, 09:32
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, 13:11
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Configuring account user.name,dbsajpasswordndajs Traceback (most recent call last): File "/tmp/syncgcontacts/launcher.py", line 44, in appLogic File "/tmp/syncgcontacts/syncgcontacts.py", line 127, in execute
No configured accounts found! Please create a configuration file containing simply <username> <password> for each account you want to import contacts from, and place it in the directory ~/.config/syncgcontacts/accounts/with the name <username>
NoPhoto for this contact entry! Master Windu Adding Contact Master Windu NoPhoto for this contact entry! 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'full_name'
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, 11:30
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Hi paoletto,
Thank you for your app.
It seems to have some problems with my account tough.
(I am using the OVI store version)
First i tried to add my account with -n :
After that i remembered the messageCode:Configuring account user.name,dbsajpasswordndajs Traceback (most recent call last): File "/tmp/syncgcontacts/launcher.py", line 44, in appLogic File "/tmp/syncgcontacts/syncgcontacts.py", line 127, in execute
Did that and it worked.Code:No configured accounts found! Please create a configuration file containing simply <username> <password> for each account you want to import contacts from, and place it in the directory ~/.config/syncgcontacts/accounts/with the name <username>
But syncing failed too, i got trough some contacts and stopped with
I would be happy if you could fix that. if you need me to test something, just ask. I have programming experience, but no time at the moment to look trough your code.Code:NoPhoto for this contact entry! Master Windu Adding Contact Master Windu NoPhoto for this contact entry! 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'full_name'
, 13:48
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, 18:26
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, 22:57
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You are right, first problem was in front of the computer.
The group trick couldn't solve the second one.
Interesting is, that after adding contacts to the group and doing other things more contacts started to sync. Still less than 20% of the approximately 135 belonging "Meine Kontakte" the standart group in Gmail. Surprisingly more contacts are synced with -a account than with -a account+testgroup where testgroup is the group I added all my contacts too. I also wont work adding 3 important contacts to a group and using that group. No one of them which wasn't synced before gets synced that way.
Explanation of my contacts setup? Hm, what can I say. I have 135 Contacts+ 332 under "Weitere" (which means additional, the group at the very bottom)
The 135 contacs belong to different groups, some to multiple ones, some to none.
The information which belongs to each contact varies widely. From a single mail without a name to name+multiple mail addresses+multiple phone numbers+address+notes
I know this is hard to debug without access to the problem set. The only hint is the message which appears at the end of each sync:
'NoneType' object has no attribute 'given_name'
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, 04:20
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libqtcontacts-tracker: initializing libqtcontacts-tracker 4.19.2-1+0m8 for /usr/bin/python2.6 [15258] libqtcontacts-tracker: engine.cpp:1591: Not cleaning up obsolete resources for nao:hasTag property since the property's range is too generic (rdfs:Resource). The -d option is set ... Fetched 534 contacts from account roger.roesch . Now filtering and adding. Adding Contact Name1 Surname1 .... Adding Contact Name39 Surname39 Saving photo 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'given_name'
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So after more than a week, finally my contact synchronization app got through the QA (i feared it wouldnt make it).
In short, it is a command line python app that let you download (for the moment the synchronization is only one way) your contacts from multiple gmail accounts, and even filter for contact groups.
so, if you have say two accounts, john.doe@gmail.com and john.doe.work@gmail.com, you can finally get on your phone the contacts from both, overcoming the limitation of only one MfE account for contacts.
You can also filter by groups using a syntax like +grouptoinclude1+...+grouptoincludeN-grouptoexclude1-...-grouptoexcludeN. Check the details on the description page.
about MfE: i havent investigated possible interactions at all, so to be sure, if you use syncgcontacts, you should disable MfE contact syncing. If you dont, it's at your own risk.
finally: i used this app for quite a while now, and it works great for me, but i take no responsibility if it does some mess for you.
In theory, if you have MfE disable, even in the worst case it wont mess up your contacts on the gmail server side, so you can always revert (delete everything, and resync with syncgcontacts or remove syncgcontacts and put back MfE)
For synchronizing the other way i've been thinking already of a couple of ways to do it, but im not sure when i will have the time for that.
For the moment you have to add contacts on gmail in some other way (e.g., manually through the web interface)
Ovi store