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Apoc112's Avatar
Posts: 34 | Thanked: 4 times | Joined on Jan 2008 @ Erie, PA, USA
Hi guys, i'm new to the N810 and will probably have several questions in the coming days, but here's my first:

i got my N810 yesterday, purchased second hand from an itT user. seemed to work well out of the box, but there were already a few installed programs and the "maps" app was giving me errors due to, i'm guessing, maemo-mapper being installed as well.

so i decided to do a full reflash of the OS using Nokia's PC wizard.

now, when i open the keyboard, it makes a "click" noise like i've hit a button, and the touchpad stops working. from what i can tell, something is triggering the Applications/Swap key when the kb is fully out, so i'm thinking this is a hardware issue... but if it is, why did it just start when i reflashed the OS?

...or am i just a typical tablet n00b and this is an adjustable setting? (doubtful, because who on god's green earth would want this to happen?)

Thanks for your insight!

edit: boy do i feel dumb... forgot to mention i also added a screen protector. it was a PSP screen protector cut down a bit to fit the width. i know others have had this same issue, but why would it work so well when its closed and so poorly when its open?

Last edited by Apoc112; 2008-01-25 at 14:29.
dubwise's Avatar
Posts: 239 | Thanked: 53 times | Joined on Jan 2008 @ Massachusetts
Sounds like it's broken. No harm in reflashing it again, though. Just takes a minute.

Map coexists with maemo mapper just fine. I've even run them together.

edit- so does it work without the screen protector?

Apoc112's Avatar
Posts: 34 | Thanked: 4 times | Joined on Jan 2008 @ Erie, PA, USA
well i put the screen protector on while it was turned off for the reflashing... i'm at the office now and don't want to try the few crude tools i have available to me to remove the protector.

i've got my fingers crossed that that's the issue.
Apoc112's Avatar
Posts: 34 | Thanked: 4 times | Joined on Jan 2008 @ Erie, PA, USA
update: i got a little impatient and removed the screen protector... touchpad works fine in all positions now.

now i'll be interested if anyone can figure out WHY the touchpad worked perfectly accurately with the device closed, but as soon as it reached the fully "locked open" position, the screen bugged out.

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