prefer ios over android because its simply slaphappier than android.
No, its because people are taught the iPhone is the best phone, and all the marketing drives that point in.

Originally Posted by Artyom View Post
Also idevices have a way better screen in than any android device in my opinion because it has high refresh rates and that makes the ui transitions, scrolling etc. very very solid. i also stated this before and hope that jolla uses similar screens.
There's nothing special about Apple's screens.

Originally Posted by Artyom View Post
i don't agree this im sorry. how does android get better in personalization?
Launchers, Widgets, Live and Interactive Wallpapers, Web Browsers, Different Keyboards, Themes, Gestures, Shortcuts, Alternate AppStores.... these are things you can do without r00t, right out of the box which iOS cannot. There's much more that doesn't even come to mind, and we take them for granted...

Originally Posted by Artyom View Post
The only place where android gets on top is that overclocking the device is easier and you can build custom roms and kernels which is unnecessary with those monster spec devices in my opinion.
Overclocking is not a toy, its a solution to solve performance issues. A solution that wont work for Android, as performance issues (in new phones) are usually the result of the software (3rd party). Undervolting (and Govs) on the otherhand are a good solution to increasing battery life.

Custom ROMs are for "experts" to customize their operating system further. What you're forgetting, is that not only custom roms, android phones can have custom os's like: sdkAndroid, chroot Ubuntu, native Ubuntu, Ubuntu for Phone, FirefoxOS, WebOS, MeeGo, Tizen.

Originally Posted by Artyom View Post
jailbreaking definitely levels the competition.
It does some things, but not most of them. Besides, jailbreaking is like a game of cat & mouse, sometimes you won't be able to do so for several months until a kernel bypass/exploit has been mapped.

Originally Posted by Artyom View Post
so if your concern is bigger screens then you should use android but it doesn't make them any better in personalization.
I disagree. People shouldn't choose Android simply because a 4in equivalent isn't there. Android has lots of features that are useful for many people.

Originally Posted by Artyom View Post
it's a personal choice and i respect that. for me, screens that are bigger than 4.3" are unneeded unless you're using a tablet.
Well, would you agree that a 4.5in device is better than a 4.3in device if both are the same in dimensions?

Originally Posted by Artyom View Post
you can even turn the ipod touch into a phone with the help of jailbreak.
No you can't. You also need the hardware for it.

Originally Posted by Artyom View Post
android has more apps and games than ios at the moment.
It doesn't. Apple AppStore has more titles. I find them as better quality too.... yet there's so many which are repetitions and merely Mobile Web Pages converted.

Originally Posted by Artyom View Post
but today they even have high quality fart apps unlike android.
This point made laugh. And fart. And decide you were biased.

Originally Posted by Artyom View Post
one more addition: try real racing 3 on the iphone 3gs or iphone 4 and then try it on a similar spec android device.
Native vs Emulated code.
Customized vs Universal code.
That's like asking which cake looks better, generic one that you bought from the supermarket or one that was custom made from a cake shop bakery.

Originally Posted by Artyom View Post
how do people manage to kill a battery that fast?
People are using phones far more often then they used to. They prefer the experience with more radios/gadgets inside and a larger hidef screen. And for more power hungry tasks like Web browsing, Gaming and sometimes multitasking (listen to music, while reading news/puzzles). That's why the puny ~1,200mAh battery which was "heaps" is literally nothing... the industry wants ~2,000mAh. And some OEMs putting even more to satisfy consumer demand.

Originally Posted by Artyom View Post
im not trying to convince anyone. if you're fine with android, you're fine. it's not my concern.
It was merely the tone, and misinformation that depicts you on the contrary/

Originally Posted by Artyom View Post
the device is not innovative for me but [the iPhone is]
This is what I was trying to settle in my previous post.

Originally Posted by Artyom View Post
it will probabbly sell just like galaxy s3 or maybe more. this is because samsung has increased it's brand awareness just as much as apple (imo it's becoming apple'ish) and normal users will buy it just because it's brand is samsung. they will probably use this awareness with selling their new tizen devices and they will sell well also. marketing rules. :/
No doubt.

Originally Posted by Artyom View Post
does this mean they won't ship the exynos 5 version to the US? does anyone know anything about this?[/B]
This is because the US versions need different LTE bands, and they have CDMA frequencies. Internationally, a regular 3G on GSM is what people need. Besides, Qualcomm chips are cheaper for Samsung to push out... especially since USA (one of the bigger markets) tends to buy them from Samsung at subsidized prices.

Originally Posted by Artyom View Post
if you have read a tiny bit of my posts you could see that i never praised anything about apple.
Not really, you've been talking it up while trying to bring down Android whenever possible.

Originally Posted by Artyom View Post
just tried to mention that ios is more optimized than android. so as meego!
The optimization MeeGo does cannot be compared to iOS.
Ofcourse iOS (3rd party apps) are going to be more optimized... they're written to the specifications of the device. Unlike Android where they have to be as broad as possible to ensure functionality between greater number of devices.

