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Posts: 21 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Jul 2010 @ London
Hi all,

As always a fairly stupid question from me...

I've installed the mini dlna server app, kick it off running - all fine.
In File manager I can see that a shared media folder has been created on the fly.

But, how on earth do I add content to that folder?
Or is there a permission I need to set on Directories residing under the N900 > Files structure that needs to be applied via chmod?


As always stupid...... long tap brings up the sub-menu to add folders.

Last edited by JB101; 2011-11-14 at 15:28.

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added folder. how to start it? clicking on "start dlna" button dosen't start it. please help
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First off, you are I assume using the gui to minidlna, called DLNA Server.

Anyhow, lets look at minidlna. Go to terminal and try

and see if it spits out any error.

You should perhaps run this under "sudo" as minidlna appears to run as root rather than user.

And I would reboot after the installation if you have not done so already. Mine works just fine (both server and gui) so there is not a clear problem with either programs.

There is another server (and player combo) called dlnasender. Perhaps try it too.

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Nokia-N900:~# /usr/sbin/minidlna
Interface wlan0 not found, ignoring.
[2013/04/15 01:23:19] minidlna.c:719: No IP address automatically detected!
/usr/sbin/minidlna [-d] [-f config_file]
[-a listening_ip] [-p port]
[-s serial] [-m model_number]
[-t notify_interval] [-P pid_filename]
[-w url] [-R] [-V] [-h]

Notify interval is in seconds. Default is 895 seconds.
Default pid file is /var/run/
With -d minidlna will run in debug mode (not daemonize).
-w sets the presentation url. Default is http address on port 80
-h displays this text
-R forces a full rescan
-V print the version number
seems it only works with wlan not with gsm connection.
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how the heck you want your tv to connect to your 3g phone data connection ?

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...and you really want to be snug behind a competent firewall when you listen to /watch your favourites...

UPnP/DLNA is insecure. Google that along with "insecure" and you will see.

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Originally Posted by Alecsandru View Post

how the heck you want your tv to connect to your 3g phone data connection ?
even 2g. i am not using 3g
okay this is out of my mind.
problem solved uninstalled.
anyway thanks

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