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Originally Posted by HELLASISGREECE View Post
Truth is, it wasn't always that way.
Say, the N95 and the N900 were "beasts" in their time.
Agree... But its not like all there upgrades are centred on the Spec.

Its necessary to upgrade the hardware with time but I was pointing towards what Samsung with there Galaxy Series and other Android manufacturers are doing is something not required at all. (Octa cores cpu with quad core gpu on a mobile device ) But hell it sell like hot cakes distributed for free.

I liked Apple's approach (people I said "approach" ONLY in regard to there updates on hardware & software) that they do update there hardware but optimize the software to it.


Last edited by kumary; 2013-03-17 at 21:17.

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Pretty impressive!

I wonder if Samsung has got this really working off-line:
S Translator: translate between nine supported languages (English US, English UK, French, German, Italian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Brazilian Portuguese, Italian). The feature includes voice-to-text and text-to-voice support, and it’s able to perform translations of image contents. It works both offline and online.
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I'm sure sumsung are in for some success. So far none of you argument or suggest or point out anything else.

Fire...let's hope for some octa and LtE for note3,and a big hdef screen as well.
Do something for the climate today! Anything!

I don't trust poeple without a Nokia n900...

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Originally Posted by kumary View Post
@Kangal I am not taking side but it seems you are getting to much into Android vs Apple war... Why?

To be clear on what basis I am saying so. You have ignored my post where I am asking about meego running on android phone. Its OK you don't have time or not feel like replying to that but hey you have posted such long replies Artyom and this thread is now a place to discuss which is better Apple or Android instead being about Galaxy S4.

Please can you both leave this and discuss S4 in more detail as that will help in making this thread helpful for community.

Ok, sorry about that I saw it but I forgot to reply to it (not that I didn't have time).

Firstly, its not even worth making a point that Android devices run MeeGo.. simply because the MeeGo that people concentrate on is the original open-source one (v1.2). The reason I say this is because this version is the last update we received, afterwards they didn't release the rest (I know they're holding back code) and the project was abandoned by Nokia and Intel. So you could say this is MeeGo in its alpha stage (pretty bloody impressive for an alpha!!).

Nonetheless, this is NOT the build found in the Nokia N9.
The N9 has Maemo 6 (codename Harmattan), its not MeeGo despite the label.
It's like* "halfway" between Maemo 5 (N900) and true MeeGo (v1.2). Similar to comparing Android versions from 2.3.7 to Android 4.0.0. Harmattan has some sources, but it isn't open-source, so we can't actually port it to other devices.

However, what we do have are similar open-source projects such as Mer, Plasma Active, and openSUSE ARM (I'm not sure how community friendly Jolla's SailfishOS is going to be). They're all on-hold or moving at a glacial speed. These projects can be ported, yet they lack support which is why you barely see them being ported.

Anyways here's some Android devices which have MeeGo ports:
The Beast (HTC HD2)
Nexus One
The Gigangantic Streak
Original Tablet 7in
Advent Vegeta Super Saiyan
Viewsonic GTab
Nexus S
etc etc etc.

Obviously some are unfinished projects, and could be hard to Google. I suggest stalking these threads:

As for your other comment, I haven't stepped in the Android v Apple debate.
They both are great in their own ways, and they both suck in their own ways. I simply tried to clear up some misinformation and got flamed for it. I've left the discussion, I'm not sure if Artyom acknowledged anything I posted. Its clear he has a greater hatred for Android than iOS (and some of it was misplaced).
Originally Posted by mscion View Post
I vote that Kangal replace Elop!
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I'm flattered

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Kumary check out Plasma Active on Nexus 7. Very impressive performance.

HELLASISGREECE, the funny thing about the N900 is that it was the first phone to adverise the cpu Mhz so actively. It is probably still the only phone with the SoC designation printed on the case. Then the cpu wars started.

Another fun trivia is that long before dual core became the norm Nokia understood the benefits and they put two processors in the N95. And then for some weird reason they decided to remove one of them and the GPU for the next generation of devices, just when SoC's started to become important. And with that they shot their N-Gage platform in the foot. Same with dpi, N900 had 265dpi in 2009. (Not to mention 770 200+dpi in 2005)

Returning to topic, the GS4 seems to me like an unneeded incremental update. Neither 1080 seems worth (nobody could notice the pixels on the GS3 anyway, and I'm a big fan of high resolutions, but 450dpi is getting ridiculous. It doesn't have a stylus probably to make room for the new Note, but 5" are more than enough for jotting. Battery life story reminds me just that of the old laptops: just self preservation of stupidness. Manufacturers saw that the competition all had about 3h of battery life and thought that was enough. ********. It took *one* laptop to take the mark to 7h and start the race. If they kept the thickness at the GS levels and had a 7000Mah battery lasting a week, that would be innovative. The software is just those gimmicks that are cool for a keynote but will never be used. I can pause the video myself I don't need eye tracking technology, not to mention it has a very high probability of the feature beeing annoying just like a multitude of other "smart" features. Not that I believe the iPhone 5 is innovative don't get me wrong. The N95 was innovative in it's time, the OG Note, the R380, the qTek 2020, the HD2 maybe, the Omnia HD, the original iPhone, even the 808. The GS4 can't compete with those devices in any way regarding innovation.
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Well guys, if you think the S4 is just a small spec bump, then YOU SHOULD WATCH THIS VIDEO.