Hence, writing for iOS is more simple. Even simpler in the case of the N9.
Originally Posted by mscion View Post
I vote that Kangal replace Elop!
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Last edited by Kangal; 2013-03-17 at 03:10.

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Sigh, another Android vs iOS. Let's just agree on each to their own
Still learning on geeky knowledge
N9 *stolen*N900 *died*N900 *on hiatus* OnePlus X

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Originally Posted by Kangal View Post
Custom ROMs are for "experts" to customize their operating system further. What you're forgetting, is that not only custom roms, android phones can have custom os's like: sdkAndroid, chroot Ubuntu, native Ubuntu, Ubuntu for Phone, FirefoxOS, WebOS, MeeGo, Tizen.
Hey don't want to get in Apple vs Samsung war. But its quite enjoyable reading it

My question is which android phone can run MeeGo? Really interested to know it as I would like to check how it responds to better hardware.


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seriously, why are you interpreting my posts to your taste and claiming that i'm biased to android? im dont even have an iphone i said this before. it is clear as a day that android has performance issues and cannot work with low specs probably related to dalvik vm.

Originally Posted by Kangal View Post
I've used both, I disagree.
Ever since Android 4.0.3 (and higher) and devices with Dualcore A9's such as the Gnex v 4S.
what about single core cortex a8? im not a fan of high specs so im using an n9 at the moment.

Originally Posted by Kangal View Post
No, its because people are taught the iPhone is the best phone, and all the marketing drives that point in.
same goes for samsung then because obviously the reason why android's market share is high is samsung.

Originally Posted by Kangal View Post
Launchers, Widgets, Live and Interactive Wallpapers, Web Browsers, Different Keyboards, Themes, Gestures, Shortcuts, Alternate AppStores.... these are things you can do without r00t, right out of the box which iOS cannot. There's much more that doesn't even come to mind, and we take them for granted...
ios is closed and apple is foolish enough not to bring all those features to it's os out of the box. that's the reason jailbreak is out there and covers all and more that you've said. android is open source and google is pushing as much as features to bring more users to android. of course you will have it out of the box. just like symbian we all used a while ago.
so it doesn't get better in personalization.

Originally Posted by Kangal View Post
Overclocking is not a toy, its a solution to solve performance issues. A solution that wont work for Android, as performance issues (in new phones) are usually the result of the software (3rd party). Undervolting (and Govs) on the otherhand are a good solution to increasing battery life.
i've seen lots of people using it just for fun and there is also no need for overclocking on the n9 or the idevices. android still has performance and battery issues then.

Originally Posted by Kangal View Post
Custom ROMs are for "experts" to customize their operating system further. What you're forgetting, is that not only custom roms, android phones can have custom os's like: sdkAndroid, chroot Ubuntu, native Ubuntu, Ubuntu for Phone, FirefoxOS, WebOS, MeeGo, Tizen.
i made my point pages ago but you just can't stop comparing android and ios in all aspects. not all android phones can have them. im not even gonna argue this since im not comparing ios with android.

Originally Posted by Kangal View Post
It does some things, but not most of them. Besides, jailbreaking is like a game of cat & mouse, sometimes you won't be able to do so for several months until a kernel bypass/exploit has been mapped.
it does most of them. you can customize every single bit with jailbreaking. also you can get a shsh signature and stay at a lower firmware and stick with the existing jailbreak instead of waiting it.

Originally Posted by Kangal View Post
I disagree. People shouldn't choose Android simply because a 4in equivalent isn't there. Android has lots of features that are useful for many people.
yes android has lots of features but for which phone? i don't see all android phones having all of android's features. i personally would choose symbian which spares most of it's features on their phones if i needed lots of features at one phone.
im assuming that even apple will join the big screen rush some day.

Originally Posted by Kangal View Post
Well, would you agree that a 4.5in device is better than a 4.3in device if both are the same in dimensions?
how did you come to the conclusion that i've mentioned bigger screened devices are better devices? using smaller screens is just my choice, not everybody's.

Originally Posted by Kangal View Post
No you can't. You also need the hardware for it.
yes indeed. you need a case-like hardware. i already said "with the help of jailbreak". not only with jailbreak.

Originally Posted by Kangal View Post
It doesn't. Apple AppStore has more titles. I find them as better quality too.... yet there's so many which are repetitions and merely Mobile Web Pages converted.
*cough* ahem. Android.

Originally Posted by Kangal View Post
This point made laugh. And fart. And decide you were biased.
i was just giving examples of how the apps was in better quality. don't make it a big deal.

Originally Posted by Kangal View Post
Native vs Emulated code.
Customized vs Universal code.
That's like asking which cake looks better, generic one that you bought from the supermarket or one that was custom made from a cake shop bakery.
you should probably write this on the comment section of every vs. videos on youtube then.
how does it go universal? just because there is lots of different hardware? some apps and games are made for specific hardware in android also.

Originally Posted by Kangal View Post
People are using phones far more often then they used to. They prefer the experience with more radios/gadgets inside and a larger hidef screen. And for more power hungry tasks like Web browsing, Gaming and sometimes multitasking (listen to music, while reading news/puzzles). That's why the puny ~1,200mAh battery which was "heaps" is literally nothing... the industry wants ~2,000mAh. And some OEMs putting even more to satisfy consumer demand.
by killing a battery i meant droping it's performance. of course they should put bigger batteries instead of forcing people to change them.
i use my n9 every day with browsing, sms texting, music and etc. it lasts one day which is pretty good for a guy like me whose phone is glued to his hands.

Originally Posted by Kangal View Post
It was merely the tone, and misinformation that depicts you on the contrary/
which tone? the one you're using to accuse me for being prejudiced against android? i don't think so.

Originally Posted by Kangal View Post
This is what I was trying to settle in my previous post.
yes, of course what a shame for me not to say that iphone is innovative. i definetely mentioned that yes. keep going please.

Originally Posted by Kangal View Post
This is because the US versions need different LTE bands, and they have CDMA frequencies. Internationally, a regular 3G on GSM is what people need. Besides, Qualcomm chips are cheaper for Samsung to push out... especially since USA (one of the bigger markets) tends to buy them from Samsung at subsidized prices.
hmm, so there is a possibility that unlocked devices will come with exynos 5? i will be visiting the US at june and i was actually thinking to buy a sgs4 for a tablet-like usage.
but after this frustrating debate i don't feel like buying one.

Originally Posted by Kangal View Post
Not really, you've been talking it up while trying to bring down Android whenever possible.
no, i was trying to avoid to get to the point where it becomes apple vs. google.

Originally Posted by Kangal View Post
The optimization MeeGo does cannot be compared to iOS.
Ofcourse iOS (3rd party apps) are going to be more optimized... they're written to the specifications of the device. Unlike Android where they have to be as broad as possible to ensure functionality between greater number of devices.

Hence, writing for iOS is more simple. Even simpler in the case of the N9.
for god's sake who is comparing them?
they did a great job with n9 just with 3 firmware updates. they are optimizing ios since 2007. also android is there for a similar time. maybe app developers should spend more time on android than they do with ios then? since they don't bring only one version. there are lots of apps and games that are for specific devices and hardwares.

if im an apple fan you are twice times worst than me. if you like android this much sell your n9's and go post at xda. i would never choose any overrated android or ios device over my n9. and it's my choice.

Originally Posted by kumary View Post
My question is which android phone can run MeeGo? Really interested to know it as I would like to check how it responds to better hardware.

not for all devices as far as i know. recently they've managed to work it on the galaxy nexus.

Last edited by Artyom; 2013-03-17 at 10:54.
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Originally Posted by Kangal View Post
I would pay an insane amount of money to craft my own phone. The OS doesn't even matter it could just be Android (4.22 PAC ROM) just as long as the internals aren't protected and source code/drivers available.
have you heard about Cyanogen Mod? It is a good choice and it works for example for Galaxy S3, and will be "ported" to Galaxy S4 also (of course).

Besides, I think Android is more open source than Maemo5 used to be.
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PACMAN ROM = Cyanogen + AOKP + Paranoid Android.

Cyanogen (clear, distilled, powerful AOSP-base)
AOKP (based on AOSP, many customizations built in)
Paranoid (Per App Density, Per App Color, etc etc innovations).
Originally Posted by mscion View Post
I vote that Kangal replace Elop!
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Originally Posted by Artyom View Post
seriously, why are you interpreting my posts to your taste and claiming that i'm biased to android?
I haven't claimed anything.
Why are you accusing me of saying such things?
Do you have problems with reading comprehension?

Btw, I prefer the MeeGo (v1.2 not Maemo6) Operating System above Android and iOS. But that doesn't mean I can't be objective and state where the competing ecosystems have innovations and downfalls.

I think you've gotten "hot headed" because of these quotes:
"The device isn't innovative to me".
"--Bias much?"
"iOS is smoother than Android"

Those weren't directed at you. If it was, I would've quoted you, don't you think so?

No I was refering those because I hear it in real-world and see it online. People claim iOS is smoother when realistically its not.

And if you go to The Verge and read some of the comments made by the fanboys, apparently the SGS4 is only a minor upgrade to the SGS3. Yet, they claim the iPhone 5 is a major upgrade to the iPhone 4S. When you compare them... the S4 has made more upgrades and innovations in its lineage than the iPhone 5.

Skeptics say that this year, the SGS4 may actually outsell Apple's next iPhone. I say its very possible.
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I vote that Kangal replace Elop!
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I'm flattered
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@Kangal I am not taking side but it seems you are getting to much into Android vs Apple war... Why?

To be clear on what basis I am saying so. You have ignored my post where I am asking about meego running on android phone. Its OK you don't have time or not feel like replying to that but hey you have posted such long replies Artyom and this thread is now a place to discuss which is better Apple or Android instead being about Galaxy S4.

Please can you both leave this and discuss S4 in more detail as that will help in making this thread helpful for community.


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Originally Posted by kumary View Post
That is why I loved Nokia, they never gone for specs...
Truth is, it wasn't always that way.
Say, the N95 and the N900 were "beasts" in their time.

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