Hint: it's not about the spec bumps, it's about the features targeted to average people... Make sure you watch the whole video to understand them better.

To paraphrase Marques: "I want the phone that can do magic tricks"


Last edited by herpderp; 2013-03-18 at 14:20.

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No replies...? This is not what I expected from TMO.

Come on, I know some of you can counter the arguments in the video!
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Originally Posted by Kangal View Post
I haven't claimed anything.
Why are you accusing me of saying such things?
Do you have problems with reading comprehension?
Originally Posted by Kangal View Post
This point made laugh. And fart. And decide you were biased.
also thedead claimed that i was an isheep. but im not gonna argue these anymore. i made my point and thats it.

Originally Posted by Kangal View Post
Btw, I prefer the MeeGo (v1.2 not Maemo6) Operating System above Android and iOS. But that doesn't mean I can't be objective and state where the competing ecosystems have innovations and downfalls.
very good decision but i will wait for sailfish devices to come with my maemo 6/harmattan preloaded device for now. same goes for me.

Originally Posted by Kangal View Post
I think you've gotten "hot headed" because of these quotes:
"The device isn't innovative to me".
"--Bias much?"
"iOS is smoother than Android"

Those weren't directed at you. If it was, I would've quoted you, don't you think so?
No I was refering those because I hear it in real-world and see it online. People claim iOS is smoother when realistically its not.
yes they were directed at me. not consciously maybe but i made those statements and i will stay behind them. the overall smoothness on usage is better. i don't know maybe they use the gpu more efficient. but i will agree that it does freeze or the apps crash when the memory isn't enough on older generations. even the app store crashed on my ipod 4 recently due to low memory. if you have a older generation iphone (iphone 4, 3gs etc.) check the logs from the settings.
anyway gs4 isn't an innovative device compared to what n9 brought to the smartphone world. it's just another mainstream android device which is more powerful as expected. i never even mentioned that iphone was better innovation. i don't even think that iphone's are innovating anything. maybe the 4s model was a big jump compared to the 4 MAYBE.

Originally Posted by Kangal View Post
And if you go to The Verge and read some of the comments made by the fanboys, apparently the SGS4 is only a minor upgrade to the SGS3. Yet, they claim the iPhone 5 is a major upgrade to the iPhone 4S. When you compare them... the S4 has made more upgrades and innovations in its lineage than the iPhone 5.
Well i thought the 4s was a major device actually. i hated it when they announced iphone 5. after gs2 Samsung started to add lots of features to their flagships. i don't know which one is a big upgrade and i don't want to know.

Originally Posted by Kangal View Post
Skeptics say that this year, the SGS4 may actually outsell Apple's next iPhone. I say its very possible.
indeed. probably they will because they now have enough power for marketing just like apple.

Originally Posted by Kangal View Post
I'm not sure if Artyom acknowledged anything I posted. Its clear he has a greater hatred for Android than iOS (and some of it was misplaced).
i do acknowledge some of what you've written. i would neither use both of them as majorly or nor like them both but i would prefer ios if there were only the both left in the world.

we weren't even in the opposite sides. i just commented on gkhnkrts7's post whom disappeared after i quoted him.

anyway i will be seeking a 5-6~" device for tablet usage when i go abroad and maybe this will be the one.
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How I see moderm smartphone development
1. new specs need more space
2. increase screen size
3. goto 1

This kind of sucks.

to herpderp, I feel like SS just took bunch of favorite apps from stores, make their own version of them and pre-install on the device.

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Originally Posted by Kozzi View Post
How I see moderm smartphone development
1. new specs need more space
2. increase screen size
3. goto 1

This kind of sucks.

to herpderp, I feel like SS just took bunch of favorite apps from stores, make their own version of them and pre-install on the device.
Well, Galaxy S4 is smaller in size than S3. But what is good, S4 has bigger battery, which is needed when for example offline speech-to-text (STT) is used.

Also it is assumed, Samsung's octa-core (4+4) in S4 will consume less power than CPU in S3. It remains to be seen though.

8-core, s-translator

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